3 research outputs found

    Extreme Low Frequency Electromagnetic Field Stimulation Induces Metaplastic-Like Effects on LTP/ LTD

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    Extreme low frequency electromagnetic field stimulation induces metaplastic-like effects on LTP/ LTD

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    In modern societies, people are more likely to be exposed to technological devices that emit extreme low frequency (ELF, 300 Hz)-electromagnetic fields (EMFs). Although ELF-EMFs are successfully used as therapeutic agents in psychiatry treatment and rehabilitation practices, they are also considered to be environmental pollutants that pose a risk to human health. However, several studies have suggested that ELF-EMFs stimulation has the potential to ameliorate learning and memory processes in humans. Given that the underlying mechanisms of magnetic stimulation on the brain are not fully understood, this study aimed to investigate the effects of ELF-EMFs in learning and memory formation. Sprague-Dawley rats were used as a model system to evaluate learning and memory mechanisms based on the synaptic plasticity of the Schaffer-CA1 pathway in hippocampal slices using ELF-EMFs stimulation. Parameters were selected based on previous experiments (i.e., 15 hertz [Hz], 2 militesla [mT]), during, and after plasticity induction, basic frequencies of 1, 5, 20 and 100 Hz were applied and an on-line ELF-EMFs stimulation drive was used together, which previously defined as preceding, middle and post stimulation. Our results showed that the greatest effect on synaptic plasticity was observed when ELF-EMFs were paired with a plasticity induction protocol. Importantly, ELF-EMFs did not affect synapses that were weakly active or in synapses containing N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors that were blocked. This study highlights the metaplastic-like role of ELF-EMFs, acting as modulators of synaptic activity processes,as well as their regulation by NMDA receptor-dependent synaptic plasticity

    The Largest Unethical Medical Experiment in Human History

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    This monograph describes the largest unethical medical experiment in human history: the implementation and operation of non-ionizing non-visible EMF radiation (hereafter called wireless radiation) infrastructure for communications, surveillance, weaponry, and other applications. It is unethical because it violates the key ethical medical experiment requirement for “informed consent” by the overwhelming majority of the participants. The monograph provides background on unethical medical research/experimentation, and frames the implementation of wireless radiation within that context. The monograph then identifies a wide spectrum of adverse effects of wireless radiation as reported in the premier biomedical literature for over seven decades. Even though many of these reported adverse effects are extremely severe, the true extent of their severity has been grossly underestimated. Most of the reported laboratory experiments that produced these effects are not reflective of the real-life environment in which wireless radiation operates. Many experiments do not include pulsing and modulation of the carrier signal, and most do not account for synergistic effects of other toxic stimuli acting in concert with the wireless radiation. These two additions greatly exacerbate the severity of the adverse effects from wireless radiation, and their neglect in current (and past) experimentation results in substantial under-estimation of the breadth and severity of adverse effects to be expected in a real-life situation. This lack of credible safety testing, combined with depriving the public of the opportunity to provide informed consent, contextualizes the wireless radiation infrastructure operation as an unethical medical experiment