11 research outputs found

    The endomorphism of Grassmann graphs

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    A graph is called a pseudo-core if every endomorphism is either an automorphism or a colouring. In this paper, we show that every Grassmann graph Jq(n,m)J_q(n,m) is a pseudo-core. Moreover, the Grassmann graph Jq(n,m)J_q(n,m) is a core whenever mm and n−m+1n-m+1 are not relatively prime, and Jq(2pk−2,pk−1)J_q(2pk-2, pk-1) is a core whenever p,k≥2p,k\geq 2.Comment: 8 page

    Mahonian Pairs

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    We introduce the notion of a Mahonian pair. Consider the set, P^*, of all words having the positive integers as alphabet. Given finite subsets S,T of P^*, we say that (S,T) is a Mahonian pair if the distribution of the major index, maj, over S is the same as the distribution of the inversion number, inv, over T. So the well-known fact that maj and inv are equidistributed over the symmetric group, S_n, can be expressed by saying that (S_n,S_n) is a Mahonian pair. We investigate various Mahonian pairs (S,T) with S different from T. Our principal tool is Foata's fundamental bijection f: P^* -> P^* since it has the property that maj w = inv f(w) for any word w. We consider various families of words associated with Catalan and Fibonacci numbers. We show that, when restricted to words in {1,2}^*, f transforms familiar statistics on words into natural statistics on integer partitions such as the size of the Durfee square. The Rogers-Ramanujan identities, the Catalan triangle, and various q-analogues also make an appearance. We generalize the definition of Mahonian pairs to infinite sets and use this as a tool to connect a partition bijection of Corteel-Savage-Venkatraman with the Greene-Kleitman decomposition of a Boolean algebra into symmetric chains. We close with comments about future work and open problems.Comment: Minor changes suggested by the referees and updated status of the problem of finding new Mahonian pairs; [email protected] and [email protected]

    A new formula for the coefficients of Gaussian polynomials

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    We deduce exact integral formulae for the coefficients of Gaussian, multinomial and Catalan polynomials. The method used by the authors in the papers [2, 3, 4] to prove some new results concerning cyclotomic and polygonal polynomials, as well as some of their extensions is applied.O. Bagdasar’s research was supported by a grant of the Romanian National Authority for Research and Innovation, CNCS/CCCDI UEFISCDI, project number PN-III-P2-2.1-BG-2016-0333, within PNCDI III

    Factors of the Gaussian coefficients

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    AbstractWe present some simple observations on factors of the q-binomial coefficients, the q-Catalan numbers, and the q-multinomial coefficients. Writing the Gaussian coefficient with numerator n and denominator k in a form such that 2k⩽n by the symmetry in k, we show that this coefficient has at least k factors. Some divisibility results of Andrews, Brunetti and Del Lungo are also discussed