54 research outputs found

    A First Nowcasting System for the Complex Orography of the Canary Islands

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    Presentación realizada para: 43rd EWGLAM & 28th SRNWP Meetings celebrado de manera virtual del 27 de septiembre al 1 de octubre de 2021

    On the challenge of precipitation nowcasting in the Canary Islands

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    Presentación realizada en: 4th European Nowcasting Conference, celebrada del 21 al 25 de marzo de 2022

    Improving Multiple Object Tracking with Optical Flow and Edge Preprocessing

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    In this paper, we present a new method for detecting road users in an urban environment which leads to an improvement in multiple object tracking. Our method takes as an input a foreground image and improves the object detection and segmentation. This new image can be used as an input to trackers that use foreground blobs from background subtraction. The first step is to create foreground images for all the frames in an urban video. Then, starting from the original blobs of the foreground image, we merge the blobs that are close to one another and that have similar optical flow. The next step is extracting the edges of the different objects to detect multiple objects that might be very close (and be merged in the same blob) and to adjust the size of the original blobs. At the same time, we use the optical flow to detect occlusion of objects that are moving in opposite directions. Finally, we make a decision on which information we keep in order to construct a new foreground image with blobs that can be used for tracking. The system is validated on four videos of an urban traffic dataset. Our method improves the recall and precision metrics for the object detection task compared to the vanilla background subtraction method and improves the CLEAR MOT metrics in the tracking tasks for most videos

    Video Acceleration Magnification

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    The ability to amplify or reduce subtle image changes over time is useful in contexts such as video editing, medical video analysis, product quality control and sports. In these contexts there is often large motion present which severely distorts current video amplification methods that magnify change linearly. In this work we propose a method to cope with large motions while still magnifying small changes. We make the following two observations: i) large motions are linear on the temporal scale of the small changes; ii) small changes deviate from this linearity. We ignore linear motion and propose to magnify acceleration. Our method is pure Eulerian and does not require any optical flow, temporal alignment or region annotations. We link temporal second-order derivative filtering to spatial acceleration magnification. We apply our method to moving objects where we show motion magnification and color magnification. We provide quantitative as well as qualitative evidence for our method while comparing to the state-of-the-art.Comment: Accepted paper at CVPR 2017. Project webpage: http://acceleration-magnification.github.io

    Context-aware Synthesis for Video Frame Interpolation

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    Video frame interpolation algorithms typically estimate optical flow or its variations and then use it to guide the synthesis of an intermediate frame between two consecutive original frames. To handle challenges like occlusion, bidirectional flow between the two input frames is often estimated and used to warp and blend the input frames. However, how to effectively blend the two warped frames still remains a challenging problem. This paper presents a context-aware synthesis approach that warps not only the input frames but also their pixel-wise contextual information and uses them to interpolate a high-quality intermediate frame. Specifically, we first use a pre-trained neural network to extract per-pixel contextual information for input frames. We then employ a state-of-the-art optical flow algorithm to estimate bidirectional flow between them and pre-warp both input frames and their context maps. Finally, unlike common approaches that blend the pre-warped frames, our method feeds them and their context maps to a video frame synthesis neural network to produce the interpolated frame in a context-aware fashion. Our neural network is fully convolutional and is trained end to end. Our experiments show that our method can handle challenging scenarios such as occlusion and large motion and outperforms representative state-of-the-art approaches.Comment: CVPR 2018, http://graphics.cs.pdx.edu/project/ctxsy