37 research outputs found

    A Deep Hashing Learning Network

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    Hashing-based methods seek compact and efficient binary codes that preserve the neighborhood structure in the original data space. For most existing hashing methods, an image is first encoded as a vector of hand-crafted visual feature, followed by a hash projection and quantization step to get the compact binary vector. Most of the hand-crafted features just encode the low-level information of the input, the feature may not preserve the semantic similarities of images pairs. Meanwhile, the hashing function learning process is independent with the feature representation, so the feature may not be optimal for the hashing projection. In this paper, we propose a supervised hashing method based on a well designed deep convolutional neural network, which tries to learn hashing code and compact representations of data simultaneously. The proposed model learn the binary codes by adding a compact sigmoid layer before the loss layer. Experiments on several image data sets show that the proposed model outperforms other state-of-the-art methods.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    First-Take-All: Temporal Order-Preserving Hashing for 3D Action Videos

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    With the prevalence of the commodity depth cameras, the new paradigm of user interfaces based on 3D motion capturing and recognition have dramatically changed the way of interactions between human and computers. Human action recognition, as one of the key components in these devices, plays an important role to guarantee the quality of user experience. Although the model-driven methods have achieved huge success, they cannot provide a scalable solution for efficiently storing, retrieving and recognizing actions in the large-scale applications. These models are also vulnerable to the temporal translation and warping, as well as the variations in motion scales and execution rates. To address these challenges, we propose to treat the 3D human action recognition as a video-level hashing problem and propose a novel First-Take-All (FTA) Hashing algorithm capable of hashing the entire video into hash codes of fixed length. We demonstrate that this FTA algorithm produces a compact representation of the video invariant to the above mentioned variations, through which action recognition can be solved by an efficient nearest neighbor search by the Hamming distance between the FTA hash codes. Experiments on the public 3D human action datasets shows that the FTA algorithm can reach a recognition accuracy higher than 80%, with about 15 bits per frame considering there are 65 frames per video over the datasets.Comment: 9 pages, 11 figure

    Set-to-Set Hashing with Applications in Visual Recognition

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    Visual data, such as an image or a sequence of video frames, is often naturally represented as a point set. In this paper, we consider the fundamental problem of finding a nearest set from a collection of sets, to a query set. This problem has obvious applications in large-scale visual retrieval and recognition, and also in applied fields beyond computer vision. One challenge stands out in solving the problem---set representation and measure of similarity. Particularly, the query set and the sets in dataset collection can have varying cardinalities. The training collection is large enough such that linear scan is impractical. We propose a simple representation scheme that encodes both statistical and structural information of the sets. The derived representations are integrated in a kernel framework for flexible similarity measurement. For the query set process, we adopt a learning-to-hash pipeline that turns the kernel representations into hash bits based on simple learners, using multiple kernel learning. Experiments on two visual retrieval datasets show unambiguously that our set-to-set hashing framework outperforms prior methods that do not take the set-to-set search setting.Comment: 9 page

    Discrete Hashing with Deep Neural Network

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    This paper addresses the problem of learning binary hash codes for large scale image search by proposing a novel hashing method based on deep neural network. The advantage of our deep model over previous deep model used in hashing is that our model contains necessary criteria for producing good codes such as similarity preserving, balance and independence. Another advantage of our method is that instead of relaxing the binary constraint of codes during the learning process as most previous works, in this paper, by introducing the auxiliary variable, we reformulate the optimization into two sub-optimization steps allowing us to efficiently solve binary constraints without any relaxation. The proposed method is also extended to the supervised hashing by leveraging the label information such that the learned binary codes preserve the pairwise label of inputs. The experimental results on three benchmark datasets show the proposed methods outperform state-of-the-art hashing methods

    Semantic Hierarchy Preserving Deep Hashing for Large-scale Image Retrieval

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    Convolutional neural networks have been widely used in content-based image retrieval. To better deal with large-scale data, the deep hashing model is proposed as an effective method, which maps an image to a binary code that can be used for hashing search. However, most existing deep hashing models only utilize fine-level semantic labels or convert them to similar/dissimilar labels for training. The natural semantic hierarchy structures are ignored in the training stage of the deep hashing model. In this paper, we present an effective algorithm to train a deep hashing model that can preserve a semantic hierarchy structure for large-scale image retrieval. Experiments on two datasets show that our method improves the fine-level retrieval performance. Meanwhile, our model achieves state-of-the-art results in terms of hierarchical retrieval

    Deep Class-Wise Hashing: Semantics-Preserving Hashing via Class-wise Loss

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    Deep supervised hashing has emerged as an influential solution to large-scale semantic image retrieval problems in computer vision. In the light of recent progress, convolutional neural network based hashing methods typically seek pair-wise or triplet labels to conduct the similarity preserving learning. However, complex semantic concepts of visual contents are hard to capture by similar/dissimilar labels, which limits the retrieval performance. Generally, pair-wise or triplet losses not only suffer from expensive training costs but also lack in extracting sufficient semantic information. In this regard, we propose a novel deep supervised hashing model to learn more compact class-level similarity preserving binary codes. Our deep learning based model is motivated by deep metric learning that directly takes semantic labels as supervised information in training and generates corresponding discriminant hashing code. Specifically, a novel cubic constraint loss function based on Gaussian distribution is proposed, which preserves semantic variations while penalizes the overlap part of different classes in the embedding space. To address the discrete optimization problem introduced by binary codes, a two-step optimization strategy is proposed to provide efficient training and avoid the problem of gradient vanishing. Extensive experiments on four large-scale benchmark databases show that our model can achieve the state-of-the-art retrieval performance. Moreover, when training samples are limited, our method surpasses other supervised deep hashing methods with non-negligible margins

