355 research outputs found

    A Study of Reconfigurable Accelerators for Cloud Computing

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    Due to the exponential increase in network traffic in the data centers, thousands of servers interconnected with high bandwidth switches are required. Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) with Cloud ecosystem offer high performance in efficiency and energy, making them active resources, easy to program and reconfigure. This paper looks at FPGAs as reconfigurable accelerators for the cloud computing presents the main hardware accelerators that have been presented in various widely used cloud computing applications such as: MapReduce, Spark, Memcached, Databases

    MicroRec: Efficient Recommendation Inference by Hardware and Data Structure Solutions

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    Deep neural networks are widely used in personalized recommendation systems. Unlike regular DNN inference workloads, recommendation inference is memory-bound due to the many random memory accesses needed to lookup the embedding tables. The inference is also heavily constrained in terms of latency because producing a recommendation for a user must be done in about tens of milliseconds. In this paper, we propose MicroRec, a high-performance inference engine for recommendation systems. MicroRec accelerates recommendation inference by (1) redesigning the data structures involved in the embeddings to reduce the number of lookups needed and (2) taking advantage of the availability of High-Bandwidth Memory (HBM) in FPGA accelerators to tackle the latency by enabling parallel lookups. We have implemented the resulting design on an FPGA board including the embedding lookup step as well as the complete inference process. Compared to the optimized CPU baseline (16 vCPU, AVX2-enabled), MicroRec achieves 13.8~14.7x speedup on embedding lookup alone and 2.5$~5.4x speedup for the entire recommendation inference in terms of throughput. As for latency, CPU-based engines needs milliseconds for inferring a recommendation while MicroRec only takes microseconds, a significant advantage in real-time recommendation systems.Comment: Accepted by MLSys'21 (the 4th Conference on Machine Learning and Systems

    A Survey of Graph Pre-processing Methods: From Algorithmic to Hardware Perspectives

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    Graph-related applications have experienced significant growth in academia and industry, driven by the powerful representation capabilities of graph. However, efficiently executing these applications faces various challenges, such as load imbalance, random memory access, etc. To address these challenges, researchers have proposed various acceleration systems, including software frameworks and hardware accelerators, all of which incorporate graph pre-processing (GPP). GPP serves as a preparatory step before the formal execution of applications, involving techniques such as sampling, reorder, etc. However, GPP execution often remains overlooked, as the primary focus is directed towards enhancing graph applications themselves. This oversight is concerning, especially considering the explosive growth of real-world graph data, where GPP becomes essential and even dominates system running overhead. Furthermore, GPP methods exhibit significant variations across devices and applications due to high customization. Unfortunately, no comprehensive work systematically summarizes GPP. To address this gap and foster a better understanding of GPP, we present a comprehensive survey dedicated to this area. We propose a double-level taxonomy of GPP, considering both algorithmic and hardware perspectives. Through listing relavent works, we illustrate our taxonomy and conduct a thorough analysis and summary of diverse GPP techniques. Lastly, we discuss challenges in GPP and potential future directions

    SoC-based FPGA architecture for image analysis and other highly demanding applications

