49 research outputs found

    Rational spectral methods for PDEs involving fractional Laplacian in unbounded domains

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    Many PDEs involving fractional Laplacian are naturally set in unbounded domains with underlying solutions decay very slowly, subject to certain power laws. Their numerical solutions are under-explored. This paper aims at developing accurate spectral methods using rational basis (or modified mapped Gegenbauer functions) for such models in unbounded domains. The main building block of the spectral algorithms is the explicit representations for the Fourier transform and fractional Laplacian of the rational basis, derived from some useful integral identites related to modified Bessel functions. With these at our disposal, we can construct rational spectral-Galerkin and direct collocation schemes by pre-computing the associated fractional differentiation matrices. We obtain optimal error estimates of rational spectral approximation in the fractional Sobolev spaces, and analyze the optimal convergence of the proposed Galerkin scheme. We also provide ample numerical results to show that the rational method outperforms the Hermite function approach

    Fast Fourier-like Mapped Chebyshev Spectral-Galerkin Methods for PDEs with Integral Fractional Laplacian in Unbounded Domains

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    In this paper, we propose a fast spectral-Galerkin method for solving PDEs involving integral fractional Laplacian in Rd\mathbb{R}^d, which is built upon two essential components: (i) the Dunford-Taylor formulation of the fractional Laplacian; and (ii) Fourier-like bi-orthogonal mapped Chebyshev functions (MCFs) as basis functions. As a result, the fractional Laplacian can be fully diagonalised, and the complexity of solving an elliptic fractional PDE is quasi-optimal, i.e., O((Nlog2N)d)O((N\log_2N)^d) with NN being the number of modes in each spatial direction. Ample numerical tests for various decaying exact solutions show that the convergence of the fast solver perfectly matches the order of theoretical error estimates. With a suitable time-discretization, the fast solver can be directly applied to a large class of nonlinear fractional PDEs. As an example, we solve the fractional nonlinear Schr{\"o}dinger equation by using the fourth-order time-splitting method together with the proposed MCF-spectral-Galerkin method.Comment: This article has a total of 24 pages and including 22 figure

    A finite-volume scheme for fractional diffusion on bounded domains

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    We propose a new fractional Laplacian for bounded domains, expressed as a conservation law and thus particularly suited to finite-volume schemes. Our approach permits the direct prescription of no-flux boundary conditions. We first show the well-posedness theory for the fractional heat equation. We also develop a numerical scheme, which correctly captures the action of the fractional Laplacian and its anomalous diffusion effect. We benchmark numerical solutions for the Lévy–Fokker–Planck equation against known analytical solutions. We conclude by numerically exploring properties of these equations with respect to their stationary states and long-time asymptotics

    MultiShape: A Spectral Element Method, with Applications to Dynamic Density Functional Theory and PDE-Constrained Optimization

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    A numerical framework is developed to solve various types of PDEs on complicated domains, including steady and time-dependent, non-linear and non-local PDEs, with different boundary conditions that can also include non-linear and non-local terms. This numerical framework, called MultiShape, is a class in Matlab, and the software is open source. We demonstrate that MultiShape is compatible with other numerical methods, such as differential--algebraic equation solvers and optimization algorithms. The numerical implementation is designed to be user-friendly, with most of the set-up and computations done automatically by MultiShape and with intuitive operator definition, notation, and user-interface. Validation tests are presented, before we introduce three examples motivated by applications in Dynamic Density Functional Theory and PDE-constrained optimization, illustrating the versatility of the method

    Towards an Efficient Finite Element Method for the Integral Fractional Laplacian on Polygonal Domains

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    We explore the connection between fractional order partial differential equations in two or more spatial dimensions with boundary integral operators to develop techniques that enable one to efficiently tackle the integral fractional Laplacian. In particular, we develop techniques for the treatment of the dense stiffness matrix including the computation of the entries, the efficient assembly and storage of a sparse approximation and the efficient solution of the resulting equations. The main idea consists of generalising proven techniques for the treatment of boundary integral equations to general fractional orders. Importantly, the approximation does not make any strong assumptions on the shape of the underlying domain and does not rely on any special structure of the matrix that could be exploited by fast transforms. We demonstrate the flexibility and performance of this approach in a couple of two-dimensional numerical examples