17 research outputs found

    Desaf铆os del aprendizaje profundo en la visi贸n por computador

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    La visi贸n por computador es un 谩rea de estudio en la inteligencia artificial que se enfoca en el desarrollo de t茅cnicas computacionales para percibir el mundo a trav茅s de entradas visuales, como videos o im谩genes. El aprendizaje profundo ha demostrado ser una t茅cnica eficiente para el an谩lisis e interpretaci贸n de datos visuales. Sin embargo, afronta innumerables desaf铆os seg煤n su aplicaci贸n en las diferentes tareas de la visi贸n por computador. Este panel re煤ne un grupo de expertos en aprendizaje profundo, quienes ofrecer谩n informaci贸n sobre su aplicaci贸n y los desaf铆os en sus respectivas 谩reas de investigaci贸n con relaci贸n a la visi贸n por computador

    Recognizing Vector Graphics without Rasterization

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    In this paper, we consider a different data format for images: vector graphics. In contrast to raster graphics which are widely used in image recognition, vector graphics can be scaled up or down into any resolution without aliasing or information loss, due to the analytic representation of the primitives in the document. Furthermore, vector graphics are able to give extra structural information on how low-level elements group together to form high level shapes or structures. These merits of graphic vectors have not been fully leveraged in existing methods. To explore this data format, we target on the fundamental recognition tasks: object localization and classification. We propose an efficient CNN-free pipeline that does not render the graphic into pixels (i.e. rasterization), and takes textual document of the vector graphics as input, called YOLaT (You Only Look at Text). YOLaT builds multi-graphs to model the structural and spatial information in vector graphics, and a dual-stream graph neural network is proposed to detect objects from the graph. Our experiments show that by directly operating on vector graphics, YOLaT outperforms raster-graphic based object detection baselines in terms of both average precision and efficiency. Code is available at https://github.com/microsoft/YOLaT-VectorGraphicsRecognition