2 research outputs found

    Fast and effective characterization of 3D Region of Interest in medical image data

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    We propose a framework for detecting, characterizing and classifying spatial Regions of Interest (ROIs) in medical images, such as tumors and lesions in MRI or activation regions in fMRI. A necessary step prior to classification is efficient extraction of discriminative features. For this purpose, we apply a characterization technique especially designed for spatial ROIs. The main idea of this technique is to extract a k-dimensional feature vector using concentric spheres in 3D (or circles in 2D) radiating out of the ROIs center of mass. These vectors form characterization signatures that can be used to represent the initial ROIs. We focus on classifying fMRI ROIs obtained from a study that explores neuroanatomical correlates of semantic processing in Alzheimers disease (AD). We detect a ROI highly associated with AD and apply the feature extraction technique with different experimental settings. We seek to distinguish control from patient samples. We study how classification can be performed using the extracted signatures as well as how different experimental parameters affect classification accuracy. The obtained classification accuracy ranged from 82% to 87% (based on the selected ROI) suggesting that the proposed classification framework can be potentially useful in supporting medical decision-making

    Fast and effective characterization of 3D region of interest in medical image data

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