40 research outputs found

    An Efficient Index for Visual Search in Appearance-based SLAM

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    Vector-quantization can be a computationally expensive step in visual bag-of-words (BoW) search when the vocabulary is large. A BoW-based appearance SLAM needs to tackle this problem for an efficient real-time operation. We propose an effective method to speed up the vector-quantization process in BoW-based visual SLAM. We employ a graph-based nearest neighbor search (GNNS) algorithm to this aim, and experimentally show that it can outperform the state-of-the-art. The graph-based search structure used in GNNS can efficiently be integrated into the BoW model and the SLAM framework. The graph-based index, which is a k-NN graph, is built over the vocabulary words and can be extracted from the BoW's vocabulary construction procedure, by adding one iteration to the k-means clustering, which adds small extra cost. Moreover, exploiting the fact that images acquired for appearance-based SLAM are sequential, GNNS search can be initiated judiciously which helps increase the speedup of the quantization process considerably

    Assessing Site-Geometry for Architectural Design Using Graph Theory

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    Learning to Navigate the Energy Landscape

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    In this paper, we present a novel and efficient architecture for addressing computer vision problems that use `Analysis by Synthesis'. Analysis by synthesis involves the minimization of the reconstruction error which is typically a non-convex function of the latent target variables. State-of-the-art methods adopt a hybrid scheme where discriminatively trained predictors like Random Forests or Convolutional Neural Networks are used to initialize local search algorithms. While these methods have been shown to produce promising results, they often get stuck in local optima. Our method goes beyond the conventional hybrid architecture by not only proposing multiple accurate initial solutions but by also defining a navigational structure over the solution space that can be used for extremely efficient gradient-free local search. We demonstrate the efficacy of our approach on the challenging problem of RGB Camera Relocalization. To make the RGB camera relocalization problem particularly challenging, we introduce a new dataset of 3D environments which are significantly larger than those found in other publicly-available datasets. Our experiments reveal that the proposed method is able to achieve state-of-the-art camera relocalization results. We also demonstrate the generalizability of our approach on Hand Pose Estimation and Image Retrieval tasks

    Offline Pseudo Relevance Feedback for Efficient and Effective Single-pass Dense Retrieval

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    Dense retrieval has made significant advancements in information retrieval (IR) by achieving high levels of effectiveness while maintaining online efficiency during a single-pass retrieval process. However, the application of pseudo relevance feedback (PRF) to further enhance retrieval effectiveness results in a doubling of online latency. To address this challenge, this paper presents a single-pass dense retrieval framework that shifts the PRF process offline through the utilization of pre-generated pseudo-queries. As a result, online retrieval is reduced to a single matching with the pseudo-queries, hence providing faster online retrieval. The effectiveness of the proposed approach is evaluated on the standard TREC DL and HARD datasets, and the results demonstrate its promise. Our code is openly available at https://github.com/Rosenberg37/OPRF.Comment: Accepted at SIGIR202

    Self-supervised Vector-Quantization in Visual SLAM using Deep Convolutional Autoencoders

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    In this paper, we introduce AE-FABMAP, a new self-supervised bag of words-based SLAM method. We also present AE-ORB-SLAM, a modified version of the current state of the art BoW-based path planning algorithm. That is, we have used a deep convolutional autoencoder to find loop closures. In the context of bag of words visual SLAM, vector quantization (VQ) is considered as the most time-consuming part of the SLAM procedure, which is usually performed in the offline phase of the SLAM algorithm using unsupervised algorithms such as Kmeans++. We have addressed the loop closure detection part of the BoW-based SLAM methods in a self-supervised manner, by integrating an autoencoder for doing vector quantization. This approach can increase the accuracy of large-scale SLAM, where plenty of unlabeled data is available. The main advantage of using a self-supervised is that it can help reducing the amount of labeling. Furthermore, experiments show that autoencoders are far more efficient than semi-supervised methods like graph convolutional neural networks, in terms of speed and memory consumption. We integrated this method into the state of the art long range appearance based visual bag of word SLAM, FABMAP2, also in ORB-SLAM. Experiments demonstrate the superiority of this approach in indoor and outdoor datasets over regular FABMAP2 in all cases, and it achieves higher accuracy in loop closure detection and trajectory generation

    Semi-supervised Vector-Quantization in Visual SLAM using HGCN

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    In this paper, two semi-supervised appearance based loop closure detection technique, HGCN-FABMAP and HGCN-BoW are introduced. Furthermore an extension to the current state of the art localization SLAM algorithm, ORB-SLAM, is presented. The proposed HGCN-FABMAP method is implemented in an off-line manner incorporating Bayesian probabilistic schema for loop detection decision making. Specifically, we let a Hyperbolic Graph Convolutional Neural Network (HGCN) to operate over the SURF features graph space, and perform vector quantization part of the SLAM procedure. This part previously was performed in an unsupervised manner using algorithms like HKmeans, kmeans++,..etc. The main Advantage of using HGCN, is that it scales linearly in number of graph edges. Experimental results shows that HGCN-FABMAP algorithm needs far more cluster centroids than HGCN-ORB, otherwise it fails to detect loop closures. Therefore we consider HGCN-ORB to be more efficient in terms of memory consumption, also we conclude the superiority of HGCN-BoW and HGCN-FABMAP with respect to other algorithms