29 research outputs found

    Training Triplet Networks with GAN

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    Triplet networks are widely used models that are characterized by good performance in classification and retrieval tasks. In this work we propose to train a triplet network by putting it as the discriminator in Generative Adversarial Nets (GANs). We make use of the good capability of representation learning of the discriminator to increase the predictive quality of the model. We evaluated our approach on Cifar10 and MNIST datasets and observed significant improvement on the classification performance using the simple k-nn method

    Improved Search in Hamming Space using Deep Multi-Index Hashing

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    Similarity-preserving hashing is a widely-used method for nearest neighbour search in large-scale image retrieval tasks. There has been considerable research on generating efficient image representation via the deep-network-based hashing methods. However, the issue of efficient searching in the deep representation space remains largely unsolved. To this end, we propose a simple yet efficient deep-network-based multi-index hashing method for simultaneously learning the powerful image representation and the efficient searching. To achieve these two goals, we introduce the multi-index hashing (MIH) mechanism into the proposed deep architecture, which divides the binary codes into multiple substrings. Due to the non-uniformly distributed codes will result in inefficiency searching, we add the two balanced constraints at feature-level and instance-level, respectively. Extensive evaluations on several benchmark image retrieval datasets show that the learned balanced binary codes bring dramatic speedups and achieve comparable performance over the existing baselines

    Transductive Zero-Shot Hashing via Coarse-to-Fine Similarity Mining

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    Zero-shot Hashing (ZSH) is to learn hashing models for novel/target classes without training data, which is an important and challenging problem. Most existing ZSH approaches exploit transfer learning via an intermediate shared semantic representations between the seen/source classes and novel/target classes. However, due to having disjoint, the hash functions learned from the source dataset are biased when applied directly to the target classes. In this paper, we study the transductive ZSH, i.e., we have unlabeled data for novel classes. We put forward a simple yet efficient joint learning approach via coarse-to-fine similarity mining which transfers knowledges from source data to target data. It mainly consists of two building blocks in the proposed deep architecture: 1) a shared two-streams network, which the first stream operates on the source data and the second stream operates on the unlabeled data, to learn the effective common image representations, and 2) a coarse-to-fine module, which begins with finding the most representative images from target classes and then further detect similarities among these images, to transfer the similarities of the source data to the target data in a greedy fashion. Extensive evaluation results on several benchmark datasets demonstrate that the proposed hashing method achieves significant improvement over the state-of-the-art methods

    Deep Policy Hashing Network with Listwise Supervision

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    Deep-networks-based hashing has become a leading approach for large-scale image retrieval, which learns a similarity-preserving network to map similar images to nearby hash codes. The pairwise and triplet losses are two widely used similarity preserving manners for deep hashing. These manners ignore the fact that hashing is a prediction task on the list of binary codes. However, learning deep hashing with listwise supervision is challenging in 1) how to obtain the rank list of whole training set when the batch size of the deep network is always small and 2) how to utilize the listwise supervision. In this paper, we present a novel deep policy hashing architecture with two systems are learned in parallel: a query network and a shared and slowly changing database network. The following three steps are repeated until convergence: 1) the database network encodes all training samples into binary codes to obtain a whole rank list, 2) the query network is trained based on policy learning to maximize a reward that indicates the performance of the whole ranking list of binary codes, e.g., mean average precision (MAP), and 3) the database network is updated as the query network. Extensive evaluations on several benchmark datasets show that the proposed method brings substantial improvements over state-of-the-art hashing methods.Comment: 8 pages, accepted by ACM ICM

    Sampling Matters in Deep Embedding Learning

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    Deep embeddings answer one simple question: How similar are two images? Learning these embeddings is the bedrock of verification, zero-shot learning, and visual search. The most prominent approaches optimize a deep convolutional network with a suitable loss function, such as contrastive loss or triplet loss. While a rich line of work focuses solely on the loss functions, we show in this paper that selecting training examples plays an equally important role. We propose distance weighted sampling, which selects more informative and stable examples than traditional approaches. In addition, we show that a simple margin based loss is sufficient to outperform all other loss functions. We evaluate our approach on the Stanford Online Products, CAR196, and the CUB200-2011 datasets for image retrieval and clustering, and on the LFW dataset for face verification. Our method achieves state-of-the-art performance on all of them.Comment: Add supplementary material. Paper published in ICCV 201

