1,095 research outputs found

    Mobile app recommendations using deep learning and big data

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    Dissertation presented as the partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Statistics and Information Management, specialization in Marketing Research e CRMRecommender systems were first introduced to solve information overload problems in enterprises. Over the last decades, recommender systems have found applications in several major websites related to e-commerce, music and video streaming, travel and movie sites, social media and mobile app stores. Several methods have been proposed over the years to build recommender systems. The most popular approaches are based on collaborative filtering techniques, which leverage the similarities between consumer tastes. But the current state of the art in recommender systems is deep-learning methods, which can leverage not only item consumption data but also content, context, and user attributes. Mobile app stores generate data with Big Data properties from app consumption data, behavioral, geographic, demographic, social network and user-generated content data, which includes reviews, comments and search queries. In this dissertation, we propose a deep-learning architecture for recommender systems in mobile app stores that leverage most of these data sources. We analyze three issues related to the impact of the data sources, the impact of embedding layer pretraining and the efficiency of using Kernel methods to improve app scoring at a Big Data scale. An experiment is conducted on a Portuguese Android app store. Results suggest that models can be improved by combining structured and unstructured data. The results also suggest that embedding layer pretraining is essential to obtain good results. Some evidence is provided showing that Kernel-based methods might not be efficient when deployed in Big Data contexts

    A Survey and Taxonomy of Sequential Recommender Systems for E-commerce Product Recommendation

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    E-commerce recommendation systems facilitate customers’ purchase decision by recommending products or services of interest (e.g., Amazon). Designing a recommender system tailored toward an individual customer’s need is crucial for retailers to increase revenue and retain customers’ loyalty. As users’ interests and preferences change with time, the time stamp of a user interaction (click, view or purchase event) is an important characteristic to learn sequential patterns from these user interactions and, hence, understand users’ long- and short-term preferences to predict the next item(s) for recommendation. This paper presents a taxonomy of sequential recommendation systems (SRecSys) with a focus on e-commerce product recommendation as an application and classifies SRecSys under three main categories as: (i) traditional approaches (sequence similarity, frequent pattern mining and sequential pattern mining), (ii) factorization and latent representation (matrix factorization and Markov models) and (iii) neural network-based approaches (deep neural networks, advanced models). This classification contributes towards enhancing the understanding of existing SRecSys in the literature with the application domain of e-commerce product recommendation and provides current status of the solutions available alongwith future research directions. Furthermore, a classification of surveyed systems according to eight important key features supported by the techniques along with their limitations is also presented. A comparative performance analysis of the presented SRecSys based on experiments performed on e-commerce data sets (Amazon and Online Retail) showed that integrating sequential purchase patterns into the recommendation process and modeling users’ sequential behavior improves the quality of recommendations

    Maximizing User Engagement In Short Marketing Campaigns Within An Online Living Lab: A Reinforcement Learning Perspective

