16 research outputs found

    Digital Prototype Filter Alternatives for Processing Frequency-Stacked Mobile Subbands Deploying a Single ADC for Beamforming Satellites

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    This article presents a two-stage approach for the processing of frequency-stacked mobile subbands. The frequency stacking is performed in the analog domain to enable the use of a wideband analog-to-digital converter (ADC), instead of employing multiple narrowband ADCs, to support multiple antenna elements for digital satellite beamforming. This analog front end provides a common broadband digital interface to the on-board processor and can be configured to support multiple satellite missions, reducing the cost of commissioning a digital processor for individual satellite missions. This article proposes a framework on the specification of digital prototype filter for the analysis of frequency-stacked mobile subbands. The computational complexity of the analysis operation, with two digital filter alternatives, are evaluated. A series of results, taken from our European Space Agency sponsored project, are presented here to demonstrate the applicability of the proposed two stage approach, reporting on the savings in power consumption when an Nth-band all-pass-based recursive filter having an infinite impulse response is used as the digital prototype filter

    Gigahertz Bandwidth and Nanosecond Timescales: New Frontiers in Radio Astronomy Through Peak Performance Signal Processing

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    Abstract In the past decade, there has been a revolution in radio-astronomy signal processing. High bandwidth receivers coupled with fast ADCs have enabled the collection of tremendous instantaneous bandwidth, but streaming computational resources are struggling to catch up and serve these new capabilities. As a consequence, there is a need for novel signal processing algorithms capable of maximizing these resources. This thesis responds to the demand by presenting FPGA implementations of a Polyphase Filter Bank which are an order of magnitude more efficient than previous algorithms while exhibiting similar noise performance. These algorithms are showcased together alongside a broadband RF front-end in Starburst: a 5 GHz instantaneous bandwidth two-element interferometer, the first broadband digital sideband separating astronomical interferometer.  Starburst technology has been applied to three instruments to date. Abstract Wielding tremendous computational power and precisely calibrated hardware, low frequency radio telescope arrays have potential greatly exceeding their current applications.  This thesis presents new modes for low frequency radio-telescopes, dramatically extending their original capabilities.  A microsecond-scale time/frequency mode empowered the Owens Valley Long Wavelength Array to inspect not just the radio sky by enabling the testing of novel imaging techniques and detecting overhead beacon satellites, but also the terrestrial neighborhood, allowing for the characterization and mitigation of nearby sources of radio frequency interference (RFI).  This characterization led to insights prompting a nanosecond-scale observing mode to be developed, opening new avenues in high energy astrophysics, specifically related to the radio frequency detection of ultra-high energy cosmic rays and neutrinos. Abstract Measurement of the flux spectrum, composition, and origin of the highest energy cosmic ray events is a lofty goal in high energy astrophysics. One of the most powerful new windows has been the detection of associated extensive air showers at radio frequencies. However, all current ground-based systems must trigger off an expensive and insensitive external source such as particle detectors - making detection of the rare, high energy events uneconomical.  Attempts to make a direct detection in radio-only data have been unsuccessful despite numerous efforts. The problem is even more severe in the case of radio detection of ultra-high energy neutrino events, which cannot rely on in-situ particle detectors as a triggering mechanism. This thesis combines the aforementioned nanosecond-scale observing mode with real-time, on-FPGA RFI mitigation and sophisticated offline post-processing.  The resulting system has produced the first successful ground based detection of cosmic rays using only radio instruments. Design and measurements of cosmic ray detections are discussed, as well as recommendations for future cosmic ray experiments.  The presented future designs allow for another order of magnitude improvement in both sensitivity and output data-rate, paving the way for the economical ground-based detection of the highest energy neutrinos.</p

