657 research outputs found

    Panel: Influencing Culture and Curriculum Via Revolution

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    The goal of this panel session is to introduce audience members to the challenges and successes of significant cultural and curricular change as enacted by awardees in the NSF program Revolutionizing Engineering and Computer Science Departments (RED). This panel will explore how organizations go about the process of cultural investigation and how they embark on culture change, using RED awardees of 2016 as the featured panelists (the second cohort). These teams are engaged in high-risk, high-trust-required activities focused on both the organizational and operational structure of their departments, and on re-envisioning engineering and computer science curricula to create professionals able to solve 21st century problems. A panel session allows the wider community to peek into these projects to see from the inside what\u27s happening, even if only a bit. This paper captures short narratives on different themes of interest, developed by the individual teams and aggregated here as a first glimpse into the operations, challenges, and successes of these projects

    Work in Progress: Progress of the NSF RED Revolution

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    The National Science Foundation (NSF) REvolutionizing engineering and computer science Departments (RED) program is an important initiative in engineering education. The goals of RED are to “enable engineering and computer science departments to lead the nation by successfully achieving significant sustainable changes necessary to overcome longstanding issues in their undergraduate programs and educate inclusive communities of engineering and computer science students prepared to solve 21st-century challenges.” In 2015, six RED projects were funded followed by seven in 2016 and six more in 2017, bringing the total number of projects to 19. In addition, NSF funded REDPAR (RED Participatory Action Research), the collaborative effort between researchers at Rose-Hulman and the University of Washington to facilitate communication and collaboration among the RED teams and to study the processes followed by RED teams. This work in progress provides a brief overview of the program and current progress of some projects. We highlight the diversity of current RED projects through updates from eight projects across the three cohorts: four from Cohort 1: Arizona State University, Colorado State University, Oregon State University, and the University of San Diego, three from Cohort 2: Boise State University, Rowan University, Virginia Tech, and one from Cohort 3: Georgia Tech. Updates are also included from the REDPAR team about the RED Consortium (REDCON) and research that crosses the consortium. We hope that this paper will help the engineering education community to learn how these projects are changing the landscape of engineering education in the USA and consider approaches for enacting change on other campuses

    Assessing Intra-urban Particulate Matter (PM2.5) Concentrations at the Lower Rio Grande Valley (RGV), South Texas, USA, Using Low-Cost Sensors

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    Rapid technological developments of novel low-cost air quality sensors enable long-term ambient monitoring in neighborhood areas. In this study, spatial and temporal trends are analyzed by localized level monitoring with low-cost sensors (TSI BlueSky Air Quality Monitor). Eleven low-cost sensors were deployed across the Lower Rio Grande Valley, South Texas region: Brownsville, Edinburg, Weslaco, and Port Isabel. 24-hour PM2.5 concentrations are correlated with PM2.5 from existing Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) Continuous Ambient Monitoring Stations (CAMSs) to express temporal and spatial heterogeneity from March 01, 2021, to March 31, 2022. Results indicated the deployed low-cost sensors as a better representation of accurate exposure patterns at the intra-urban level, rather than at the CAMSs. Conclusions from this study will shed light on the concerns and issues with PM2.5 pollutant exposure by assessing real-time exposures in intra-and-inter-urban communities. - Los rápidos desarrollos tecnológicos de nuevos sensores de calidad del aire de bajo costo permiten el monitoreo ambiental a largo plazo en las áreas del vecindario. En este estudio, las tendencias espaciales y temporales se analizan mediante monitoreo de nivel localizado con sensores de bajo costo (TSI BlueSky Air Quality Monitor). Se desplegaron once sensores de bajo costo en el Valle inferior del Río Grande, región del sur de Texas: Brownsville, Edinburg, Weslaco y Port Isabel. Las concentraciones de PM2.5 de 24 horas se correlacionan con PM2.5 de la existente Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) Continuous Ambient Monitoring Stations (CAMSs) para expresar la heterogeneidad temporal y espacial del 1 de marzo de 2021 al 31 de marzo de 2022. Los resultados indicaron que los sensores de bajo costo desplegados eran una mejor representación de patrones de exposición precisos a nivel intraurbano, en lugar de en el CAMSs. Las conclusiones de este estudio ayudaran a entender sobre las preocupaciones y problemas con la exposición a contaminantes PM2.5 mediante la evaluación de las exposiciones en tiempo real en comunidades intra e interurbanas