    Visual Tracking via Shallow and Deep Collaborative Model

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    In this paper, we propose a robust tracking method based on the collaboration of a generative model and a discriminative classifier, where features are learned by shallow and deep architectures, respectively. For the generative model, we introduce a block-based incremental learning scheme, in which a local binary mask is constructed to deal with occlusion. The similarity degrees between the local patches and their corresponding subspace are integrated to formulate a more accurate global appearance model. In the discriminative model, we exploit the advances of deep learning architectures to learn generic features which are robust to both background clutters and foreground appearance variations. To this end, we first construct a discriminative training set from auxiliary video sequences. A deep classification neural network is then trained offline on this training set. Through online fine-tuning, both the hierarchical feature extractor and the classifier can be adapted to the appearance change of the target for effective online tracking. The collaboration of these two models achieves a good balance in handling occlusion and target appearance change, which are two contradictory challenging factors in visual tracking. Both quantitative and qualitative evaluations against several state-of-the-art algorithms on challenging image sequences demonstrate the accuracy and the robustness of the proposed tracker.Comment: Undergraduate Thesis, appearing in Pattern Recognitio

    Triplet-Based Deep Hashing Network for Cross-Modal Retrieval

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    Given the benefits of its low storage requirements and high retrieval efficiency, hashing has recently received increasing attention. In particular,cross-modal hashing has been widely and successfully used in multimedia similarity search applications. However, almost all existing methods employing cross-modal hashing cannot obtain powerful hash codes due to their ignoring the relative similarity between heterogeneous data that contains richer semantic information, leading to unsatisfactory retrieval performance. In this paper, we propose a triplet-based deep hashing (TDH) network for cross-modal retrieval. First, we utilize the triplet labels, which describes the relative relationships among three instances as supervision in order to capture more general semantic correlations between cross-modal instances. We then establish a loss function from the inter-modal view and the intra-modal view to boost the discriminative abilities of the hash codes. Finally, graph regularization is introduced into our proposed TDH method to preserve the original semantic similarity between hash codes in Hamming space. Experimental results show that our proposed method outperforms several state-of-the-art approaches on two popular cross-modal datasets

    Directional Statistics-based Deep Metric Learning for Image Classification and Retrieval

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    Deep distance metric learning (DDML), which is proposed to learn image similarity metrics in an end-to-end manner based on the convolution neural network, has achieved encouraging results in many computer vision tasks.L2L2-normalization in the embedding space has been used to improve the performance of several DDML methods. However, the commonly used Euclidean distance is no longer an accurate metric for L2L2-normalized embedding space, i.e., a hyper-sphere. Another challenge of current DDML methods is that their loss functions are usually based on rigid data formats, such as the triplet tuple. Thus, an extra process is needed to prepare data in specific formats. In addition, their losses are obtained from a limited number of samples, which leads to a lack of the global view of the embedding space. In this paper, we replace the Euclidean distance with the cosine similarity to better utilize the L2L2-normalization, which is able to attenuate the curse of dimensionality. More specifically, a novel loss function based on the von Mises-Fisher distribution is proposed to learn a compact hyper-spherical embedding space. Moreover, a new efficient learning algorithm is developed to better capture the global structure of the embedding space. Experiments for both classification and retrieval tasks on several standard datasets show that our method achieves state-of-the-art performance with a simpler training procedure. Furthermore, we demonstrate that, even with a small number of convolutional layers, our model can still obtain significantly better classification performance than the widely used softmax loss.Comment: codes will come soo

    Triplet Permutation Method for Deep Learning of Single-Shot Person Re-Identification

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    Solving Single-Shot Person Re-Identification (Re-Id) by training Deep Convolutional Neural Networks is a daunting challenge, due to the lack of training data, since only two images per person are available. This causes the overfitting of the models, leading to degenerated performance. This paper formulates the Triplet Permutation method to generate multiple training sets, from a certain re-id dataset. This is a novel strategy for feeding triplet networks, which reduces the overfitting of the Single-Shot Re-Id model. The improved performance has been demonstrated over one of the most challenging Re-Id datasets, PRID2011, proving the effectiveness of the method

    Deep Discrete Supervised Hashing

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    Hashing has been widely used for large-scale search due to its low storage cost and fast query speed. By using supervised information, supervised hashing can significantly outperform unsupervised hashing. Recently, discrete supervised hashing and deep hashing are two representative progresses in supervised hashing. On one hand, hashing is essentially a discrete optimization problem. Hence, utilizing supervised information to directly guide discrete (binary) coding procedure can avoid sub-optimal solution and improve the accuracy. On the other hand, deep hashing, which integrates deep feature learning and hash-code learning into an end-to-end architecture, can enhance the feedback between feature learning and hash-code learning. The key in discrete supervised hashing is to adopt supervised information to directly guide the discrete coding procedure in hashing. The key in deep hashing is to adopt the supervised information to directly guide the deep feature learning procedure. However, there have not existed works which can use the supervised information to directly guide both discrete coding procedure and deep feature learning procedure in the same framework. In this paper, we propose a novel deep hashing method, called deep discrete supervised hashing (DDSH), to address this problem. DDSH is the first deep hashing method which can utilize supervised information to directly guide both discrete coding procedure and deep feature learning procedure, and thus enhance the feedback between these two important procedures. Experiments on three real datasets show that DDSH can outperform other state-of-the-art baselines, including both discrete hashing and deep hashing baselines, for image retrieval