612 research outputs found

    Describing and Understanding Neighborhood Characteristics through Online Social Media

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    Geotagged data can be used to describe regions in the world and discover local themes. However, not all data produced within a region is necessarily specifically descriptive of that area. To surface the content that is characteristic for a region, we present the geographical hierarchy model (GHM), a probabilistic model based on the assumption that data observed in a region is a random mixture of content that pertains to different levels of a hierarchy. We apply the GHM to a dataset of 8 million Flickr photos in order to discriminate between content (i.e., tags) that specifically characterizes a region (e.g., neighborhood) and content that characterizes surrounding areas or more general themes. Knowledge of the discriminative and non-discriminative terms used throughout the hierarchy enables us to quantify the uniqueness of a given region and to compare similar but distant regions. Our evaluation demonstrates that our model improves upon traditional Naive Bayes classification by 47% and hierarchical TF-IDF by 27%. We further highlight the differences and commonalities with human reasoning about what is locally characteristic for a neighborhood, distilled from ten interviews and a survey that covered themes such as time, events, and prior regional knowledgeComment: Accepted in WWW 2015, 2015, Florence, Ital

    On the Accuracy of Hyper-local Geotagging of Social Media Content

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    Social media users share billions of items per year, only a small fraction of which is geotagged. We present a data- driven approach for identifying non-geotagged content items that can be associated with a hyper-local geographic area by modeling the location distributions of hyper-local n-grams that appear in the text. We explore the trade-off between accuracy, precision and coverage of this method. Further, we explore differences across content received from multiple platforms and devices, and show, for example, that content shared via different sources and applications produces significantly different geographic distributions, and that it is best to model and predict location for items according to their source. Our findings show the potential and the bounds of a data-driven approach to geotag short social media texts, and offer implications for all applications that use data-driven approaches to locate content.Comment: 10 page

    Reflecting Human Knowledge of Place and Route-Choice Behavior Using Big Data

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    Exploring human knowledge of geographical space and related behavior not only helps in understanding human-environment interactions and dynamic geographic processes, but also advances Geographic Information Systems (GIS) toward a human-centric paradigm to make daily life more efficient. Today’s relatively easy acquisition of various big data provides an unprecedented opportunity for geographers to answer research questions that previously could not be adequately addressed. However, new challenges also arise regarding data quality and bias as well as change in methodology for dealing with big data that are different from traditional data types. Representing people’s perception of place and studying driver’s route-choice behavior are two of the many applications of big data in answering research questions about human knowledge and behavior in the fields of GIS and transportation. Incorporating three papers, this dissertation focuses on these two different applications to achieve the following objectives: 1) examine the degree to which a geographic place’s spatial extent can be estimated from human-generated geotagged photos; 2) address the challenge of geotagged photos’ uneven spatial distribution in place estimation and explore an approach that can better derive a place’s spatial extent; 3) develop a method that can properly estimate the spatial extent of a place that has multiple disjoint regions while considering geotagged photos’ uneven distribution; 4) explore useful spatiotemporal patterns of taxi drivers’ route-choice behavior in a dynamic urban environment. This dissertation makes three major contributions to big data applications’ systematic theory: 1) proposes an effective approach to handling the uneven spatial distribution problem of geotagged photos as a type of volunteered geographic data by modeling their representativeness; 2) develops methods that can properly derive the vague spatial extent of a place with or without disjoint regions; and 3) explores taxi drivers’ route-choice patterns in different situations that can inform future transportation decisions and policy-making processes

    A Location Analytics Method for the Utilisation of Geotagged Photos in Travel Marketing Decision-Making

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    Location analytics offers statistical analysis of any geo- or spatial data concerning user location. Such analytics can produce useful insights into the attractions of interest to travellers or visitation patterns of a demographic group. Based on these insights, strategic decision-making by travel marketing agents, such as travel package design, may be improved. In this paper, we develop and evaluate an original method of location analytics to analyse travellers' social media data for improving managerial decision support. The method proposes an architectural framework that combines emerging pattern data mining techniques with image processing to identify and process appropriate data content. The design artefact is evaluated through a focus group and a detailed case study of Australian outbound travellers. The proposed method is generic, and can be applied to other specific locations or demographics to provide analytical outcomes useful for strategic decision support
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