3 research outputs found

    A Versatile Software Systolic Execution Model for GPU Memory-Bound Kernels

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    This paper proposes a versatile high-performance execution model, inspired by systolic arrays, for memory-bound regular kernels running on CUDA-enabled GPUs. We formulate a systolic model that shifts partial sums by CUDA warp primitives for the computation. We also employ register files as a cache resource in order to operate the entire model efficiently. We demonstrate the effectiveness and versatility of the proposed model for a wide variety of stencil kernels that appear commonly in HPC, and also convolution kernels (increasingly important in deep learning workloads). Our algorithm outperforms the top reported state-of-the-art stencil implementations, including implementations with sophisticated temporal and spatial blocking techniques, on the two latest Nvidia architectures: Tesla V100 and P100. For 2D convolution of general filter sizes and shapes, our algorithm is on average 2.5x faster than Nvidia's NPP on V100 and P100 GPUs.Comment: ACM/IEEE Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (SC'19

    Model-Based Warp Overlapped Tiling for Image Processing Programs on GPUs

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    Domain-specific languages that execute image processing pipelineson GPUs, such as Halide and Forma, operate by 1) dividing the image into overlapped tiles, and 2) fusing loops to improve memory locality. However, current approaches have limitations: 1) they require intra thread block synchronization, which has a non-trivial cost, 2) they must choose between small tiles that require more overlapped computations or large tiles that increase shared memory access (and lowers occupancy), and 3) their autoscheduling algorithms use simplified GPU models that can result in inefficient global memory accesses. We present a new approach for executing image processing pipelines on GPUs that addresses these limitations as follows. 1) We fuse loops to form overlapped tiles that fit in a single warp, which allows us to use lightweight warp synchronization. 2) We introduce hybrid tiling, which stores overlapped regions in a combination of thread-local registers and shared memory. Thus hybrid tiling either increases occupancy by decreasing shared memory usage or decreases overlapping computations using larger tiles. 3) We present an automatic loop fusion algorithm that considers several factors that affect the performance of GPU kernels. We implement these techniques in PolyMage-GPU, which is a new GPU backend for PolyMage. Our approach produces code that is faster than Halide's manual schedules: 1.65x faster on an NVIDIA GTX 1080Ti and 1.33 faster on an NVIDIA Tesla V100

    Accelerating Binarized Neural Networks via Bit-Tensor-Cores in Turing GPUs

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    Despite foreseeing tremendous speedups over conventional deep neural networks, the performance advantage of binarized neural networks (BNNs) has merely been showcased on general-purpose processors such as CPUs and GPUs. In fact, due to being unable to leverage bit-level-parallelism with a word-based architecture, GPUs have been criticized for extremely low utilization (1%) when executing BNNs. Consequently, the latest tensorcores in NVIDIA Turing GPUs start to experimentally support bit computation. In this work, we look into this brand new bit computation capability and characterize its unique features. We show that the stride of memory access can significantly affect performance delivery and a data-format co-design is highly desired to support the tensorcores for achieving superior performance than existing software solutions without tensorcores. We realize the tensorcore-accelerated BNN design, particularly the major functions for fully-connect and convolution layers -- bit matrix multiplication and bit convolution. Evaluations on two NVIDIA Turing GPUs show that, with ResNet-18, our BTC-BNN design can process ImageNet at a rate of 5.6K images per second, 77% faster than state-of-the-art. Our BNN approach is released on https://github.com/pnnl/TCBNN.Comment: This work has already been accepted by IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS) Special Section on Parallel and Distributed Computing Techniques for AI/ML/D