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    Al giorno d'oggi, lo sviluppo di algoritmi si concentra su calcoli efficienti in termini di prestazioni ed efficienza energetica. Tecnologie come il field programmable gate array (FPGA) e il system on chip (SoC) basato su FPGA (FPGA/SoC) hanno dimostrato la loro capacità di accelerare applicazioni di calcolo intensive risparmiando al contempo il consumo energetico, grazie alla loro capacità di elevato parallelismo e riconfigurazione dell'architettura. Attualmente, i cicli di progettazione esistenti per FPGA/SoC sono lunghi, a causa della complessità dell'architettura. Pertanto, per colmare il divario tra le applicazioni e le architetture FPGA/SoC e ottenere un design hardware efficiente per l'analisi delle immagini e altri applicazioni altamente demandanti utilizzando lo strumento di sintesi di alto livello, vengono prese in considerazione due strategie complementari: tecniche ad hoc e stima delle prestazioni. Per quanto riguarda le tecniche ad-hoc, tre applicazioni molto impegnative sono state accelerate attraverso gli strumenti HLS: discriminatore di forme di impulso per i raggi cosmici, classificazione automatica degli insetti e re-ranking per il recupero delle informazioni, sottolineando i vantaggi quando questo tipo di applicazioni viene attraversato da tecniche di compressione durante il targeting dispositivi FPGA/SoC. Inoltre, in questa tesi viene proposto uno stimatore delle prestazioni per l'accelerazione hardware per prevedere efficacemente l'utilizzo delle risorse e la latenza per FPGA/SoC, costruendo un ponte tra l'applicazione e i domini architetturali. Lo strumento integra modelli analitici per la previsione delle prestazioni e un motore design space explorer (DSE) per fornire approfondimenti di alto livello agli sviluppatori di hardware, composto da due motori indipendenti: DSE basato sull'ottimizzazione a singolo obiettivo e DSE basato sull'ottimizzazione evolutiva multiobiettivo.Nowadays, the development of algorithms focuses on performance-efficient and energy-efficient computations. Technologies such as field programmable gate array (FPGA) and system on chip (SoC) based on FPGA (FPGA/SoC) have shown their ability to accelerate intensive computing applications while saving power consumption, owing to their capability of high parallelism and reconfiguration of the architecture. Currently, the existing design cycles for FPGA/SoC are time-consuming, owing to the complexity of the architecture. Therefore, to address the gap between applications and FPGA/SoC architectures and to obtain an efficient hardware design for image analysis and highly demanding applications using the high-level synthesis tool, two complementary strategies are considered: ad-hoc techniques and performance estimator. Regarding ad-hoc techniques, three highly demanding applications were accelerated through HLS tools: pulse shape discriminator for cosmic rays, automatic pest classification, and re-ranking for information retrieval, emphasizing the benefits when this type of applications are traversed by compression techniques when targeting FPGA/SoC devices. Furthermore, a comprehensive performance estimator for hardware acceleration is proposed in this thesis to effectively predict the resource utilization and latency for FPGA/SoC, building a bridge between the application and architectural domains. The tool integrates analytical models for performance prediction, and a design space explorer (DSE) engine for providing high-level insights to hardware developers, composed of two independent sub-engines: DSE based on single-objective optimization and DSE based on evolutionary multi-objective optimization

    OpenCL acceleration on FPGA vs CUDA on GPU

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    Volume 1 establishes the foundations of this new field. It goes through all the steps from data collection, their summary and clustering, to different aspects of resource-aware learning, i.e., hardware, memory, energy, and communication awareness. Machine learning methods are inspected with respect to resource requirements and how to enhance scalability on diverse computing architectures ranging from embedded systems to large computing clusters

    Modelling and characterisation of distributed hardware acceleration

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    Hardware acceleration has become more commonly utilised in networked computing systems. The growing complexity of applications mean that traditional CPU architectures can no longer meet stringent latency constraints. Alternative computing architectures such as GPUs and FPGAs are increasingly available, along with simpler, more software-like development flows. The work presented in this thesis characterises the overheads associated with these accelerator architectures. A holistic view encompassing both computation and communication latency must be considered. Experimental results obtained through this work show that networkattached accelerators scale better than server-hosted deployments, and that host ingestion overheads are comparable to network traversal times in some cases. Along with the choice of processing platforms, it is becoming more important to consider how workloads are partitioned and where in the network tasks are being performed. Manual allocation and evaluation of tasks to network nodes does not scale with network and workload complexity. A mathematical formulation of this problem is presented within this thesis that takes into account all relevant performance metrics. Unlike other works, this model takes into account growing hardware heterogeneity and workload complexity, and is generalisable to a range of scenarios. This model can be used in an optimisation that generates lower cost results with latency performance close to theoretical maximums compared to naive placement approaches. With the mathematical formulation and experimental results that characterise hardware accelerator overheads, the work presented in this thesis can be used to make informed design decisions about both where to allocate tasks and deploy accelerators in the network, and the associated costs