8,711 research outputs found

    Generalization of entanglement to convex operational theories: Entanglement relative to a subspace of observables

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    We define what it means for a state in a convex cone of states on a space of observables to be generalized-entangled relative to a subspace of the observables, in a general ordered linear spaces framework for operational theories. This extends the notion of ordinary entanglement in quantum information theory to a much more general framework. Some important special cases are described, in which the distinguished observables are subspaces of the observables of a quantum system, leading to results like the identification of generalized unentangled states with Lie-group-theoretic coherent states when the special observables form an irreducibly represented Lie algebra. Some open problems, including that of generalizing the semigroup of local operations with classical communication to the convex cones setting, are discussed.Comment: 19 pages, to appear in proceedings of Quantum Structures VII, Int. J. Theor. Phy

    Continuity of the maximum-entropy inference: Convex geometry and numerical ranges approach

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    We study the continuity of an abstract generalization of the maximum-entropy inference - a maximizer. It is defined as a right-inverse of a linear map restricted to a convex body which uniquely maximizes on each fiber of the linear map a continuous function on the convex body. Using convex geometry we prove, amongst others, the existence of discontinuities of the maximizer at limits of extremal points not being extremal points themselves and apply the result to quantum correlations. Further, we use numerical range methods in the case of quantum inference which refers to two observables. One result is a complete characterization of points of discontinuity for 3×33\times 3 matrices.Comment: 27 page

    On the Krein-Milman-Ky Fan theorem for convex compact metrizable sets

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    The Krein-Milman theorem (1940) states that every convex compact subset of a Hausdorfflocally convex topological space, is the closed convex hull of its extreme points. In 1963, Ky Fan extended the Krein-Milman theorem to the general framework of Φ\Phi-convexity. Under general conditions on the class of functions Φ\Phi, the Krein-Milman-Ky Fan theorem asserts then, that every compact Φ\Phi-convex subset of a Hausdorff space, is the Φ\Phi-convex hull of its Φ\Phi-extremal points. We prove in this paper that, in the metrizable case the situation is rather better. Indeed, we can replace the set of Φ\Phi-extremal points by the smaller subset of Φ\Phi-exposed points. We establish under general conditions on the class of functions Φ\Phi, that every Φ\Phi-convex compact metrizable subset of a Hausdorff space, is the Φ\Phi-convex hull of its Φ\Phi-exposed points. As a consequence we obtain that each convex weak compact metrizable (resp. convex weak∗^* compact metrizable) subset of a Banach space (resp. of a dual Banach space), is the closed convex hull of its exposed points (resp. the weak∗^* closed convex hull of its weak∗^* exposed points). This result fails in general for compact Φ\Phi-convex subsets that are not metrizable
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