5,026 research outputs found

    The Devil is in the Decoder: Classification, Regression and GANs

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    Many machine vision applications, such as semantic segmentation and depth prediction, require predictions for every pixel of the input image. Models for such problems usually consist of encoders which decrease spatial resolution while learning a high-dimensional representation, followed by decoders who recover the original input resolution and result in low-dimensional predictions. While encoders have been studied rigorously, relatively few studies address the decoder side. This paper presents an extensive comparison of a variety of decoders for a variety of pixel-wise tasks ranging from classification, regression to synthesis. Our contributions are: (1) Decoders matter: we observe significant variance in results between different types of decoders on various problems. (2) We introduce new residual-like connections for decoders. (3) We introduce a novel decoder: bilinear additive upsampling. (4) We explore prediction artifacts

    DeepSketch2Face: A Deep Learning Based Sketching System for 3D Face and Caricature Modeling

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    Face modeling has been paid much attention in the field of visual computing. There exist many scenarios, including cartoon characters, avatars for social media, 3D face caricatures as well as face-related art and design, where low-cost interactive face modeling is a popular approach especially among amateur users. In this paper, we propose a deep learning based sketching system for 3D face and caricature modeling. This system has a labor-efficient sketching interface, that allows the user to draw freehand imprecise yet expressive 2D lines representing the contours of facial features. A novel CNN based deep regression network is designed for inferring 3D face models from 2D sketches. Our network fuses both CNN and shape based features of the input sketch, and has two independent branches of fully connected layers generating independent subsets of coefficients for a bilinear face representation. Our system also supports gesture based interactions for users to further manipulate initial face models. Both user studies and numerical results indicate that our sketching system can help users create face models quickly and effectively. A significantly expanded face database with diverse identities, expressions and levels of exaggeration is constructed to promote further research and evaluation of face modeling techniques.Comment: 12 pages, 16 figures, to appear in SIGGRAPH 201

    Compact Bilinear Pooling

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    Bilinear models has been shown to achieve impressive performance on a wide range of visual tasks, such as semantic segmentation, fine grained recognition and face recognition. However, bilinear features are high dimensional, typically on the order of hundreds of thousands to a few million, which makes them impractical for subsequent analysis. We propose two compact bilinear representations with the same discriminative power as the full bilinear representation but with only a few thousand dimensions. Our compact representations allow back-propagation of classification errors enabling an end-to-end optimization of the visual recognition system. The compact bilinear representations are derived through a novel kernelized analysis of bilinear pooling which provide insights into the discriminative power of bilinear pooling, and a platform for further research in compact pooling methods. Experimentation illustrate the utility of the proposed representations for image classification and few-shot learning across several datasets.Comment: Camera ready version for CVP

    One-to-many face recognition with bilinear CNNs

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    The recent explosive growth in convolutional neural network (CNN) research has produced a variety of new architectures for deep learning. One intriguing new architecture is the bilinear CNN (B-CNN), which has shown dramatic performance gains on certain fine-grained recognition problems [15]. We apply this new CNN to the challenging new face recognition benchmark, the IARPA Janus Benchmark A (IJB-A) [12]. It features faces from a large number of identities in challenging real-world conditions. Because the face images were not identified automatically using a computerized face detection system, it does not have the bias inherent in such a database. We demonstrate the performance of the B-CNN model beginning from an AlexNet-style network pre-trained on ImageNet. We then show results for fine-tuning using a moderate-sized and public external database, FaceScrub [17]. We also present results with additional fine-tuning on the limited training data provided by the protocol. In each case, the fine-tuned bilinear model shows substantial improvements over the standard CNN. Finally, we demonstrate how a standard CNN pre-trained on a large face database, the recently released VGG-Face model [20], can be converted into a B-CNN without any additional feature training. This B-CNN improves upon the CNN performance on the IJB-A benchmark, achieving 89.5% rank-1 recall.Comment: Published version at WACV 201

    Counting with Focus for Free

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    This paper aims to count arbitrary objects in images. The leading counting approaches start from point annotations per object from which they construct density maps. Then, their training objective transforms input images to density maps through deep convolutional networks. We posit that the point annotations serve more supervision purposes than just constructing density maps. We introduce ways to repurpose the points for free. First, we propose supervised focus from segmentation, where points are converted into binary maps. The binary maps are combined with a network branch and accompanying loss function to focus on areas of interest. Second, we propose supervised focus from global density, where the ratio of point annotations to image pixels is used in another branch to regularize the overall density estimation. To assist both the density estimation and the focus from segmentation, we also introduce an improved kernel size estimator for the point annotations. Experiments on six datasets show that all our contributions reduce the counting error, regardless of the base network, resulting in state-of-the-art accuracy using only a single network. Finally, we are the first to count on WIDER FACE, allowing us to show the benefits of our approach in handling varying object scales and crowding levels. Code is available at https://github.com/shizenglin/Counting-with-Focus-for-FreeComment: ICCV, 201
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