    A review of 71 cases of infected total knee arthroplasty: mid-term to long-term follow-up

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    Departamentul de Chirurgie Ortopedică și Reabilitare, Universitatea Tech din Texas, Centrul de Știinţe ale Sănătaţii, Școala de Medicină Paul L. Foster, El Paso, Texas, Statele Unite ale Americii, Departamentul de Chirurgie Ortopedică, Spitalul General Buffalo, Universitatea de Stat din New York, Buffalo, New York, Statele Unite ale Americii, Departamentul de Chirurgie Ortopedică a Universităţii Harvard, Spitalul General Massachusetts, Boston, Statele Unite ale AmericiiIntroducere. În cadrul acestui studiu au fost evaluate caracteristici și rezultate la termen mediu și lung ale cazurilor de artroplastie totală de genunchi (ATG) și ale infecţiilor asociate cu acestea, care au fost tratate prin diferite metode. Material și metode. Studiul retrospectiv reflectă rezultatele a 71 de cazuri de ATG, infectate și tratate în perioada august 1993 – august 2005. Datele colectate includ înregistrări medicale cu privire la sexe, clasificarea infecţiilor periprotetice (IPP), comorbiditatea pacienţilor, criteriile de diagnostic ale IPP, rezultatele microbiologice și histopatologice, tratamentele chirurgicale și antimicrobiene, modalitaţile de tratament, complicaţiile, consecinţele, precum și rezultatele tratamentului. Nivelul de evidenţă: nivel terapeutic III. Rezultate. Vârsta medie a pacienţilor a constituit 70 de ani (extreme, 43–88 de ani). Mediana duratei de supraveghere – 10,8 ani (extreme, 5 – 20 de ani). Treizeci și trei (46,5%) de pacienţi au prezentat multipli factori de risc pentru IPP. Principalii patogeni izolaţi au fost stafilococii coagulazo-negativi – 26 (37%), Staphylococcus aureus – 16 (22,4%). Metodele de tratament ale ATG infectate au fost: înlocuirea în două etape – 59 (83%) de cazuri, debridare și retenţie – 5 (7,2%) cazuri, artrodeza – 5 (7,2%) cazuri, excizie-artroplastie – 2 (2,8%) cazuri. La sfârșitul perioadei de supraveghere, 17 genunchi (24%) au suportat intervenţie repetată, dintre care 10 (14%) – îndepărtarea componentelor din cauza reinfectării. Doi genunchi s-au reinfectat de 3 ori, trei genunchi – de două ori. Prima reintervenţie după reinfectare a fost efectuată după 1,2 ani (mediana), cu extreme cuprinse între 0,04 și 2,5 ani. Analiza curbelor Kaplan-Meier „de supravieţuire” a constatat că la 5 ani fără reintervenţie au ajuns 90,5% (95% CI între 85,3% și 96,1%) dintre pacienţi, iar la 10 ani – 82% (95% CI între 70,3% și 94,5%). Scorurile Asociaţiei Genunchiului (engl. Knee Society score): scorurile de durere, scorurile funcţionale, amplituda mișcării (engl. range of motion, ROM) – îmbunătăţite. Concluzii. Tratamentul ATG infectate este o sarcină dificilă, cu rezultate nesatisfăcătoare la termen mediu și lung. Aproximativ fiecare al patrulea pacient a necesitat o reintervenţie, iar 14% dintre pacienţi s-au reinfectat în primii 2,5 ani. Jumă- tate dintre pacienţii cu reinfecţie a ATG s-au reinfectat din nou. În majoritatea cazurilor, pacienţii s-au reinfectat cu același microorganism, dar mai virulent. Tratamentul unei ATG infectate ar putea fi ales în funcţie de tipul de infecţie (acută sau cronică), durata ei, stabilitatea implantului, specia agentului patogen, calitatea și integritatea osului și ţesutului moale.Introduction. In the present study, the characteristics and mid-term to long-term outcomes of total knee arthroplasty (TKA) associated infections treated with different types of approaches were evaluated. Material and methods. A retrospective study of the results of 71 infected TKA treated between August 1993 and August 2005. The data included medical records, gender, periprosthetic infection (PPI) classification, patients’ comorbidities, PPI diagnostic criteria, microbiology and histopathology results, surgical and antimicrobial therapy, treatment modality, complications, follow up, and treatment results. Level of Evidence: Therapeutic Level III. Results. Median age was 70 years (range, 43–88). Median follow-up 10.8 years (range, 5–20). Thirty-three patients had multiple risk-factors for PPI. The main pathogens isolated were Coagulase-negative staphylococci 26 (37%), Staphylococcus aureus 16 (22.4%). The treatment methods of TKA infection were two-stage exchange in 59 (83%), debridement and retention – 5 (7.2%), arthrodesis – 5 (7.2%), excision arthroplasty 2 (2.8%). At final follow up, 17 knees (24%) had required reoperation: 10 knees (14%) – component removal for reinfection. Two knees were reinfected 3 times, three knees – two times. The median time to first reoperation for reinfection was 1.2 years (range, 0.04–2.5 years). By Kaplan-Meier survival analysis the estimated survivals free of reoperation for infection were 90.5% (95% confidence intervals, 85.3% to 96.1%) at 5 years and 82% (95% confidence intervals, 70.3% to 94.5%) at 10 years. The Knee Society scores: Pain scores, Functional scores, ROM improved. Conclusions. TKA infections treatment is a difficult task leading to a high rate of unsatisfactory mid-term and longterm results. About one forth of patient require reoperation, 14% become reinfected in first 2.5 years. Half of reinfected patients get reinfected repeatedly. In most cases patients are reinfected with the same microorganism but more virulent. TKA infection treatment option should be chosen according to the type of infection (acute or chronic), the duration of infection, the stability of the implant, the type of microorganism causing infection, bone quality and integrity, and the quality of the soft-tissue

