1,191 research outputs found

    Dual-Context Aggregation for Universal Image Matting

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    Natural image matting aims to estimate the alpha matte of the foreground from a given image. Various approaches have been explored to address this problem, such as interactive matting methods that use guidance such as click or trimap, and automatic matting methods tailored to specific objects. However, existing matting methods are designed for specific objects or guidance, neglecting the common requirement of aggregating global and local contexts in image matting. As a result, these methods often encounter challenges in accurately identifying the foreground and generating precise boundaries, which limits their effectiveness in unforeseen scenarios. In this paper, we propose a simple and universal matting framework, named Dual-Context Aggregation Matting (DCAM), which enables robust image matting with arbitrary guidance or without guidance. Specifically, DCAM first adopts a semantic backbone network to extract low-level features and context features from the input image and guidance. Then, we introduce a dual-context aggregation network that incorporates global object aggregators and local appearance aggregators to iteratively refine the extracted context features. By performing both global contour segmentation and local boundary refinement, DCAM exhibits robustness to diverse types of guidance and objects. Finally, we adopt a matting decoder network to fuse the low-level features and the refined context features for alpha matte estimation. Experimental results on five matting datasets demonstrate that the proposed DCAM outperforms state-of-the-art matting methods in both automatic matting and interactive matting tasks, which highlights the strong universality and high performance of DCAM. The source code is available at \url{https://github.com/Windaway/DCAM}

    Long-Range Feature Propagating for Natural Image Matting

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    Natural image matting estimates the alpha values of unknown regions in the trimap. Recently, deep learning based methods propagate the alpha values from the known regions to unknown regions according to the similarity between them. However, we find that more than 50\% pixels in the unknown regions cannot be correlated to pixels in known regions due to the limitation of small effective reception fields of common convolutional neural networks, which leads to inaccurate estimation when the pixels in the unknown regions cannot be inferred only with pixels in the reception fields. To solve this problem, we propose Long-Range Feature Propagating Network (LFPNet), which learns the long-range context features outside the reception fields for alpha matte estimation. Specifically, we first design the propagating module which extracts the context features from the downsampled image. Then, we present Center-Surround Pyramid Pooling (CSPP) that explicitly propagates the context features from the surrounding context image patch to the inner center image patch. Finally, we use the matting module which takes the image, trimap and context features to estimate the alpha matte. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method performs favorably against the state-of-the-art methods on the AlphaMatting and Adobe Image Matting datasets
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