    SSDH: Semi-supervised Deep Hashing for Large Scale Image Retrieval

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    Hashing methods have been widely used for efficient similarity retrieval on large scale image database. Traditional hashing methods learn hash functions to generate binary codes from hand-crafted features, which achieve limited accuracy since the hand-crafted features cannot optimally represent the image content and preserve the semantic similarity. Recently, several deep hashing methods have shown better performance because the deep architectures generate more discriminative feature representations. However, these deep hashing methods are mainly designed for supervised scenarios, which only exploit the semantic similarity information, but ignore the underlying data structures. In this paper, we propose the semi-supervised deep hashing (SSDH) approach, to perform more effective hash function learning by simultaneously preserving semantic similarity and underlying data structures. The main contributions are as follows: (1) We propose a semi-supervised loss to jointly minimize the empirical error on labeled data, as well as the embedding error on both labeled and unlabeled data, which can preserve the semantic similarity and capture the meaningful neighbors on the underlying data structures for effective hashing. (2) A semi-supervised deep hashing network is designed to extensively exploit both labeled and unlabeled data, in which we propose an online graph construction method to benefit from the evolving deep features during training to better capture semantic neighbors. To the best of our knowledge, the proposed deep network is the first deep hashing method that can perform hash code learning and feature learning simultaneously in a semi-supervised fashion. Experimental results on 5 widely-used datasets show that our proposed approach outperforms the state-of-the-art hashing methods.Comment: 14 pages, accepted by IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technolog

    Tattoo Image Search at Scale: Joint Detection and Compact Representation Learning

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    The explosive growth of digital images in video surveillance and social media has led to the significant need for efficient search of persons of interest in law enforcement and forensic applications. Despite tremendous progress in primary biometric traits (e.g., face and fingerprint) based person identification, a single biometric trait alone cannot meet the desired recognition accuracy in forensic scenarios. Tattoos, as one of the important soft biometric traits, have been found to be valuable for assisting in person identification. However, tattoo search in a large collection of unconstrained images remains a difficult problem, and existing tattoo search methods mainly focus on matching cropped tattoos, which is different from real application scenarios. To close the gap, we propose an efficient tattoo search approach that is able to learn tattoo detection and compact representation jointly in a single convolutional neural network (CNN) via multi-task learning. While the features in the backbone network are shared by both tattoo detection and compact representation learning, individual latent layers of each sub-network optimize the shared features toward the detection and feature learning tasks, respectively. We resolve the small batch size issue inside the joint tattoo detection and compact representation learning network via random image stitch and preceding feature buffering. We evaluate the proposed tattoo search system using multiple public-domain tattoo benchmarks, and a gallery set with about 300K distracter tattoo images compiled from these datasets and images from the Internet. In addition, we also introduce a tattoo sketch dataset containing 300 tattoos for sketch-based tattoo search. Experimental results show that the proposed approach has superior performance in tattoo detection and tattoo search at scale compared to several state-of-the-art tattoo retrieval algorithms.Comment: Technical Report (15 pages, 14 figures

    Push for Quantization: Deep Fisher Hashing

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    Current massive datasets demand light-weight access for analysis. Discrete hashing methods are thus beneficial because they map high-dimensional data to compact binary codes that are efficient to store and process, while preserving semantic similarity. To optimize powerful deep learning methods for image hashing, gradient-based methods are required. Binary codes, however, are discrete and thus have no continuous derivatives. Relaxing the problem by solving it in a continuous space and then quantizing the solution is not guaranteed to yield separable binary codes. The quantization needs to be included in the optimization. In this paper we push for quantization: We optimize maximum class separability in the binary space. We introduce a margin on distances between dissimilar image pairs as measured in the binary space. In addition to pair-wise distances, we draw inspiration from Fisher's Linear Discriminant Analysis (Fisher LDA) to maximize the binary distances between classes and at the same time minimize the binary distance of images within the same class. Experiments on CIFAR-10, NUS-WIDE and ImageNet100 demonstrate compact codes comparing favorably to the current state of the art.Comment: BMVC 201

    Object Detection based Deep Unsupervised Hashing

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    Recently, similarity-preserving hashing methods have been extensively studied for large-scale image retrieval. Compared with unsupervised hashing, supervised hashing methods for labeled data have usually better performance by utilizing semantic label information. Intuitively, for unlabeled data, it will improve the performance of unsupervised hashing methods if we can first mine some supervised semantic 'label information' from unlabeled data and then incorporate the 'label information' into the training process. Thus, in this paper, we propose a novel Object Detection based Deep Unsupervised Hashing method (ODDUH). Specifically, a pre-trained object detection model is utilized to mining supervised 'label information', which is used to guide the learning process to generate high-quality hash codes.Extensive experiments on two public datasets demonstrate that the proposed method outperforms the state-of-the-art unsupervised hashing methods in the image retrieval task