4 research outputs found

    End-to-End Industrial Study of Retiming

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    Sequential circuits are combinational circuits that are separated by registers. Retiming is considered as the most promising technique for optimizing sequential circuits, that involves moving the edge-triggered registers across the combinational logic without changing the functionality. Despite significant efforts spent on sequential optimization since 1980's, there are few works discussed its performance in an end to-end design flow. The retiming algorithms were mostly evaluated at the logic level. However, it turns out that the retiming results at logic level could be significantly different than evaluating the physical level.This paper provides the findings of how retiming algorithms perform in an end-to-end industrial design flow, with seven industry designs taken from a recent 14nm microprocessor. Experiments are conducted with several complete industrial design flows. The evaluations are made at the end of the physical design flow. The experimental results show that the performance (design quality) of the retiming algorithms vary on the designs. Based these experimental results, we discover a feature that describes the retiming potentials of sequential designs. This model successfully forecast whether the given industrial designs could be significantly improved by retiming in an end-to-end design flow, regarding timing, area, and power

    An efficient incremental algorithm for min-area retiming

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    As one of the most effective sequential optimization tech-niques, retiming is a structural transformation that relocates flip-flops in a circuit without changing its functionality. The min-area retiming problem seeks a solution with the mini-mum flip-flop area (or number) under a given clock period. Even though having polynomial runtime, the best existing algorithms for this problem still need to first construct a dense path graph and then find a min-cost network flow on it, thus incur huge storage and time expenses for large cir-cuits. Recently, provable incremental algorithms have been discovered for min-period retiming, and heuristic incremen-tal algorithms have been proposed for min-area retiming. However, given the complexity of the problem, min-area re-timing is still resisting an efficient provable incremental algo-rithm. In this paper, we fill the gap by presenting an efficient algorithm to solve the min-area retiming problem incremen-tally and optimally. Contrary to existing approaches, no dense path graph is constructed; only the active timing con-straints are dynamically generated in the algorithm. Exper-imental results show that the total runtime of our algorithm for all the benchmarks is at least 60 Ă— faster than the best existing approach