    La predicción del desempeño académico de los estudiantes de ingeniería usando los resultados de la prueba icfes y datos demográficos

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    Introduction: This paper is part of a research project that aims to construct a predictive model for students’ academic performance, as result of an iterative process of experimentation and evaluation of the pertinence of some data mining techniques. Methodology: This paper was written in 2016 in the Universidad El Bosque, Bogotá, Colombia, and presents a comparative analysis of the performance and relevance of the J48 and Random Forest algorithms, in order to identify the most influential demographic and icfes score variables, as well as the classification rules, to predict the first year academic performance of the Engineering Faculty students, in Universidad El Bosque, Bogotá, Colombia. Results: The analysis process was carried out on 7,644 students’ records, and it was developed in two phases. Firstly, the data needed to feed the mining process was extracted and prepared. Secondly, the data mining process itself was implemented through preprocessing data and executing the classification algorithms available in Weka. Some significant variables and rules to predict academic performance are found, according to the studied population characteristics. Conclusions: The academic risk seen as the cause of the desertion phenomenon must be studied as a phenomenon itself. Establishing its causes facilitates the creation of preventive strategies for the accompaniment of students through their process, aimed to mitigate the risk of both phenomena.Introducción: este trabajo forma parte de un proyecto de investigación cuyo objetivo es construir un modelo predictivo para el rendimiento académico de los alumnos, como resultado de un proceso iterativo de experimentación y evaluación de la pertinencia de algunas técnicas de minería de datos.Metodología: este trabajo fue escrito en el 2016 en la Universidad El Bosque, Bogotá, Colombia y presenta un análisis comparativo del desempeño y relevancia de los algoritmos J48 y Random Forest para identificar las variables más influyentes, demográficas y de resultados del icfes, así como las reglas de clasificación, para predecir el desempeño académico del primer año de los estudiantes de la Facultad deIngeniería, en la Universidad El Bosque, Bogotá, Colombia. Resultados: el proceso de análisis se realizó con 7644 expedientes de estudiantes, y se desarrolló en dos fases. En primer lugar, se extrajeron y prepararon los datos necesarios para alimentar el proceso de minería de datos. En segundo lugar, se implementó el proceso de minería de datos mediante el pre-procesamiento de datos y la ejecución de los algoritmos de clasificación disponibles en Weka. Se hallaron algunas variables significativas y reglas para predecir el rendimiento académico, según las características de la población estudiada. Conclusiones: el riesgo académico, visto como la causa del fenómeno de deserción, debe ser estudiado como un fenómeno en sí mismo. Establecer sus orígenes facilita la creación de estrategias preventivas para el acompañamiento de los estudiantes durante su proceso, que mitiguen el riesgo de ambos fenómenos