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    ABSTRACT MAXIMIZING USER ENGAGEMENT IN SHORT MARKETING CAMPAIGNS WITHIN AN ONLINE LIVING LAB: A REINFORCEMENT LEARNING PERSPECTIVE by ANIEKAN MICHAEL INI-ABASI August 2021 Advisor: Dr. Ratna Babu Chinnam Major: Industrial & Systems Engineering Degree: Doctor of Philosophy User engagement has emerged as the engine driving online business growth. Many firms have pay incentives tied to engagement and growth metrics. These corporations are turning to recommender systems as the tool of choice in the business of maximizing engagement. LinkedIn reported a 40% higher email response with the introduction of a new recommender system. At Amazon 35% of sales originate from recommendations, while Netflix reports that ‘75% of what people watch is from some sort of recommendation,’ with an estimated business value of 1billionperyear.Whiletheleadingcompanieshavebeenquitesuccessfulatharnessingthepowerofrecommenderstoboostuserengagementacrossthedigitalecosystem,smallandmediumbusinesses(SMB)arestrugglingwithdecliningengagementacrossmanychannelsascompetitionforuserattentionintensifies.TheSMBsoftenlackthetechnicalexpertiseandbigdatainfrastructurenecessarytooperationalizerecommendersystems.Thepurposeofthisstudyistoexplorethemethodsofbuildingalearningagentthatcanbeusedtopersonalizeapersuasiverequesttomaximizeuserengagementinadata−efficientsetting.Weframethetaskasasequentialdecision−makingproblem,modelledasMDP,andsolvedusingageneralizedreinforcementlearning(RL)algorithm.Weleverageanapproachthateliminatesoratleastgreatlyreducestheneedformassiveamountsoftrainingdata,thusmovingawayfromapurelydata−drivenapproach.Byincorporatingdomainknowledgefromtheliteratureonpersuasionintothemessagecomposition,weareabletotraintheRLagentinasampleefficientandoperantmanner.Inourmethodology,theRLagentnominatesacandidatefromacatalogofpersuasionprinciplestodrivehigheruserresponseandengagement.ToenabletheeffectiveuseofRLinourspecificsetting,wefirstbuildareducedstatespacerepresentationbycompressingthedatausinganexponentialmovingaveragescheme.AregularizedDQNagentisdeployedtolearnanoptimalpolicy,whichisthenappliedinrecommendingone(oracombination)ofsixuniversalprinciplesmostlikelytotriggerresponsesfromusersduringthenextmessagecycle.Inthisstudy,emailmessagingisusedasthevehicletodeliverpersuasionprinciplestotheuser.Atatimeofdecliningclick−throughrateswithmarketingemails,businessexecutivescontinuetoshowheightenedinterestintheemailchannelowingtohigher−than−usualreturnoninvestmentof1 billion per year. While the leading companies have been quite successful at harnessing the power of recommenders to boost user engagement across the digital ecosystem, small and medium businesses (SMB) are struggling with declining engagement across many channels as competition for user attention intensifies. The SMBs often lack the technical expertise and big data infrastructure necessary to operationalize recommender systems. The purpose of this study is to explore the methods of building a learning agent that can be used to personalize a persuasive request to maximize user engagement in a data-efficient setting. We frame the task as a sequential decision-making problem, modelled as MDP, and solved using a generalized reinforcement learning (RL) algorithm. We leverage an approach that eliminates or at least greatly reduces the need for massive amounts of training data, thus moving away from a purely data-driven approach. By incorporating domain knowledge from the literature on persuasion into the message composition, we are able to train the RL agent in a sample efficient and operant manner. In our methodology, the RL agent nominates a candidate from a catalog of persuasion principles to drive higher user response and engagement. To enable the effective use of RL in our specific setting, we first build a reduced state space representation by compressing the data using an exponential moving average scheme. A regularized DQN agent is deployed to learn an optimal policy, which is then applied in recommending one (or a combination) of six universal principles most likely to trigger responses from users during the next message cycle. In this study, email messaging is used as the vehicle to deliver persuasion principles to the user. At a time of declining click-through rates with marketing emails, business executives continue to show heightened interest in the email channel owing to higher-than-usual return on investment of 42 for every dollar spent when compared to other marketing channels such as social media. Coupled with the state space transformation, our novel regularized Deep Q-learning (DQN) agent was able to train and perform well based on a few observed users’ responses. First, we explored the average positive effect of using persuasion-based messages in a live email marketing campaign, without deploying a learning algorithm to recommend the influence principles. The selection of persuasion tactics was done heuristically, using only domain knowledge. Our results suggest that embedding certain principles of persuasion in campaign emails can significantly increase user engagement for an online business (and have a positive impact on revenues) without putting pressure on marketing or advertising budgets. During the study, the store had a customer retention rate of 76% and sales grew by a half-million dollars from the three field trials combined. The key assumption was that users are predisposed to respond to certain persuasion principles and learning the right principles to incorporate in the message header or body copy would lead to higher response and engagement. With the hypothesis validated, we set forth to build a DQN agent to recommend candidate actions from a catalog of persuasion principles most likely to drive higher engagement in the next messaging cycle. A simulation and a real live campaign are implemented to verify the proposed methodology. The results demonstrate the agent’s superior performance compared to a human expert and a control baseline by a significant margin (~ up to 300%). As the quest for effective methods and tools to maximize user engagement intensifies, our methodology could help to boost user engagement for struggling SMBs without prohibitive increase in costs, by enabling the targeting of messages (with the right persuasion principle) to the right user

    Leveraging Deep Learning Techniques on Collaborative Filtering Recommender Systems

