3,003 research outputs found

    LoopSmart: Smart Visual SLAM Through Surface Loop Closure

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    We present a visual simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) framework of closing surface loops. It combines both sparse feature matching and dense surface alignment. Sparse feature matching is used for visual odometry and globally camera pose fine-tuning when dense loops are detected, while dense surface alignment is the way of closing large loops and solving surface mismatching problem. To achieve smart dense surface loop closure, a highly efficient CUDA-based global point cloud registration method and a map content dependent loop verification method are proposed. We run extensive experiments on different datasets, our method outperforms state-of-the-art ones in terms of both camera trajectory and surface reconstruction accuracy

    Pose Estimation using Local Structure-Specific Shape and Appearance Context

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    We address the problem of estimating the alignment pose between two models using structure-specific local descriptors. Our descriptors are generated using a combination of 2D image data and 3D contextual shape data, resulting in a set of semi-local descriptors containing rich appearance and shape information for both edge and texture structures. This is achieved by defining feature space relations which describe the neighborhood of a descriptor. By quantitative evaluations, we show that our descriptors provide high discriminative power compared to state of the art approaches. In addition, we show how to utilize this for the estimation of the alignment pose between two point sets. We present experiments both in controlled and real-life scenarios to validate our approach

    Physics-based Scene-level Reasoning for Object Pose Estimation in Clutter

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    This paper focuses on vision-based pose estimation for multiple rigid objects placed in clutter, especially in cases involving occlusions and objects resting on each other. Progress has been achieved recently in object recognition given advancements in deep learning. Nevertheless, such tools typically require a large amount of training data and significant manual effort to label objects. This limits their applicability in robotics, where solutions must scale to a large number of objects and variety of conditions. Moreover, the combinatorial nature of the scenes that could arise from the placement of multiple objects is hard to capture in the training dataset. Thus, the learned models might not produce the desired level of precision required for tasks, such as robotic manipulation. This work proposes an autonomous process for pose estimation that spans from data generation to scene-level reasoning and self-learning. In particular, the proposed framework first generates a labeled dataset for training a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) for object detection in clutter. These detections are used to guide a scene-level optimization process, which considers the interactions between the different objects present in the clutter to output pose estimates of high precision. Furthermore, confident estimates are used to label online real images from multiple views and re-train the process in a self-learning pipeline. Experimental results indicate that this process is quickly able to identify in cluttered scenes physically-consistent object poses that are more precise than the ones found by reasoning over individual instances of objects. Furthermore, the quality of pose estimates increases over time given the self-learning process.Comment: 18 pages, 13 figures, International Journal of Robotics Research (IJRR) 2019. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1710.0857

    Learning to Fuse Local Geometric Features for 3D Rigid Data Matching

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    This paper presents a simple yet very effective data-driven approach to fuse both low-level and high-level local geometric features for 3D rigid data matching. It is a common practice to generate distinctive geometric descriptors by fusing low-level features from various viewpoints or subspaces, or enhance geometric feature matching by leveraging multiple high-level features. In prior works, they are typically performed via linear operations such as concatenation and min pooling. We show that more compact and distinctive representations can be achieved by optimizing a neural network (NN) model under the triplet framework that non-linearly fuses local geometric features in Euclidean spaces. The NN model is trained by an improved triplet loss function that fully leverages all pairwise relationships within the triplet. Moreover, the fused descriptor by our approach is also competitive to deep learned descriptors from raw data while being more lightweight and rotational invariant. Experimental results on four standard datasets with various data modalities and application contexts confirm the advantages of our approach in terms of both feature matching and geometric registration

    Robust Performance-driven 3D Face Tracking in Long Range Depth Scenes

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    We introduce a novel robust hybrid 3D face tracking framework from RGBD video streams, which is capable of tracking head pose and facial actions without pre-calibration or intervention from a user. In particular, we emphasize on improving the tracking performance in instances where the tracked subject is at a large distance from the cameras, and the quality of point cloud deteriorates severely. This is accomplished by the combination of a flexible 3D shape regressor and the joint 2D+3D optimization on shape parameters. Our approach fits facial blendshapes to the point cloud of the human head, while being driven by an efficient and rapid 3D shape regressor trained on generic RGB datasets. As an on-line tracking system, the identity of the unknown user is adapted on-the-fly resulting in improved 3D model reconstruction and consequently better tracking performance. The result is a robust RGBD face tracker, capable of handling a wide range of target scene depths, beyond those that can be afforded by traditional depth or RGB face trackers. Lastly, since the blendshape is not able to accurately recover the real facial shape, we use the tracked 3D face model as a prior in a novel filtering process to further refine the depth map for use in other tasks, such as 3D reconstruction.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures, 4 table

    Joint Layout Estimation and Global Multi-View Registration for Indoor Reconstruction

