14 research outputs found

    Deep Long Short-Term Memory Adaptive Beamforming Networks For Multichannel Robust Speech Recognition

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    Far-field speech recognition in noisy and reverberant conditions remains a challenging problem despite recent deep learning breakthroughs. This problem is commonly addressed by acquiring a speech signal from multiple microphones and performing beamforming over them. In this paper, we propose to use a recurrent neural network with long short-term memory (LSTM) architecture to adaptively estimate real-time beamforming filter coefficients to cope with non-stationary environmental noise and dynamic nature of source and microphones positions which results in a set of timevarying room impulse responses. The LSTM adaptive beamformer is jointly trained with a deep LSTM acoustic model to predict senone labels. Further, we use hidden units in the deep LSTM acoustic model to assist in predicting the beamforming filter coefficients. The proposed system achieves 7.97% absolute gain over baseline systems with no beamforming on CHiME-3 real evaluation set.Comment: in 2017 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP

    A unified multichannel far-field speech recognition system: combining neural beamforming with attention based end-to-end model

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    Far-field speech recognition is a challenging task that conventionally uses signal processing beamforming to attack noise and interference problem. But the performance has been found usually limited due to heavy reliance on environmental assumption. In this paper, we propose a unified multichannel far-field speech recognition system that combines the neural beamforming and transformer-based Listen, Spell, Attend (LAS) speech recognition system, which extends the end-to-end speech recognition system further to include speech enhancement. Such framework is then jointly trained to optimize the final objective of interest. Specifically, factored complex linear projection (fCLP) has been adopted to form the neural beamforming. Several pooling strategies to combine look directions are then compared in order to find the optimal approach. Moreover, information of the source direction is also integrated in the beamforming to explore the usefulness of source direction as a prior, which is usually available especially in multi-modality scenario. Experiments on different microphone array geometry are conducted to evaluate the robustness against spacing variance of microphone array. Large in-house databases are used to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed framework and the proposed method achieve 19.26\% improvement when compared with a strong baseline

    Deep Audio Zooming: Beamwidth-Controllable Neural Beamformer

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    Audio zooming, a signal processing technique, enables selective focusing and enhancement of sound signals from a specified region, attenuating others. While traditional beamforming and neural beamforming techniques, centered on creating a directional array, necessitate the designation of a singular target direction, they often overlook the concept of a field of view (FOV), that defines an angular area. In this paper, we proposed a simple yet effective FOV feature, amalgamating all directional attributes within the user-defined field. In conjunction, we've introduced a counter FOV feature capturing directional aspects outside the desired field. Such advancements ensure refined sound capture, particularly emphasizing the FOV's boundaries, and guarantee the enhanced capture of all desired sound sources inside the user-defined field. The results from the experiment demonstrate the efficacy of the introduced angular FOV feature and its seamless incorporation into a low-power subband model suited for real-time applica?tions.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Multichannel Voice Trigger Detection Based on Transform-average-concatenate

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    Voice triggering (VT) enables users to activate their devices by just speaking a trigger phrase. A front-end system is typically used to perform speech enhancement and/or separation, and produces multiple enhanced and/or separated signals. Since conventional VT systems take only single-channel audio as input, channel selection is performed. A drawback of this approach is that unselected channels are discarded, even if the discarded channels could contain useful information for VT. In this work, we propose multichannel acoustic models for VT, where the multichannel output from the frond-end is fed directly into a VT model. We adopt a transform-average-concatenate (TAC) block and modify the TAC block by incorporating the channel from the conventional channel selection so that the model can attend to a target speaker when multiple speakers are present. The proposed approach achieves up to 30% reduction in the false rejection rate compared to the baseline channel selection approach