2 research outputs found

    Preventing Discriminatory Decision-making in Evolving Data Streams

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    Bias in machine learning has rightly received significant attention over the last decade. However, most fair machine learning (fair-ML) work to address bias in decision-making systems has focused solely on the offline setting. Despite the wide prevalence of online systems in the real world, work on identifying and correcting bias in the online setting is severely lacking. The unique challenges of the online environment make addressing bias more difficult than in the offline setting. First, Streaming Machine Learning (SML) algorithms must deal with the constantly evolving real-time data stream. Second, they need to adapt to changing data distributions (concept drift) to make accurate predictions on new incoming data. Adding fairness constraints to this already complicated task is not straightforward. In this work, we focus on the challenges of achieving fairness in biased data streams while accounting for the presence of concept drift, accessing one sample at a time. We present Fair Sampling over Stream (FS2FS^2), a novel fair rebalancing approach capable of being integrated with SML classification algorithms. Furthermore, we devise the first unified performance-fairness metric, Fairness Bonded Utility (FBU), to evaluate and compare the trade-off between performance and fairness of different bias mitigation methods efficiently. FBU simplifies the comparison of fairness-performance trade-offs of multiple techniques through one unified and intuitive evaluation, allowing model designers to easily choose a technique. Overall, extensive evaluations show our measures surpass those of other fair online techniques previously reported in the literature

    Beyond Accuracy: A Critical Review of Fairness in Machine Learning for Mobile and Wearable Computing

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    The field of mobile, wearable, and ubiquitous computing (UbiComp) is undergoing a revolutionary integration of machine learning. Devices can now diagnose diseases, predict heart irregularities, and unlock the full potential of human cognition. However, the underlying algorithms are not immune to biases with respect to sensitive attributes (e.g., gender, race), leading to discriminatory outcomes. The research communities of HCI and AI-Ethics have recently started to explore ways of reporting information about datasets to surface and, eventually, counter those biases. The goal of this work is to explore the extent to which the UbiComp community has adopted such ways of reporting and highlight potential shortcomings. Through a systematic review of papers published in the Proceedings of the ACM Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies (IMWUT) journal over the past 5 years (2018-2022), we found that progress on algorithmic fairness within the UbiComp community lags behind. Our findings show that only a small portion (5%) of published papers adheres to modern fairness reporting, while the overwhelming majority thereof focuses on accuracy or error metrics. In light of these findings, our work provides practical guidelines for the design and development of ubiquitous technologies that not only strive for accuracy but also for fairness