1 research outputs found

    Recognition of handwritten digits using proximal support vector machine

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    Handwritten Digit Recognition System involves reception and interpretation of handwritten digits by a machine. Due to variation in shape and orientation of handwritten digits, it is difficult for a machine to interpret handwritten digits. Handwritten digit Recognition has a wide area of research due to its vast applications like automatic bank cheques processing, billing and automatic postal service. In this thesis, an Offline Handwritten Digit Recognition System is presented. The recognition system is broadly divided into 2 parts, first part is feature extraction from handwritten images and the second one is classification of feature vector into digits. We propose descriptors for handwritten digit recognition based on Histogram of Oriented Gradient (HOG) feature .It is one of the widely used feature vector for object detection in computer vision. For classification of features, linear Proximal Support Vector Machine (PSVM) Classifier is proposed. This is a binary class classifier which is further converted to a 10 class classifier by means of One against all algorithm. Due to small training time, PSVM classifier is preferable over standard Support Vector Machine (SVM) Classifier. The handwritten images both for training and testing are taken from MNIST database. The performance of the system is measured in terms of Sensitivity, Accuracy, Positive Predictivity and Specificity. The performance of PSVM classifier is better compared to Artificial Neural Network(ANN)