    An Algorithm for Generating Gap-Fill Multiple Choice Questions of an Expert System

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    This research is aimed to propose an artificial intelligence algorithm comprising an ontology-based design, text mining, and natural language processing for automatically generating gap-fill multiple choice questions (MCQs). The simulation of this research demonstrated an application of the algorithm in generating gap-fill MCQs about software testing. The simulation results revealed that by using 103 online documents as inputs, the algorithm could automatically produce more than 16 thousand valid gap-fill MCQs covering a variety of topics in the software testing domain. Finally, in the discussion section of this paper we suggest how the proposed algorithm should be applied to produce gap-fill MCQs being collected in a question pool used by a knowledge expert system

    Designing a multi-cycle approach to empathetic electrical engineering courses

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    Abstract Background The ability to empathize provides the basis to understand others, an often-overlooked professional skill in engineering curriculums. Studies have shown that engineering students have less empathy after completing their degree than when they had entered. Having low amounts of empathy in engineers can result in less concern for public welfare and social considerations during the engineering design process. Purpose In this work, we consider when engineering students are entering an empathetic cycle. Most studies develop a model based on an educators’ perspective and how empathy is a teachable and learnable skill. This study examines how engineering students can enter, sustain, and improve their cycles of empathy. Design/Method A qualitative approach is taken to compare and contrast the end-of-semester reflections from students in engineering and design. Coding, an ethnographic research method used to find thematic patterns and similarities throughout documents, is used to analyze end-of-semester reflections from students who have taken courses in electromagnetism for electrical engineers, electromagnetism for non-electrical engineers, and an industrial design course with a focus on engineering and technology literacy for designers. Results We propose a multi-cycle model of empathy in engineering that identifies self-awareness as the first step to empathy through the cycle of inquiry. Our model incorporates existing models of empathy in design, and empathy in engineering that introduces mode switching

    Evaluating a Course for Teaching Advanced Programming Concepts with Scratch to Preservice Kindergarten Teachers: A Case Study in Greece

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    Coding is a new literacy for the twenty-first century, and as a literacy, coding enables new ways of thinking and new ways of communicating and expressing ideas, as well as new ways of civic participation. A growing number of countries, in Europe and beyond, have established clear policies and frameworks for introducing computational thinking (CT) and computer programming to young children. In this chapter, we discuss a game-based approach to coding education for preservice kindergarten teachers using Scratch. The aim of using Scratch was to excite students’ interest and familiarize them with the basics of programming in an open-ended, project-based, and personally meaningful environment for a semester course in the Department of Preschool Education in the University of Crete. For 13 weeks, students were introduced to the main Scratch concepts and, afterward, were asked to prepare their projects. For the projects, they were required to design their own interactive stories to teach certain concepts about mathematics or physical science to preschool-age students. The results we obtained were more satisfactory than expected and, in some regards, encouraging if one considers the fact that the research participants had no prior experiences with computational thinking