4 research outputs found

    Fast Adaptive S-ALOHA Scheme for Event-driven Machine-to-Machine Communications

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    Machine-to-Machine (M2M) communication is now playing a market-changing role in a wide range of business world. However, in event-driven M2M communications, a large number of devices activate within a short period of time, which in turn causes high radio congestions and severe access delay. To address this issue, we propose a Fast Adaptive S-ALOHA (FASA) scheme for M2M communication systems with bursty traffic. The statistics of consecutive idle and collision slots, rather than the observation in a single slot, are used in FASA to accelerate the tracking process of network status. Furthermore, the fast convergence property of FASA is guaranteed by using drift analysis. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed FASA scheme achieves near-optimal performance in reducing access delay, which outperforms that of traditional additive schemes such as PB-ALOHA. Moreover, compared to multiplicative schemes, FASA shows its robustness even under heavy traffic load in addition to better delay performance.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, accepted to IEEE VTC2012-Fal

    Integraci贸n de redes de sensores en las nuevas generaciones de sistemas de comunicaciones m贸viles 4G y 5G

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    El concepto actual de Internet de las Cosas (Internet of Things, IoT) y la tendencia hacia la utilizaci贸n masiva de redes basadas en sensores plantea la duda de c贸mo va a ser posible transportar la informaci贸n proveniente de dichas redes de una forma factible y eficiente. Una opci贸n prometedora es la utilizaci贸n de la red m贸vil celular existente (LTE/LTE-A). La realidad es que esta 煤ltima no puede soportar una inclusi贸n masiva de nodos sin afectar a los usuarios. Actualmente hay una gran actividad de investigaci贸n y estandarizaci贸n tanto para adaptar las pr贸ximas versiones de las tecnolog铆as actuales, como en la definici贸n de la pr贸xima generaci贸n de sistemas m贸viles, 5G, en la que resolver esta problem谩tica resulta un punto clave. En las redes m贸viles actuales, la limitaci贸n viene m谩s por un problema de saturaci贸n de los canales de se帽alizaci贸n que de capacidad de la red. En el presente trabajo investigamos los aspectos de se帽alizaci贸n del est谩ndar de comunicaciones Long Term Evolution (LTE) para su posible uso conjunto con la red de sensores en versiones futuras y en la pr贸xima generaci贸n. Creemos que una red de sensores con un gran n煤mero de nodos, que requiera poco uso de datos, puede interferir con los usuarios. Esto es debido a que pueden colapsar los canales de control y, por lo tanto, provocar un retraso general para todos los terminales de la red. Encontramos que efectivamente se produce este problema en el canal PUCCH, que es el principal canal de control del enlace ascendente. En este canal se asigna un recurso a cada terminal para peticiones de transmisi贸n, por lo que al aumentar el n煤mero de terminales, el retraso aumenta proporcionalmente. Despu茅s de analizar diferentes investigaciones realizadas sobre la integraci贸n de sensores en LTE y comunicaciones tipo m谩quina, proponemos un modelo basado en una de ellas. Se trata de un modelo del canal de acceso aleatorio (RACH), donde los sensores realicen sus peticiones de transmisi贸n en ese canal en vez de en el PUCCH. Sobre dicho modelo proponemos diversas modificaciones para mejorar el rendimiento y conseguir que no afecte a los usuarios que usen ese canal, como por ejemplo, la separaci贸n de los recursos del canal de acceso aleatorio (RACH) entre usuarios y sensores. Finalmente comprobamos que el modelo cumple con los objetivos mediante una simulaci贸n de tiempo discreto. Explicamos la estructura de la simulaci贸n detalladamente y verificamos los resultados mediante gr谩ficas.The actual concept of Internet of Things (IoT) and the trend towards the massive use of sensor based networks bring up the question of how it will be possible to transport the information from these networks in a feasible and efficient way. A promising choice is using the current mobile cellular network (LTE/LTE-A). But the reality is that it can鈥檛 support a massive inclusion of nodes without affecting the users. There is currently a very active research and standardization for both adapting the next versions of the current technologies and defining the next generation of mobile systems, 5G, in which solve this problem is a key factor. In the existing mobile networks, the limitation is more a saturation problem of the signalling channels than network鈥檚 capacity. In this project we investigate the signalling aspects of 3GPP Long Term Evolution (LTE) for its possible use with the sensor network in future versions and next generation. We believe that a sensor network with a large number of nodes with low data traffic can interfere with the users due to saturation of the control channels, and, therefore, causing a general delay in all the terminals of the network. We found that, indeed, this problem occurred in the PUCCH channel, which is the main uplink control channel. In this channel it is assigned a resource to each terminal for transmission requests, hence when the number of terminals is increased, the delay increases on a proportional way. Afterwards, we make an overview about the different investigations realized concerning the sensors integration on LTE and machine type communications. Then, we propose a model based on one of them. It is random access channel (RACH) model, where the sensors use that channel to perform transmission requests instead of the PUCCH. We propose some modifications to improve the performance and to attain that it does not affect the users using that channel, like, for example, a division of the random access channel (RACH) resources between users and sensors. Finally, we prove, with a discrete time simulation, that the model fulfil the objectives. We explain the simulation structure in detail and we verify the results using graphics.Ingenier铆a de Sistemas de Comunicacione

    Modelling of a Hybrid MAC Protocol for M2M Communications

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    Machine-to-machine (M2M) communications is one of the enabling technologies for connecting massive number of devices to the Internet of Things (IoT). M2M communications have different characteristics than human-to-human (H2H) communications. In this work, we propose a scalable, hybrid MAC protocol that will satisfy user quality-of-service (QoS) requirements. We model both periodic and nonperiodic traffic. The proposed MAC protocol organizes transmissions into superframes consisting of a number of frames. A machine is assumed to generate a one or zero packet per its period. The machines have been divided into several types according to their packet generation probabilities. The generated packets are classified into different traffic classes according to their tolerance to packet losses and served by a subframe. Further, each subframe is divided into two sub-periods one serving contention and the other reserved traffic of that traffic class. We formulated an optimization problem that minimizes frame length subject to QoS user requirements. Then, we derived packet loss probability for each class as well as total packet loss probability for the optimization. Formulation resulted in a nonlinear optimization problem, but numerical results show that an LP approximation provides a nearly optimal solution. The work also considered the proposed protocol under user mobility. The packet arrival process under user mobility has been derived. Then the performance of the protocol has been evaluated with the contention service under this arrival process. The contention service with and without packet losses have been considered. A priority queueing mechanism also has been studied for M2M communication. The results of this thesis may be useful in the design of M2M communication system