810 research outputs found

    Automatic 3D facial expression recognition using geometric and textured feature fusion

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    3D facial expression recognition has gained more and more interests from affective computing society due to issues such as pose variations and illumination changes caused by 2D imaging having been eliminated. There are many applications that can benefit from this research, such as medical applications involving the detection of pain and psychological effects in patients, in human-computer interaction tasks that intelligent systems use in today's world. In this paper, we look into 3D Facial Expression Recognition, by investigating many feature extraction methods used on the 2D textured images and 3D geometric data, fusing the 2 domains to increase the overall performance. A One Vs All Multi-class SVM Classifier has been adopted to recognize the expressions Angry, Disgust, Fear, Happy, Neutral, Sad and Surprise from the BU-3DFE and Bosphorus databases. The proposed approach displays an increase in performance when the features are fused together

    An Analysis of Facial Expression Recognition Techniques

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    In present era of technology , we need applications which could be easy to use and are user-friendly , that even people with specific disabilities use them easily. Facial Expression Recognition has vital role and challenges in communities of computer vision, pattern recognition which provide much more attention due to potential application in many areas such as human machine interaction, surveillance , robotics , driver safety, non- verbal communication, entertainment, health- care and psychology study. Facial Expression Recognition has major importance ration in face recognition for significant image applications understanding and analysis. There are many algorithms have been implemented on different static (uniform background, identical poses, similar illuminations ) and dynamic (position variation, partial occlusion orientation, varying lighting )conditions. In general way face expression recognition consist of three main steps first is face detection then feature Extraction and at last classification. In this survey paper we discussed different types of facial expression recognition techniques and various methods which is used by them and their performance measures
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