27 research outputs found

    Nearest Labelset Using Double Distances for Multi-label Classification

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    Multi-label classification is a type of supervised learning where an instance may belong to multiple labels simultaneously. Predicting each label independently has been criticized for not exploiting any correlation between labels. In this paper we propose a novel approach, Nearest Labelset using Double Distances (NLDD), that predicts the labelset observed in the training data that minimizes a weighted sum of the distances in both the feature space and the label space to the new instance. The weights specify the relative tradeoff between the two distances. The weights are estimated from a binomial regression of the number of misclassified labels as a function of the two distances. Model parameters are estimated by maximum likelihood. NLDD only considers labelsets observed in the training data, thus implicitly taking into account label dependencies. Experiments on benchmark multi-label data sets show that the proposed method on average outperforms other well-known approaches in terms of Hamming loss, 0/1 loss, and multi-label accuracy and ranks second after ECC on the F-measure

    Are Emotions Enumerable or Decomposable? And its Implications for Emotion Processing

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    PACLIC 23 / City University of Hong Kong / 3-5 December 200

    Locally Non-linear Embeddings for Extreme Multi-label Learning

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    The objective in extreme multi-label learning is to train a classifier that can automatically tag a novel data point with the most relevant subset of labels from an extremely large label set. Embedding based approaches make training and prediction tractable by assuming that the training label matrix is low-rank and hence the effective number of labels can be reduced by projecting the high dimensional label vectors onto a low dimensional linear subspace. Still, leading embedding approaches have been unable to deliver high prediction accuracies or scale to large problems as the low rank assumption is violated in most real world applications. This paper develops the X-One classifier to address both limitations. The main technical contribution in X-One is a formulation for learning a small ensemble of local distance preserving embeddings which can accurately predict infrequently occurring (tail) labels. This allows X-One to break free of the traditional low-rank assumption and boost classification accuracy by learning embeddings which preserve pairwise distances between only the nearest label vectors. We conducted extensive experiments on several real-world as well as benchmark data sets and compared our method against state-of-the-art methods for extreme multi-label classification. Experiments reveal that X-One can make significantly more accurate predictions then the state-of-the-art methods including both embeddings (by as much as 35%) as well as trees (by as much as 6%). X-One can also scale efficiently to data sets with a million labels which are beyond the pale of leading embedding methods

    A triple-random ensemble classification method for mining multi-label data

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    This paper presents a triple-random ensemble learning method for handling multi-label classification problems. The proposed method integrates and develops the concepts of random subspace, bagging and random k-label sets ensemble learning methods to form an approach to classify multi-label data. It applies the random subspace method to feature space, label space as well as instance space. The devised subsets selection procedure is executed iteratively. Each multi-label classifier is trained using the randomly selected subsets. At the end of the iteration, optimal parameters are selected and the ensemble MLC classifiers are constructed. The proposed method is implemented and its performance compared against that of popular multi-label classification methods. The experimental results reveal that the proposed method outperforms the examined counterparts in most occasions when tested on six small to larger multi-label datasets from different domains. This demonstrates that the developed method possesses general applicability for various multi-label classification problems.<br /

    Mixed-variate restricted Boltzmann machines

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    Modern datasets are becoming heterogeneous. To this end, we present in this paper Mixed- Variate Restricted Boltzmann Machines for simultaneously modelling variables of multiple types and modalities, including binary and continuous responses, categorical options, multicategorical choices, ordinal assessment and category-ranked preferences. Dependency among variables is modeled using latent binary variables, each of which can be interpreted as a particular hidden aspect of the data. The proposed model, similar to the standard RBMs, allows fast evaluation of the posterior for the latent variables. Hence, it is naturally suitable for many common tasks including, but not limited to, (a) as a pre-processing step to convert complex input data into a more convenient vectorial representation through the latent posteriors, thereby oering a dimensionality reduction capacity, (b) as a classier supporting binary, multiclass, multilabel, and label-ranking outputs, or a regression tool for continuous outputs and (c) as a data completion tool for multimodal and heterogeneous data. We evaluate the proposed model on a large-scale dataset using the world opinion survey results on three tasks: feature extraction and visualization, data completion and prediction.<br /