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    In this paper, we propose a novel method to jointly solve scene layout estimation and global registration problems for accurate indoor 3D reconstruction. Given a sequence of range data, we first build a set of scene fragments using KinectFusion and register them through pose graph optimization. Afterwards, we alternate between layout estimation and layout-based global registration processes in iterative fashion to complement each other. We extract the scene layout through hierarchical agglomerative clustering and energy-based multi-model fitting in consideration of noisy measurements. Having the estimated scene layout in one hand, we register all the range data through the global iterative closest point algorithm where the positions of 3D points that belong to the layout such as walls and a ceiling are constrained to be close to the layout. We experimentally verify the proposed method with the publicly available synthetic and real-world datasets in both quantitative and qualitative ways.Comment: Accepted to 2017 IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV

    A 3D Object Detection and Pose Estimation Pipeline Using RGB-D Images

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    3D object detection and pose estimation has been studied extensively in recent decades for its potential applications in robotics. However, there still remains challenges when we aim at detecting multiple objects while retaining low false positive rate in cluttered environments. This paper proposes a robust 3D object detection and pose estimation pipeline based on RGB-D images, which can detect multiple objects simultaneously while reducing false positives. Detection begins with template matching and yields a set of template matches. A clustering algorithm then groups templates of similar spatial location and produces multiple-object hypotheses. A scoring function evaluates the hypotheses using their associated templates and non-maximum suppression is adopted to remove duplicate results based on the scores. Finally, a combination of point cloud processing algorithms are used to compute objects' 3D poses. Existing object hypotheses are verified by computing the overlap between model and scene points. Experiments demonstrate that our approach provides competitive results comparable to the state-of-the-arts and can be applied to robot random bin-picking

    Multi-view registration of unordered range scans by fast correspondence propagation of multi-scale descriptors

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    This paper proposes a global approach for the multi-view registration of unordered range scans. As the basis of multi-view registration, pair-wise registration is very pivotal. Therefore, we first select a good descriptor and accelerate its correspondence propagation for the pair-wise registration. Then, we design an effective rule to judge the reliability of pair-wise registration results. Subsequently, we propose a model augmentation method, which can utilize reliable results of pair-wise registration to augment the model shape. Finally, multi-view registration can be accomplished by operating the pair-wise registration and judgment, and model augmentation alternately. Experimental results on public available data sets show, that this approach can automatically achieve the multi-view registration of unordered range scans with good accuracy and effectiveness

    3D Scan Registration using Curvelet Features in Planetary Environments

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    Topographic mapping in planetary environments relies on accurate 3D scan registration methods. However, most global registration algorithms relying on features such as FPFH and Harris-3D show poor alignment accuracy in these settings due to the poor structure of the Mars-like terrain and variable resolution, occluded, sparse range data that is hard to register without some a-priori knowledge of the environment. In this paper, we propose an alternative approach to 3D scan registration using the curvelet transform that performs multi-resolution geometric analysis to obtain a set of coefficients indexed by scale (coarsest to finest), angle and spatial position. Features are detected in the curvelet domain to take advantage of the directional selectivity of the transform. A descriptor is computed for each feature by calculating the 3D spatial histogram of the image gradients, and nearest neighbor based matching is used to calculate the feature correspondences. Correspondence rejection using Random Sample Consensus identifies inliers, and a locally optimal Singular Value Decomposition-based estimation of the rigid-body transformation aligns the laser scans given the re-projected correspondences in the metric space. Experimental results on a publicly available data-set of planetary analogue indoor facility, as well as simulated and real-world scans from Neptec Design Group's IVIGMS 3D laser rangefinder at the outdoor CSA Mars yard demonstrates improved performance over existing methods in the challenging sparse Mars-like terrain.Comment: 27 pages in Journal of Field Robotics, 201

    A Polynomial-time Solution for Robust Registration with Extreme Outlier Rates

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    We propose a robust approach for the registration of two sets of 3D points in the presence of a large amount of outliers. Our first contribution is to reformulate the registration problem using a Truncated Least Squares (TLS) cost that makes the estimation insensitive to a large fraction of spurious point-to-point correspondences. The second contribution is a general framework to decouple rotation, translation, and scale estimation, which allows solving in cascade for the three transformations. Since each subproblem (scale, rotation, and translation estimation) is still non-convex and combinatorial in nature, out third contribution is to show that (i) TLS scale and (component-wise) translation estimation can be solved exactly and in polynomial time via an adaptive voting scheme, (ii) TLS rotation estimation can be relaxed to a semidefinite program and the relaxation is tight in practice, even in the presence of an extreme amount of outliers. We validate the proposed algorithm, named TEASER (Truncated least squares Estimation And SEmidefinite Relaxation), in standard registration benchmarks showing that the algorithm outperforms RANSAC and robust local optimization techniques, and favorably compares with Branch-and-Bound methods, while being a polynomial-time algorithm. TEASER can tolerate up to 99% outliers and returns highly-accurate solutions.Comment: 18 pages, Accepted for publication in Robotics: Science and Systems, 201