4 research outputs found

    Fair Algorithms for Hierarchical Agglomerative Clustering

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    Hierarchical Agglomerative Clustering (HAC) algorithms are extensively utilized in modern data science, and seek to partition the dataset into clusters while generating a hierarchical relationship between the data samples. HAC algorithms are employed in many applications, such as biology, natural language processing, and recommender systems. Thus, it is imperative to ensure that these algorithms are fair -- even if the dataset contains biases against certain protected groups, the cluster outputs generated should not discriminate against samples from any of these groups. However, recent work in clustering fairness has mostly focused on center-based clustering algorithms, such as k-median and k-means clustering. In this paper, we propose fair algorithms for performing HAC that enforce fairness constraints 1) irrespective of the distance linkage criteria used, 2) generalize to any natural measures of clustering fairness for HAC, 3) work for multiple protected groups, and 4) have competitive running times to vanilla HAC. Through extensive experiments on multiple real-world UCI datasets, we show that our proposed algorithm finds fairer clusterings compared to vanilla HAC as well as other state-of-the-art fair clustering approaches

    Unsupervised Classification of Landsat-8 Satellite Imagery-Based on ISO Clustering

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    Remote sensing, specifically satellite imagery, is gaining prominence in computer science nowadays, in the era of artificial intelligence, in an attempt to deliver more precise information. The satellite images of Earth are gathered, evaluated, and processed for use in civil and military applications with a military aim. Satellite images do have a wide range of services. The areas of study of agriculture, fishery, oceanography, and meteorology include geology, biodiversity, cartography, land use planning, and armed conflict. Transformation is the goal of the categorization of satellite images. Transformation of satellite images into information that can be used rather than having an image of a location. This paper classified a scene of the Landsat-8 satellites with specifications (Path=168 and Row=38). This scene was classified into four categories (Water, Vegetation, bare land, and Build-up) based on the unsupervised classification method (ISO Clustering). The ISO Clustering method is found in the Arc Map program. The results regarding classification accuracy are a good percentage compared to unsupervised Classification

    Fairness-aware Machine Learning in Educational Data Mining

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    Fairness is an essential requirement of every educational system, which is reflected in a variety of educational activities. With the extensive use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) techniques in education, researchers and educators can analyze educational (big) data and propose new (technical) methods in order to support teachers, students, or administrators of (online) learning systems in the organization of teaching and learning. Educational data mining (EDM) is the result of the application and development of data mining (DM), and ML techniques to deal with educational problems, such as student performance prediction and student grouping. However, ML-based decisions in education can be based on protected attributes, such as race or gender, leading to discrimination of individual students or subgroups of students. Therefore, ensuring fairness in ML models also contributes to equity in educational systems. On the other hand, bias can also appear in the data obtained from learning environments. Hence, bias-aware exploratory educational data analysis is important to support unbiased decision-making in EDM. In this thesis, we address the aforementioned issues and propose methods that mitigate discriminatory outcomes of ML algorithms in EDM tasks. Specifically, we make the following contributions: We perform bias-aware exploratory analysis of educational datasets using Bayesian networks to identify the relationships among attributes in order to understand bias in the datasets. We focus the exploratory data analysis on features having a direct or indirect relationship with the protected attributes w.r.t. prediction outcomes. We perform a comprehensive evaluation of the sufficiency of various group fairness measures in predictive models for student performance prediction problems. A variety of experiments on various educational datasets with different fairness measures are performed to provide users with a broad view of unfairness from diverse aspects. We deal with the student grouping problem in collaborative learning. We introduce the fair-capacitated clustering problem that takes into account cluster fairness and cluster cardinalities. We propose two approaches, namely hierarchical clustering and partitioning-based clustering, to obtain fair-capacitated clustering. We introduce the multi-fair capacitated (MFC) students-topics grouping problem that satisfies students' preferences while ensuring balanced group cardinalities and maximizing the diversity of members regarding the protected attribute. We propose three approaches: a greedy heuristic approach, a knapsack-based approach using vanilla maximal 0-1 knapsack formulation, and an MFC knapsack approach based on group fairness knapsack formulation. In short, the findings described in this thesis demonstrate the importance of fairness-aware ML in educational settings. We show that bias-aware data analysis, fairness measures, and fairness-aware ML models are essential aspects to ensure fairness in EDM and the educational environment.Ministry of Science and Culture of Lower Saxony/LernMINT/51410078/E