7 research outputs found

    DynaVSR: Dynamic Adaptive Blind Video Super-Resolution

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    Most conventional supervised super-resolution (SR) algorithms assume that low-resolution (LR) data is obtained by downscaling high-resolution (HR) data with a fixed known kernel, but such an assumption often does not hold in real scenarios. Some recent blind SR algorithms have been proposed to estimate different downscaling kernels for each input LR image. However, they suffer from heavy computational overhead, making them infeasible for direct application to videos. In this work, we present DynaVSR, a novel meta-learning-based framework for real-world video SR that enables efficient downscaling model estimation and adaptation to the current input. Specifically, we train a multi-frame downscaling module with various types of synthetic blur kernels, which is seamlessly combined with a video SR network for input-aware adaptation. Experimental results show that DynaVSR consistently improves the performance of the state-of-the-art video SR models by a large margin, with an order of magnitude faster inference time compared to the existing blind SR approaches

    Bilevel Fast Scene Adaptation for Low-Light Image Enhancement

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    Enhancing images in low-light scenes is a challenging but widely concerned task in the computer vision. The mainstream learning-based methods mainly acquire the enhanced model by learning the data distribution from the specific scenes, causing poor adaptability (even failure) when meeting real-world scenarios that have never been encountered before. The main obstacle lies in the modeling conundrum from distribution discrepancy across different scenes. To remedy this, we first explore relationships between diverse low-light scenes based on statistical analysis, i.e., the network parameters of the encoder trained in different data distributions are close. We introduce the bilevel paradigm to model the above latent correspondence from the perspective of hyperparameter optimization. A bilevel learning framework is constructed to endow the scene-irrelevant generality of the encoder towards diverse scenes (i.e., freezing the encoder in the adaptation and testing phases). Further, we define a reinforced bilevel learning framework to provide a meta-initialization for scene-specific decoder to further ameliorate visual quality. Moreover, to improve the practicability, we establish a Retinex-induced architecture with adaptive denoising and apply our built learning framework to acquire its parameters by using two training losses including supervised and unsupervised forms. Extensive experimental evaluations on multiple datasets verify our adaptability and competitive performance against existing state-of-the-art works. The code and datasets will be available at https://github.com/vis-opt-group/BL

    Efficient Test-Time Adaptation for Super-Resolution with Second-Order Degradation and Reconstruction

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    Image super-resolution (SR) aims to learn a mapping from low-resolution (LR) to high-resolution (HR) using paired HR-LR training images. Conventional SR methods typically gather the paired training data by synthesizing LR images from HR images using a predetermined degradation model, e.g., Bicubic down-sampling. However, the realistic degradation type of test images may mismatch with the training-time degradation type due to the dynamic changes of the real-world scenarios, resulting in inferior-quality SR images. To address this, existing methods attempt to estimate the degradation model and train an image-specific model, which, however, is quite time-consuming and impracticable to handle rapidly changing domain shifts. Moreover, these methods largely concentrate on the estimation of one degradation type (e.g., blur degradation), overlooking other degradation types like noise and JPEG in real-world test-time scenarios, thus limiting their practicality. To tackle these problems, we present an efficient test-time adaptation framework for SR, named SRTTA, which is able to quickly adapt SR models to test domains with different/unknown degradation types. Specifically, we design a second-order degradation scheme to construct paired data based on the degradation type of the test image, which is predicted by a pre-trained degradation classifier. Then, we adapt the SR model by implementing feature-level reconstruction learning from the initial test image to its second-order degraded counterparts, which helps the SR model generate plausible HR images. Extensive experiments are conducted on newly synthesized corrupted DIV2K datasets with 8 different degradations and several real-world datasets, demonstrating that our SRTTA framework achieves an impressive improvement over existing methods with satisfying speed. The source code is available at https://github.com/DengZeshuai/SRTTA.Comment: Accepted by 37th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2023