2 research outputs found

    Using Arabic Tweets to Understand Drug Selling Behaviors

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    Twitter is a popular platform for e-commerce in the Arab region including the sale of illegal goods and services. Social media platforms present multiple opportunities to mine information about behaviors pertaining to both illicit and pharmaceutical drugs and likewise to legal prescription drugs sold without a prescription, i.e., illegally. Recognized as a public health risk, the sale and use of illegal drugs, counterfeit versions of legal drugs, and legal drugs sold without a prescription constitute a widespread problem that is reflected in and facilitated by social media. Twitter provides a crucial resource for monitoring legal and illegal drug sales in order to support the larger goal of finding ways to protect patient safety. We collected our dataset using Arabic keywords. We then categorized the data using four machine learning classifiers. Based on a comparison of the respective results, we assessed the accuracy of each classifier in predicting two important considerations in analysing the extent to which drugs are available on social media: references to drugs for sale and the legality/illegality of the drugs thus advertised. For predicting tweets selling drugs, Support Vector Machine, yielded the highest accuracy rate (96%), whereas for predicting the legality of the advertised drugs, the Naive Bayes, classifier yielded the highest accuracy rate (85%)

    Using Social Media to Predict the Future: A Systematic Literature Review

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    Social media (SM) data provides a vast record of humanity's everyday thoughts, feelings, and actions at a resolution previously unimaginable. Because user behavior on SM is a reflection of events in the real world, researchers have realized they can use SM in order to forecast, making predictions about the future. The advantage of SM data is its relative ease of acquisition, large quantity, and ability to capture socially relevant information, which may be difficult to gather from other data sources. Promising results exist across a wide variety of domains, but one will find little consensus regarding best practices in either methodology or evaluation. In this systematic review, we examine relevant literature over the past decade, tabulate mixed results across a number of scientific disciplines, and identify common pitfalls and best practices. We find that SM forecasting is limited by data biases, noisy data, lack of generalizable results, a lack of domain-specific theory, and underlying complexity in many prediction tasks. But despite these shortcomings, recurring findings and promising results continue to galvanize researchers and demand continued investigation. Based on the existing literature, we identify research practices which lead to success, citing specific examples in each case and making recommendations for best practices. These recommendations will help researchers take advantage of the exciting possibilities offered by SM platforms