7 research outputs found

    Fast Task-Aware Architecture Inference

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    Neural architecture search has been shown to hold great promise towards the automation of deep learning. However in spite of its potential, neural architecture search remains quite costly. To this point, we propose a novel gradient-based framework for efficient architecture search by sharing information across several tasks. We start by training many model architectures on several related (training) tasks. When a new unseen task is presented, the framework performs architecture inference in order to quickly identify a good candidate architecture, before any model is trained on the new task. At the core of our framework lies a deep value network that can predict the performance of input architectures on a task by utilizing task meta-features and the previous model training experiments performed on related tasks. We adopt a continuous parametrization of the model architecture which allows for efficient gradient-based optimization. Given a new task, an effective architecture is quickly identified by maximizing the estimated performance with respect to the model architecture parameters with simple gradient ascent. It is key to point out that our goal is to achieve reasonable performance at the lowest cost. We provide experimental results showing the effectiveness of the framework despite its high computational efficiency

    HyperSTAR: Task-Aware Hyperparameters for Deep Networks

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    While deep neural networks excel in solving visual recognition tasks, they require significant effort to find hyperparameters that make them work optimally. Hyperparameter Optimization (HPO) approaches have automated the process of finding good hyperparameters but they do not adapt to a given task (task-agnostic), making them computationally inefficient. To reduce HPO time, we present HyperSTAR (System for Task Aware Hyperparameter Recommendation), a task-aware method to warm-start HPO for deep neural networks. HyperSTAR ranks and recommends hyperparameters by predicting their performance conditioned on a joint dataset-hyperparameter space. It learns a dataset (task) representation along with the performance predictor directly from raw images in an end-to-end fashion. The recommendations, when integrated with an existing HPO method, make it task-aware and significantly reduce the time to achieve optimal performance. We conduct extensive experiments on 10 publicly available large-scale image classification datasets over two different network architectures, validating that HyperSTAR evaluates 50% less configurations to achieve the best performance compared to existing methods. We further demonstrate that HyperSTAR makes Hyperband (HB) task-aware, achieving the optimal accuracy in just 25% of the budget required by both vanilla HB and Bayesian Optimized HB~(BOHB).Comment: Published at CVPR 2020 (Oral

    AutoML using Metadata Language Embeddings

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    As a human choosing a supervised learning algorithm, it is natural to begin by reading a text description of the dataset and documentation for the algorithms you might use. We demonstrate that the same idea improves the performance of automated machine learning methods. We use language embeddings from modern NLP to improve state-of-the-art AutoML systems by augmenting their recommendations with vector embeddings of datasets and of algorithms. We use these embeddings in a neural architecture to learn the distance between best-performing pipelines. The resulting (meta-)AutoML framework improves on the performance of existing AutoML frameworks. Our zero-shot AutoML system using dataset metadata embeddings provides good solutions instantaneously, running in under one second of computation. Performance is competitive with AutoML systems OBOE, AutoSklearn, AlphaD3M, and TPOT when each framework is allocated a minute of computation. We make our data, models, and code publicly available

    Ranking architectures using meta-learning

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    Neural architecture search has recently attracted lots of research efforts as it promises to automate the manual design of neural networks. However, it requires a large amount of computing resources and in order to alleviate this, a performance prediction network has been recently proposed that enables efficient architecture search by forecasting the performance of candidate architectures, instead of relying on actual model training. The performance predictor is task-aware taking as input not only the candidate architecture but also task meta-features and it has been designed to collectively learn from several tasks. In this work, we introduce a pairwise ranking loss for training a network able to rank candidate architectures for a new unseen task conditioning on its task meta-features. We present experimental results, showing that the ranking network is more effective in architecture search than the previously proposed performance predictor.Comment: NeurIPS 2019 Meta-Learning worksho

    Privileged Zero-Shot AutoML

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    This work improves the quality of automated machine learning (AutoML) systems by using dataset and function descriptions while significantly decreasing computation time from minutes to milliseconds by using a zero-shot approach. Given a new dataset and a well-defined machine learning task, humans begin by reading a description of the dataset and documentation for the algorithms to be used. This work is the first to use these textual descriptions, which we call privileged information, for AutoML. We use a pre-trained Transformer model to process the privileged text and demonstrate that using this information improves AutoML performance. Thus, our approach leverages the progress of unsupervised representation learning in natural language processing to provide a significant boost to AutoML. We demonstrate that using only textual descriptions of the data and functions achieves reasonable classification performance, and adding textual descriptions to data meta-features improves classification across tabular datasets. To achieve zero-shot AutoML we train a graph neural network with these description embeddings and the data meta-features. Each node represents a training dataset, which we use to predict the best machine learning pipeline for a new test dataset in a zero-shot fashion. Our zero-shot approach rapidly predicts a high-quality pipeline for a supervised learning task and dataset. In contrast, most AutoML systems require tens or hundreds of pipeline evaluations. We show that zero-shot AutoML reduces running and prediction times from minutes to milliseconds, consistently across datasets. By speeding up AutoML by orders of magnitude this work demonstrates real-time AutoML.Comment: 16 pages, 4 figure

    Neural Architecture Transfer

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    Neural architecture search (NAS) has emerged as a promising avenue for automatically designing task-specific neural networks. Existing NAS approaches require one complete search for each deployment specification of hardware or objective. This is a computationally impractical endeavor given the potentially large number of application scenarios. In this paper, we propose Neural Architecture Transfer (NAT) to overcome this limitation. NAT is designed to efficiently generate task-specific custom models that are competitive under multiple conflicting objectives. To realize this goal we learn task-specific supernets from which specialized subnets can be sampled without any additional training. The key to our approach is an integrated online transfer learning and many-objective evolutionary search procedure. A pre-trained supernet is iteratively adapted while simultaneously searching for task-specific subnets. We demonstrate the efficacy of NAT on 11 benchmark image classification tasks ranging from large-scale multi-class to small-scale fine-grained datasets. In all cases, including ImageNet, NATNets improve upon the state-of-the-art under mobile settings (\leq 600M Multiply-Adds). Surprisingly, small-scale fine-grained datasets benefit the most from NAT. At the same time, the architecture search and transfer is orders of magnitude more efficient than existing NAS methods. Overall, the experimental evaluation indicates that, across diverse image classification tasks and computational objectives, NAT is an appreciably more effective alternative to conventional transfer learning of fine-tuning weights of an existing network architecture learned on standard datasets. Code is available at https://github.com/human-analysis/neural-architecture-transferComment: Code is available at https://github.com/human-analysis/neural-architecture-transfe

    Weight-Sharing Neural Architecture Search: A Battle to Shrink the Optimization Gap

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    Neural architecture search (NAS) has attracted increasing attentions in both academia and industry. In the early age, researchers mostly applied individual search methods which sample and evaluate the candidate architectures separately and thus incur heavy computational overheads. To alleviate the burden, weight-sharing methods were proposed in which exponentially many architectures share weights in the same super-network, and the costly training procedure is performed only once. These methods, though being much faster, often suffer the issue of instability. This paper provides a literature review on NAS, in particular the weight-sharing methods, and points out that the major challenge comes from the optimization gap between the super-network and the sub-architectures. From this perspective, we summarize existing approaches into several categories according to their efforts in bridging the gap, and analyze both advantages and disadvantages of these methodologies. Finally, we share our opinions on the future directions of NAS and AutoML. Due to the expertise of the authors, this paper mainly focuses on the application of NAS to computer vision problems and may bias towards the work in our group.Comment: 24 pages, 3 figures, 2 tables, meta data update