46 research outputs found

    Mutual Exclusivity Loss for Semi-Supervised Deep Learning

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    In this paper we consider the problem of semi-supervised learning with deep Convolutional Neural Networks (ConvNets). Semi-supervised learning is motivated on the observation that unlabeled data is cheap and can be used to improve the accuracy of classifiers. In this paper we propose an unsupervised regularization term that explicitly forces the classifier's prediction for multiple classes to be mutually-exclusive and effectively guides the decision boundary to lie on the low density space between the manifolds corresponding to different classes of data. Our proposed approach is general and can be used with any backpropagation-based learning method. We show through different experiments that our method can improve the object recognition performance of ConvNets using unlabeled data.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figures, ICIP 201

    Zero-bias autoencoders and the benefits of co-adapting features

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    Regularized training of an autoencoder typically results in hidden unit biases that take on large negative values. We show that negative biases are a natural result of using a hidden layer whose responsibility is to both represent the input data and act as a selection mechanism that ensures sparsity of the representation. We then show that negative biases impede the learning of data distributions whose intrinsic dimensionality is high. We also propose a new activation function that decouples the two roles of the hidden layer and that allows us to learn representations on data with very high intrinsic dimensionality, where standard autoencoders typically fail. Since the decoupled activation function acts like an implicit regularizer, the model can be trained by minimizing the reconstruction error of training data, without requiring any additional regularization