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    With the exponentially increasing volume of online data, searching and finding required information have become an extensive and time-consuming task. Recommender Systems as a subclass of information retrieval and decision support systems by providing personalized suggestions helping users access what they need more efficiently. Among the different techniques for building a recommender system, Collaborative Filtering (CF) is the most popular and widespread approach. However, cold start and data sparsity are the fundamental challenges ahead of implementing an effective CF-based recommender. Recent successful developments in enhancing and implementing deep learning architectures motivated many studies to propose deep learning-based solutions for solving the recommenders' weak points. In this research, unlike the past similar works about using deep learning architectures in recommender systems that covered different techniques generally, we specifically provide a comprehensive review of deep learning-based collaborative filtering recommender systems. This in-depth filtering gives a clear overview of the level of popularity, gaps, and ignored areas on leveraging deep learning techniques to build CF-based systems as the most influential recommenders.Comment: 24 pages, 14 figure

    PICAE – Intelligent publication of audiovisual and editorial contents

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    The development in internet infrastructure and technology in last tow decades have given users and retailers the possibility to purchase and sell items online. This has of course broadened the horizons of what products can be offered outside of the traditional trading sense, to the point where virtually any product can be offered. These massive online markets have had a considerable impact on the habits of consumers, providing them access to a greater variety of products and information on these goods. This variety has made online commerce into a multi-billion dollar industry but it has also put the customer in a position where it is getting increasingly difficult to select the products that best fit their individual needs. In the same vein, the rise of both availability and the amounts of data that computers have been able to process in the last decades have allowed for many solutions that are computationally expensive to exist, and recommender systems are no exception. These systems are the perfect tools to overcome the information overload problem since they provide automated and personalized suggestions to consumers. The PICAE project tackles the recommendation problem in the audiovisual sector. The vast amount of audiovisual content that is available nowadays to the user can be overwhelming, which is why recommenders have been increasingly growing in popularity in this sector ---Netflix being the biggest example. PICAE seeks to provide insightful and personalized recommendations to users in a public TV setting. The PICAE project develops new models and analytical tools for recommending audiovisual and editorial content with the aim of improving the user experience, based on their profile and environment, and the level of satisfaction and loyalty. These new tools represent a qualitative improvement in the state of the art of television and editorial content recommendation. On the other hand, the project also improves the digital consumption index of these contents based on the identification of products that these new forms of consumption demand and how they must be produced, distributed and promoted to respond to the needs of this emerging market. The main challenge of the PICAE project is to resolve two differentiating aspects with respect to other existing solutions such as: variety and dynamic contents that requires a real-time analysis of the recommendation and the lack of available information about the user, who in these areas is reluctant to register, making it difficult to identify in multi-device consumption. This document will explain the contributions made in the development of the project, which can be divided in two: the development of the project, which can be divided in two: the development of a recommender system that takes into account information of both users and items and a deep analysis of the current metrics used to assess the performance of a recommender system

    Analytical Challenges in Modern Tax Administration: A Brief History of Analytics at the IRS

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    AMER: Automatic Behavior Modeling and Interaction Exploration in Recommender System

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    User behavior and feature interactions are crucial in deep learning-based recommender systems. There has been a diverse set of behavior modeling and interaction exploration methods in the literature. Nevertheless, the design of task-aware recommender systems still requires feature engineering and architecture engineering from domain experts. In this work, we introduce AMER, namely Automatic behavior Modeling and interaction Exploration in Recommender systems with Neural Architecture Search (NAS). The core contributions of AMER include the three-stage search space and the tailored three-step searching pipeline. In the first step, AMER searches for residual blocks that incorporate commonly used operations in the block-wise search space of stage 1 to model sequential patterns in user behavior. In the second step, it progressively investigates useful low-order and high-order feature interactions in the non-sequential interaction space of stage 2. Finally, an aggregation multi-layer perceptron (MLP) with shortcut connection is selected from flexible dimension settings of stage~3 to combine features extracted from the previous steps. For efficient and effective NAS, AMER employs the one-shot random search in all three steps. Further analysis reveals that AMER's search space could cover most of the representative behavior extraction and interaction investigation methods, which demonstrates the universality of our design. The extensive experimental results over various scenarios reveal that AMER could outperform competitive baselines with elaborate feature engineering and architecture engineering, indicating both effectiveness and robustness of the proposed method
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