3,534 research outputs found

    A Comprehensive Performance Evaluation of Deformable Face Tracking "In-the-Wild"

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    Recently, technologies such as face detection, facial landmark localisation and face recognition and verification have matured enough to provide effective and efficient solutions for imagery captured under arbitrary conditions (referred to as "in-the-wild"). This is partially attributed to the fact that comprehensive "in-the-wild" benchmarks have been developed for face detection, landmark localisation and recognition/verification. A very important technology that has not been thoroughly evaluated yet is deformable face tracking "in-the-wild". Until now, the performance has mainly been assessed qualitatively by visually assessing the result of a deformable face tracking technology on short videos. In this paper, we perform the first, to the best of our knowledge, thorough evaluation of state-of-the-art deformable face tracking pipelines using the recently introduced 300VW benchmark. We evaluate many different architectures focusing mainly on the task of on-line deformable face tracking. In particular, we compare the following general strategies: (a) generic face detection plus generic facial landmark localisation, (b) generic model free tracking plus generic facial landmark localisation, as well as (c) hybrid approaches using state-of-the-art face detection, model free tracking and facial landmark localisation technologies. Our evaluation reveals future avenues for further research on the topic.Comment: E. Antonakos and P. Snape contributed equally and have joint second authorshi

    Automatic facial expression tracking for 4D range scans

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    This paper presents a fully automatic approach of spatio-temporal facial expression tracking for 4D range scans without any manual interventions (such as specifying landmarks). The approach consists of three steps: rigid registration, facial model reconstruction, and facial expression tracking. A Scaling Iterative Closest Points (SICP) algorithm is introduced to compute the optimal rigid registration between a template facial model and a range scan with consideration of the scale problem. A deformable model, physically based on thin shells, is proposed to faithfully reconstruct the facial surface and texture from that range data. And then the reconstructed facial model is used to track facial expressions presented in a sequence of range scans by the deformable model

    Recognition of nonmanual markers in American Sign Language (ASL) using non-parametric adaptive 2D-3D face tracking

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    This paper addresses the problem of automatically recognizing linguistically significant nonmanual expressions in American Sign Language from video. We develop a fully automatic system that is able to track facial expressions and head movements, and detect and recognize facial events continuously from video. The main contributions of the proposed framework are the following: (1) We have built a stochastic and adaptive ensemble of face trackers to address factors resulting in lost face track; (2) We combine 2D and 3D deformable face models to warp input frames, thus correcting for any variation in facial appearance resulting from changes in 3D head pose; (3) We use a combination of geometric features and texture features extracted from a canonical frontal representation. The proposed new framework makes it possible to detect grammatically significant nonmanual expressions from continuous signing and to differentiate successfully among linguistically significant expressions that involve subtle differences in appearance. We present results that are based on the use of a dataset containing 330 sentences from videos that were collected and linguistically annotated at Boston University

    Computer-based tracking, analysis, and visualization of linguistically significant nonmanual events in American Sign Language (ASL)

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    Our linguistically annotated American Sign Language (ASL) corpora have formed a basis for research to automate detection by computer of essential linguistic information conveyed through facial expressions and head movements. We have tracked head position and facial deformations, and used computational learning to discern specific grammatical markings. Our ability to detect, identify, and temporally localize the occurrence of such markings in ASL videos has recently been improved by incorporation of (1) new techniques for deformable model-based 3D tracking of head position and facial expressions, which provide significantly better tracking accuracy and recover quickly from temporary loss of track due to occlusion; and (2) a computational learning approach incorporating 2-level Conditional Random Fields (CRFs), suited to the multi-scale spatio-temporal characteristics of the data, which analyses not only low-level appearance characteristics, but also the patterns that enable identification of significant gestural components, such as periodic head movements and raised or lowered eyebrows. Here we summarize our linguistically motivated computational approach and the results for detection and recognition of nonmanual grammatical markings; demonstrate our data visualizations, and discuss the relevance for linguistic research; and describe work underway to enable such visualizations to be produced over large corpora and shared publicly on the Web

    3D face tracking and multi-scale, spatio-temporal analysis of linguistically significant facial expressions and head positions in ASL

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    Essential grammatical information is conveyed in signed languages by clusters of events involving facial expressions and movements of the head and upper body. This poses a significant challenge for computer-based sign language recognition. Here, we present new methods for the recognition of nonmanual grammatical markers in American Sign Language (ASL) based on: (1) new 3D tracking methods for the estimation of 3D head pose and facial expressions to determine the relevant low-level features; (2) methods for higher-level analysis of component events (raised/lowered eyebrows, periodic head nods and head shakes) used in grammatical markings—with differentiation of temporal phases (onset, core, offset, where appropriate), analysis of their characteristic properties, and extraction of corresponding features; (3) a 2-level learning framework to combine lowand high-level features of differing spatio-temporal scales. This new approach achieves significantly better tracking and recognition results than our previous methods

    Simultaneous Facial Landmark Detection, Pose and Deformation Estimation under Facial Occlusion

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    Facial landmark detection, head pose estimation, and facial deformation analysis are typical facial behavior analysis tasks in computer vision. The existing methods usually perform each task independently and sequentially, ignoring their interactions. To tackle this problem, we propose a unified framework for simultaneous facial landmark detection, head pose estimation, and facial deformation analysis, and the proposed model is robust to facial occlusion. Following a cascade procedure augmented with model-based head pose estimation, we iteratively update the facial landmark locations, facial occlusion, head pose and facial de- formation until convergence. The experimental results on benchmark databases demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method for simultaneous facial landmark detection, head pose and facial deformation estimation, even if the images are under facial occlusion.Comment: International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 201
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