2 research outputs found

    Fast greedy algorithms for dictionary selection with generalized sparsity constraints

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    In dictionary selection, several atoms are selected from finite candidates that successfully approximate given data points in the sparse representation. We propose a novel efficient greedy algorithm for dictionary selection. Not only does our algorithm work much faster than the known methods, but it can also handle more complex sparsity constraints, such as average sparsity. Using numerical experiments, we show that our algorithm outperforms the known methods for dictionary selection, achieving competitive performances with dictionary learning algorithms in a smaller running time

    On Maximization of Weakly Modular Functions: Guarantees of Multi-stage Algorithms, Tractability, and Hardness

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    Maximization of {\it non-submodular} functions appears in various scenarios, and many previous works studied it based on some measures that quantify the closeness to being submodular. On the other hand, many practical non-submodular functions are actually close to being {\it modular}, which has been utilized in few studies. In this paper, we study cardinality-constrained maximization of {\it weakly modular} functions, whose closeness to being modular is measured by {\it submodularity} and {\it supermodularity ratios}, and reveal what we can and cannot do by using the weak modularity. We first show that guarantees of multi-stage algorithms can be proved with the weak modularity, which generalize and improve some existing results, and experiments confirm their effectiveness. We then show that weakly modular maximization is {\it fixed-parameter tractable} under certain conditions; as a byproduct, we provide a new time--accuracy trade-off for β„“0\ell_0-constrained minimization. We finally prove that, even if objective functions are weakly modular, no polynomial-time algorithms can improve the existing approximation guarantees achieved by the greedy algorithm