44 research outputs found

    Individualized Rank Aggregation using Nuclear Norm Regularization

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    In recent years rank aggregation has received significant attention from the machine learning community. The goal of such a problem is to combine the (partially revealed) preferences over objects of a large population into a single, relatively consistent ordering of those objects. However, in many cases, we might not want a single ranking and instead opt for individual rankings. We study a version of the problem known as collaborative ranking. In this problem we assume that individual users provide us with pairwise preferences (for example purchasing one item over another). From those preferences we wish to obtain rankings on items that the users have not had an opportunity to explore. The results here have a very interesting connection to the standard matrix completion problem. We provide a theoretical justification for a nuclear norm regularized optimization procedure, and provide high-dimensional scaling results that show how the error in estimating user preferences behaves as the number of observations increase

    Learning Model-Based Sparsity via Projected Gradient Descent

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    Several convex formulation methods have been proposed previously for statistical estimation with structured sparsity as the prior. These methods often require a carefully tuned regularization parameter, often a cumbersome or heuristic exercise. Furthermore, the estimate that these methods produce might not belong to the desired sparsity model, albeit accurately approximating the true parameter. Therefore, greedy-type algorithms could often be more desirable in estimating structured-sparse parameters. So far, these greedy methods have mostly focused on linear statistical models. In this paper we study the projected gradient descent with non-convex structured-sparse parameter model as the constraint set. Should the cost function have a Stable Model-Restricted Hessian the algorithm produces an approximation for the desired minimizer. As an example we elaborate on application of the main results to estimation in Generalized Linear Model

    Gradient Hard Thresholding Pursuit for Sparsity-Constrained Optimization

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    Hard Thresholding Pursuit (HTP) is an iterative greedy selection procedure for finding sparse solutions of underdetermined linear systems. This method has been shown to have strong theoretical guarantee and impressive numerical performance. In this paper, we generalize HTP from compressive sensing to a generic problem setup of sparsity-constrained convex optimization. The proposed algorithm iterates between a standard gradient descent step and a hard thresholding step with or without debiasing. We prove that our method enjoys the strong guarantees analogous to HTP in terms of rate of convergence and parameter estimation accuracy. Numerical evidences show that our method is superior to the state-of-the-art greedy selection methods in sparse logistic regression and sparse precision matrix estimation tasks