23 research outputs found

    OpenBox: A Python Toolkit for Generalized Black-box Optimization

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    Black-box optimization (BBO) has a broad range of applications, including automatic machine learning, experimental design, and database knob tuning. However, users still face challenges when applying BBO methods to their problems at hand with existing software packages in terms of applicability, performance, and efficiency. This paper presents OpenBox, an open-source BBO toolkit with improved usability. It implements user-friendly inferfaces and visualization for users to define and manage their tasks. The modular design behind OpenBox facilitates its flexible deployment in existing systems. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of OpenBox over existing systems. The source code of OpenBox is available at https://github.com/PKU-DAIR/open-box

    FairPilot: An Explorative System for Hyperparameter Tuning through the Lens of Fairness

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    Despite the potential benefits of machine learning (ML) in high-risk decision-making domains, the deployment of ML is not accessible to practitioners, and there is a risk of discrimination. To establish trust and acceptance of ML in such domains, democratizing ML tools and fairness consideration are crucial. In this paper, we introduce FairPilot, an interactive system designed to promote the responsible development of ML models by exploring a combination of various models, different hyperparameters, and a wide range of fairness definitions. We emphasize the challenge of selecting the ``best" ML model and demonstrate how FairPilot allows users to select a set of evaluation criteria and then displays the Pareto frontier of models and hyperparameters as an interactive map. FairPilot is the first system to combine these features, offering a unique opportunity for users to responsibly choose their model

    Fairer and More Accurate Tabular Models Through NAS

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    Making models algorithmically fairer in tabular data has been long studied, with techniques typically oriented towards fixes which usually take a neural model with an undesirable outcome and make changes to how the data are ingested, what the model weights are, or how outputs are processed. We employ an emergent and different strategy where we consider updating the model's architecture and training hyperparameters to find an entirely new model with better outcomes from the beginning of the debiasing procedure. In this work, we propose using multi-objective Neural Architecture Search (NAS) and Hyperparameter Optimization (HPO) in the first application to the very challenging domain of tabular data. We conduct extensive exploration of architectural and hyperparameter spaces (MLP, ResNet, and FT-Transformer) across diverse datasets, demonstrating the dependence of accuracy and fairness metrics of model predictions on hyperparameter combinations. We show that models optimized solely for accuracy with NAS often fail to inherently address fairness concerns. We propose a novel approach that jointly optimizes architectural and training hyperparameters in a multi-objective constraint of both accuracy and fairness. We produce architectures that consistently Pareto dominate state-of-the-art bias mitigation methods either in fairness, accuracy or both, all of this while being Pareto-optimal over hyperparameters achieved through single-objective (accuracy) optimization runs. This research underscores the promise of automating fairness and accuracy optimization in deep learning models

    An Empirical Investigation into Benchmarking Model Multiplicity for Trustworthy Machine Learning: A Case Study on Image Classification

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    Deep learning models have proven to be highly successful. Yet, their over-parameterization gives rise to model multiplicity, a phenomenon in which multiple models achieve similar performance but exhibit distinct underlying behaviours. This multiplicity presents a significant challenge and necessitates additional specifications in model selection to prevent unexpected failures during deployment. While prior studies have examined these concerns, they focus on individual metrics in isolation, making it difficult to obtain a comprehensive view of multiplicity in trustworthy machine learning. Our work stands out by offering a one-stop empirical benchmark of multiplicity across various dimensions of model design and its impact on a diverse set of trustworthy metrics. In this work, we establish a consistent language for studying model multiplicity by translating several trustworthy metrics into accuracy under appropriate interventions. We also develop a framework, which we call multiplicity sheets, to benchmark multiplicity in various scenarios. We demonstrate the advantages of our setup through a case study in image classification and provide actionable insights into the impact and trends of different hyperparameters on model multiplicity. Finally, we show that multiplicity persists in deep learning models even after enforcing additional specifications during model selection, highlighting the severity of over-parameterization. The concerns of under-specification thus remain, and we seek to promote a more comprehensive discussion of multiplicity in trustworthy machine learning.Comment: Accepted at WACV 202

    FairAutoML: Embracing Unfairness Mitigation in AutoML

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    In this work, we propose an Automated Machine Learning (AutoML) system to search for models not only with good prediction accuracy but also fair. We first investigate the necessity and impact of unfairness mitigation in the AutoML context. We establish the FairAutoML framework. The framework provides a novel design based on pragmatic abstractions, which makes it convenient to incorporate existing fairness definitions, unfairness mitigation techniques, and hyperparameter search methods into the model search and evaluation process. Following this framework, we develop a fair AutoML system based on an existing AutoML system. The augmented system includes a resource allocation strategy to dynamically decide when and on which models to conduct unfairness mitigation according to the prediction accuracy, fairness, and resource consumption on the fly. Extensive empirical evaluation shows that our system can achieve a good `fair accuracy' and high resource efficiency.Comment: 18 pages (including 6 pages of appendixes

    Linking convolutional kernel size to generalization bias in face analysis CNNs

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    Training dataset biases are by far the most scrutinized factors when explaining algorithmic biases of neural networks. In contrast, hyperparameters related to the neural network architecture have largely been ignored even though different network parameterizations are known to induce different implicit biases over learned features. For example, convolutional kernel size is known to affect the frequency content of features learned in CNNs. In this work, we present a causal framework for linking an architectural hyperparameter to out-of-distribution algorithmic bias. Our framework is experimental, in that we train several versions of a network with an intervention to a specific hyperparameter, and measure the resulting causal effect of this choice on performance bias when a particular out-of-distribution image perturbation is applied. In our experiments, we focused on measuring the causal relationship between convolutional kernel size and face analysis classification bias across different subpopulations (race/gender), with respect to high-frequency image details. We show that modifying kernel size, even in one layer of a CNN, changes the frequency content of learned features significantly across data subgroups leading to biased generalization performance even in the presence of a balanced dataset.Comment: WACV 202

    Promoting Fairness through Hyperparameter Optimization

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    Considerable research effort has been guided towards algorithmic fairness but real-world adoption of bias reduction techniques is still scarce. Existing methods are either metric- or model-specific, require access to sensitive attributes at inference time, or carry high development or deployment costs. This work explores the unfairness that emerges when optimizing ML models solely for predictive performance, and how to mitigate it with a simple and easily deployed intervention: fairness-aware hyperparameter optimization (HO). We propose and evaluate fairness-aware variants of three popular HO algorithms: Fair Random Search, Fair TPE, and Fairband. We validate our approach on a real-world bank account opening fraud case-study, as well as on three datasets from the fairness literature. Results show that, without extra training cost, it is feasible to find models with 111% mean fairness increase and just 6% decrease in performance when compared with fairness-blind HO.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2010.0366