    High-Speed Pipeline VLSI Architectures for Discrete Wavelet Transforms

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    The discrete wavelet transform (DWT) has been widely used in many fields, such as image compression, speech analysis and pattern recognition, because of its capability of decomposing a signal at multiple resolution levels. Due to the intensive computations involved with this transform, the design of efficient VLSI architectures for a fast computation of the transforms have become essential, especially for real-time applications and those requiring processing of high-speed data. The objective of this thesis is to develop a scheme for the design of hardware resource-efficient high-speed pipeline architectures for the computation of the DWT. The goal of high speed is achieved by maximizing the operating frequency and minimizing the number of clock cycles required for the DWT computation with little or no overhead on the hardware resources. In this thesis, an attempt is made to reach this goal by enhancing the inter-stage and intra-stage parallelisms through a systematic exploitation of the characteristics inherent in discrete wavelet transforms. In order to enhance the inter-stage parallelism, a study is undertaken for determining the number of pipeline stages required for the DWT computation so as to synchronize their operations and utilize their hardware resources efficiently. This is achieved by optimally distributing the computational load associated with the various resolution levels to an optimum number of stages of the pipeline. This study has determined that employment of two pipeline stages with the first one performing the task of the first resolution level and the second one that of all the other resolution levels of the 1-D DWT computation, and employment of three pipeline stages with the first and second ones performing the tasks of the first and second resolution levels and the third one performing that of the remaining resolution levels of the 2-D DWT computation, are the optimum choices for the development of 1-D and 2-D pipeline architectures, respectively. The enhancement of the intra-stage parallelism is based on two main ideas. The first idea, which stems from the fact that in each consecutive resolution level the input data are decimated by a factor of two along each dimension, is to decompose the filtering operation into subtasks that can be performed in parallel by operating on even- and odd-numbered samples along each dimension of the data. It is shown that each subtask, which is essentially a set of multiply-accumulate operations, can be performed by employing a MAC-cell network consisting of a two-dimensional array of bit-wise adders. The second idea in enhancing the intra-stage parallelism is to maximally extend the bit-wise addition operations of this network horizontally through a suitable arrangement of bit-wise adders so as to minimize the delay of its critical path. In order to validate the proposed scheme, design and implementation of two specific examples of pipeline architectures for the 1-D and 2-D DWT computations are considered. The simulation results show that the pipeline architectures designed using the proposed scheme are able to operate at high clock frequencies, and their performances, in terms of the processing speed and area-time product, are superior to those of the architectures designed based on other schemes and utilizing similar or higher amount of hardware resources. Finally, the two pipeline architectures designed using the proposed scheme are implemented in FPGA. The test results of the FPGA implementations validate the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed scheme for designing DWT pipeline architectures

    Survey of FPGA applications in the period 2000 – 2015 (Technical Report)

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    Romoth J, Porrmann M, Rückert U. Survey of FPGA applications in the period 2000 – 2015 (Technical Report).; 2017.Since their introduction, FPGAs can be seen in more and more different fields of applications. The key advantage is the combination of software-like flexibility with the performance otherwise common to hardware. Nevertheless, every application field introduces special requirements to the used computational architecture. This paper provides an overview of the different topics FPGAs have been used for in the last 15 years of research and why they have been chosen over other processing units like e.g. CPUs

    Design and implementation of a downlink MC-CDMA receiver

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    Cette thèse présente une étude d'un système complet de transmission en liaison descendante utilisant la technologie multi-porteuse avec l'accès multiple par division de code (Multi-Carrier Code Division Multiple Access, MC-CDMA). L'étude inclut la synchronisation et l'estimation du canal pour un système MC-CDMA en liaison descendante ainsi que l'implémentation sur puce FPGA d'un récepteur MC-CDMA en liaison descendante en bande de base. Le MC-CDMA est une combinaison de la technique de multiplexage par fréquence orthogonale (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing, OFDM) et de l'accès multiple par répartition de code (CDMA), et ce dans le but d'intégrer les deux technologies. Le système MC-CDMA est conçu pour fonctionner à l'intérieur de la contrainte d'une bande de fréquence de 5 MHz pour les modèles de canaux intérieur/extérieur pédestre et véhiculaire tel que décrit par le "Third Genaration Partnership Project" (3GPP). La composante OFDM du système MC-CDMA a été simulée en utilisant le logiciel MATLAB dans le but d'obtenir des paramètres de base. Des codes orthogonaux à facteur d'étalement variable (OVSF) de longueur 8 ont été choisis comme codes d'étalement pour notre système MC-CDMA. Ceci permet de supporter des taux de transmission maximum jusquà 20.6 Mbps et 22.875 Mbps (données non codées, pleine charge de 8 utilisateurs) pour les canaux intérieur/extérieur pédestre et véhiculaire, respectivement. Une étude analytique des expressions de taux d'erreur binaire pour le MC-CDMA dans un canal multivoies de Rayleigh a été réalisée dans le but d'évaluer rapidement et de façon précise les performances. Des techniques d'estimation de canal basées sur les décisions antérieures ont été étudiées afin d'améliorer encore plus les performances de taux d'erreur binaire du système MC-CDMA en liaison descendante. L'estimateur de canal basé sur les décisions antérieures et utilisant le critère de l'erreur quadratique minimale linéaire avec une matrice' de corrélation du canal de taille 64 x 64 a été choisi comme étant un bon compromis entre la performance et la complexité pour une implementation sur puce FPGA. Une nouvelle séquence d'apprentissage a été conçue pour le récepteur dans la configuration intérieur/extérieur pédestre dans le but d'estimer de façon grossière le temps de synchronisation et le décalage fréquentiel fractionnaire de la porteuse dans le domaine du temps. Les estimations fines du temps de synchronisation et du décalage fréquentiel de la porteuse ont été effectués dans le domaine des fréquences à l'aide de sous-porteuses pilotes. Un récepteur en liaison descendante MC-CDMA complet pour le canal intérieur /extérieur pédestre avec les synchronisations en temps et en fréquence en boucle fermée a été simulé avant de procéder à l'implémentation matérielle. Le récepteur en liaison descendante en bande de base pour le canal intérieur/extérieur pédestre a été implémenté sur un système de développement fabriqué par la compagnie Nallatech et utilisant le circuit XtremeDSP de Xilinx. Un transmetteur compatible avec le système de réception a également été réalisé. Des tests fonctionnels du récepteur ont été effectués dans un environnement sans fil statique de laboratoire. Un environnement de test plus dynamique, incluant la mobilité du transmetteur, du récepteur ou des éléments dispersifs, aurait été souhaitable, mais n'a pu être réalisé étant donné les difficultés logistiques inhérentes. Les taux d'erreur binaire mesurés avec différents nombres d'usagers actifs et différentes modulations sont proches des simulations sur ordinateurs pour un canal avec bruit blanc gaussien additif

