1 research outputs found

    Design and Simulation of High Performance Parallel Architectures Using the ISAC Language

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    Most of modern embedded systems for multimediaand network applications are based on parallel data streamprocessing. The data processing can be done using very longinstruction word processors (VLIW), or using more than onehigh performance application-specific instruction set processor(ASIPs), or even by their combination on single chip.Design and testing of these complex systems is time-consumingand iterative process. Architecture description languages (ADLs)are one of the most effective solutions for single processor design.However, support for description of parallel architectures andmulti-processor systems is very low or completely missing innowadays ADLs. This article presents utilization of newextensions for existing architecture description language ISAC.These extensions are used for easy and fast prototyping andtesting of parallel based systems and processors