13 research outputs found

    Partial Sum Minimization of Singular Values in Robust PCA: Algorithm and Applications

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    Robust Principal Component Analysis (RPCA) via rank minimization is a powerful tool for recovering underlying low-rank structure of clean data corrupted with sparse noise/outliers. In many low-level vision problems, not only it is known that the underlying structure of clean data is low-rank, but the exact rank of clean data is also known. Yet, when applying conventional rank minimization for those problems, the objective function is formulated in a way that does not fully utilize a priori target rank information about the problems. This observation motivates us to investigate whether there is a better alternative solution when using rank minimization. In this paper, instead of minimizing the nuclear norm, we propose to minimize the partial sum of singular values, which implicitly encourages the target rank constraint. Our experimental analyses show that, when the number of samples is deficient, our approach leads to a higher success rate than conventional rank minimization, while the solutions obtained by the two approaches are almost identical when the number of samples is more than sufficient. We apply our approach to various low-level vision problems, e.g. high dynamic range imaging, motion edge detection, photometric stereo, image alignment and recovery, and show that our results outperform those obtained by the conventional nuclear norm rank minimization method.Comment: Accepted in Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI). To appea

    Low-Rank Matrix Approximations with Flip-Flop Spectrum-Revealing QR Factorization

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    We present Flip-Flop Spectrum-Revealing QR (Flip-Flop SRQR) factorization, a significantly faster and more reliable variant of the QLP factorization of Stewart, for low-rank matrix approximations. Flip-Flop SRQR uses SRQR factorization to initialize a partial column pivoted QR factorization and then compute a partial LQ factorization. As observed by Stewart in his original QLP work, Flip-Flop SRQR tracks the exact singular values with "considerable fidelity". We develop singular value lower bounds and residual error upper bounds for Flip-Flop SRQR factorization. In situations where singular values of the input matrix decay relatively quickly, the low-rank approximation computed by SRQR is guaranteed to be as accurate as truncated SVD. We also perform a complexity analysis to show that for the same accuracy, Flip-Flop SRQR is faster than randomized subspace iteration for approximating the SVD, the standard method used in Matlab tensor toolbox. We also compare Flip-Flop SRQR with alternatives on two applications, tensor approximation and nuclear norm minimization, to demonstrate its efficiency and effectiveness

    Fast randomized Singular Value Thresholding for Nuclear Norm Minimization

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    Rank minimization problem can be boiled down to either Nuclear Norm Minimization (NNM) or Weighted NNM (WNNM) problem. The problems related to NNM (or WNNM) can be solved iteratively by applying a closed-form proximal operator, called Singular Value Thresholding (SVT) (or Weighted SVT), but they suffer from high computational cost to compute a Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) at each iteration. In this paper, we propose an accurate and fast approximation method for SVT, called fast randomized SVT (FRSVT), where we avoid direct computation of SVD. The key idea is to extract an approximate basis for the range of a matrix from its compressed matrix. Given the basis, we compute the partial singular values of the original matrix from a small factored matrix. While the basis approximation is the bottleneck, our method is already severalfold faster than thin SVD. By adopting a range propagation technique, we can further avoid one of the bottleneck at each iteration. Our theoretical analysis provides a stepping stone between the approximation bound of SVD and its effect to NNM via SVT. Along with the analysis, our empirical results on both quantitative and qualitative studies show our approximation rarely harms the convergence behavior of the host algorithms. We apply it and validate the efficiency of our method on various vision problems, e.g. subspace clustering, weather artifact removal, simultaneous multi-image alignment and rectification.1