    Modelling, Dimensioning and Optimization of 5G Communication Networks, Resources and Services

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    This reprint aims to collect state-of-the-art research contributions that address challenges in the emerging 5G networks design, dimensioning and optimization. Designing, dimensioning and optimization of communication networks resources and services have been an inseparable part of telecom network development. The latter must convey a large volume of traffic, providing service to traffic streams with highly differentiated requirements in terms of bit-rate and service time, required quality of service and quality of experience parameters. Such a communication infrastructure presents many important challenges, such as the study of necessary multi-layer cooperation, new protocols, performance evaluation of different network parts, low layer network design, network management and security issues, and new technologies in general, which will be discussed in this book

    FlexWAFE - eine Architektur fĂĽr rekonfigurierbare-Bildverarbeitungssysteme

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    Recently there has been an increase in demand for high-resolution digital media content in both cinema and television industries. Currently existing equipment does not meet the requirements, or is too costly. New hardware systems and new programming techniques are needed in order to meet the high-resolution, high-quality, image requirements and reduce costs. The industry seeks a flexible architecture capable of running multiple applications on top of standard off-the-shelf components, with reduced development time. Until now, standard practice has been to develop specialized architectures and systems that target a single application. This has little flexibility and leads to high developments costs, every new application is designed almost from scratch. Our focus was to develop an architecture that is suited to image stream processing and has the flexibility to run multiple applications using the same FPGA-based hardware platform. The novelty in our approach is that we reconfigure parts of the architecture at run-time, but without incurring in the time and added constraints penalty of FPGA-partial-reconfiguration techniques. The architecture uses a hierarchical control structure that is well suited to parallel processing, and allows single cycle latency reconfiguration of parts of the processing pipeline. This is achieved using relatively little resources for the distributed control structures. To test the developed architecture a complex film-grain noise reduction algorithm was implemented on an off-the-shelf hardware platform developed by Thomson-Grass Valley. The system meet all the requirements and had very little load on the hierarchical control structures, there is growth headroom for much complexer control demands. The architecture has been ported to other hardware platforms, and other applications have been implemented as well. The run-time reconfigurability has proven to be a key factor in the success of the FlexWAFE.Kürzlich gab es eine Zunahme der Nachfrage nach hochauflösenden digitalen Medieninhalten in den Kino- und Fernsehenindustrien. Derzeit vorhandene Systeme entsprechen nicht den Anforderungen, oder sind zu teuer. Neue Hardware-Systeme und neuer Programmiertechniken sind erforderlich, um den hochauflösenden, hochwertigen, Bildanforderungen zu genügen und Kosten zu verringern. Die Industrie sucht eine flexible Architektur zur Ausführung mehrerer Anwendungen auf Standard-Komponenten, mit reduzierten Entwicklungszeiten. Bis jetzt ist gängige Praxis, spezialisierten Architektur und Systeme zu entwickeln, die eine einzelne Anwendung zielen. Dieses hat wenig Flexibilität und führt zu hohe Entwicklungskosten, jede neue Anwendung ist fast von Grund auf neu konzipiert. Unser Fokus war es, eine für Bild Verarbeitung geeignet Architektur zu entwickeln dass die Flexibilität hat mehrere Anwendungen an dieselbe FPGA-basierte Hardware-Plattform zu laufen. Die Neuheit in unserem Ansatz ist, dass wir Teile der Architektur zur Laufzeit rekonfigurieren, aber, ohne das Zeit und constraints strafe von FPGA Partielle-Rekonfiguration-Techniken. Die Architektur verwendet eine hierarchische Kontrollstruktur, die zur parallel Verarbeitung gut geeignet ist, und Single-Cycle-Latenz Rekonfiguration von Teilen der Verarbeitungs-Pipeline ermöglicht. Dieses wird unter Verwendung relativ weniger Ressourcen für die verteiltes Steuerung Strukturen erzielt. Um das entwickelte Architektur zu testen ein komplexer Film-Korn-Rauschunterdrückung Algorithmus wurde auf einer von Thomson-Grass Valley entwickelt standard Hardware-Plattform umgesetzt. Das System erfüllt alle Anforderungen und hatte sehr wenig Last auf den hierarchischen Kontrollstrukturen, es gibt viel Wachstum Spielraum für viel kompliziertere Steuerunganforderungen. Die Architektur ist zu anderen Hardwareplattformen portiert worden, und andere Anwendungen wurden ebenfalls implementiert. Der Laufzeitreconfigurability ist ein Schlüsselfaktor im Erfolg des FlexWAFE gewesen