23 research outputs found

    Extreme-Value Theorems for Optimal Multidimensional Pricing

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    Original manuscript: June 2, 2011We provide a Polynomial Time Approximation Scheme for the multi-dimensional unit-demand pricing problem, when the buyer's values are independent (but not necessarily identically distributed.) For all 系 >; 0, we obtain a (1 + 系)-factor approximation to the optimal revenue in time polynomial, when the values are sampled from Monotone Hazard Rate (MHR) distributions, quasi-polynomial, when sampled from regular distributions, and polynomial in n[superscript poly(log r)] when sampled from general distributions supported on a set [u[subscript min],ru[subscript min]]. We also provide an additive PTAS for all bounded distributions. Our algorithms are based on novel extreme value theorems for MHR and regular distributions, and apply probabilistic techniques to understand the statistical properties of revenue distributions, as well as to reduce the size of the search space of the algorithm. As a byproduct of our techniques, we establish structural properties of optimal solutions. We show that, for all 系 >; 0, g(1/系) distinct prices suffice to obtain a (1 + 系)-factor approximation to the optimal revenue for MHR distributions, where g(1/系) is a quasi-linear function of 1/系 that does not depend on the number of items. Similarly, for all 系 >; 0 and n >; 0, g(1/系 路 log n) distinct prices suffice for regular distributions, where n is the number of items and g(路) is a polynomial function. Finally, in the i.i.d. MHR case, we show that, as long as the number of items is a sufficiently large function of 1/系, a single price suffices to achieve a (1 + 系)-factor approximation. Our results represent significant progress to the single-bidder case of the multidimensional optimal mechanism design problem, following Myerson's celebrated work on optimal mechanism design [Myerson 1981].National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Award CCF-0953960)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Award CCF-1101491)Alfred P. Sloan Foundation (Fellowship

    Optimal Auctions vs. Anonymous Pricing

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    For selling a single item to agents with independent but non-identically distributed values, the revenue optimal auction is complex. With respect to it, Hartline and Roughgarden (2009) showed that the approximation factor of the second-price auction with an anonymous reserve is between two and four. We consider the more demanding problem of approximating the revenue of the ex ante relaxation of the auction problem by posting an anonymous price (while supplies last) and prove that their worst-case ratio is e. As a corollary, the upper-bound of anonymous pricing or anonymous reserves versus the optimal auction improves from four to ee. We conclude that, up to an ee factor, discrimination and simultaneity are unimportant for driving revenue in single-item auctions.Comment: 19 pages, 6 figures, To appear in 56th Annual IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS 2015

    Sampling and Representation Complexity of Revenue Maximization

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    We consider (approximate) revenue maximization in auctions where the distribution on input valuations is given via "black box" access to samples from the distribution. We observe that the number of samples required -- the sample complexity -- is tightly related to the representation complexity of an approximately revenue-maximizing auction. Our main results are upper bounds and an exponential lower bound on these complexities

    Optimal Pricing Is Hard

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    We show that computing the revenue-optimal deterministic auction in unit-demand single-buyer Bayesian settings, i.e. the optimal item-pricing, is computationally hard even in single-item settings where the buyer鈥檚 value distribution is a sum of independently distributed attributes, or multi-item settings where the buyer鈥檚 values for the items are independent. We also show that it is intractable to optimally price the grand bundle of multiple items for an additive bidder whose values for the items are independent. These difficulties stem from implicit definitions of a value distribution. We provide three instances of how different properties of implicit distributions can lead to intractability: the first is a #P-hardness proof, while the remaining two are reductions from the SQRT-SUM problem of Garey, Graham, and Johnson [14]. While simple pricing schemes can oftentimes approximate the best scheme in revenue, they can have drastically different underlying structure. We argue therefore that either the specification of the input distribution must be highly restricted in format, or it is necessary for the goal to be mere approximation to the optimal scheme鈥檚 revenue instead of computing properties of the scheme itself.Microsoft Research (Fellowship)Alfred P. Sloan Foundation (Fellowship)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (CAREER Award CCF-0953960)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Award CCF-1101491)Hertz Foundation (Daniel Stroock Fellowship