17 research outputs found

    A Novel Approach to Recovering Depth from Defocus

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    This paper proposes a novel approach to recovering depth from defocus, which is a deterministic approach in spatial domain. Two defocused gray images from the same scene are obtained by changing two parameters (image distance and focal length of camera) other than only parameter (image distance). The idea of this approach is to convert the gray images into the gradient images by Canny operator other than Sobel operator, then calculate the ratio of the area of region with large gradient value to that of the whole image region in each block for each defocused image by moment-preserving method, and recover depth from scene according to the ratio of the ratio of one gradient image to that of the other gradient image. The experimental results show that the proposed approach is more accurate and efficient than the traditional approach

    Exploiting High Level Scene Cues in Stereo Reconstruction

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    We present a novel approach to 3D reconstruction which is inspired by the human visual system. This system unifies standard appearance matching and triangulation techniques with higher level reasoning and scene understanding, in order to resolve ambiguities between different interpretations of the scene. The types of reasoning integrated in the approach includes recognising common configurations of surface normals and semantic edges (e.g. convex, concave and occlusion boundaries). We also recognise the coplanar, collinear and symmetric structures which are especially common in man made environments


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    Road surface 3D reconstruction based on dense subpixel disparity map estimation

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    Various 3D reconstruction methods have enabled civil engineers to detect damage on a road surface. To achieve the millimetre accuracy required for road condition assessment, a disparity map with subpixel resolution needs to be used. However, none of the existing stereo matching algorithms are specially suitable for the reconstruction of the road surface. Hence in this paper, we propose a novel dense subpixel disparity estimation algorithm with high computational efficiency and robustness. This is achieved by first transforming the perspective view of the target frame into the reference view, which not only increases the accuracy of the block matching for the road surface but also improves the processing speed. The disparities are then estimated iteratively using our previously published algorithm where the search range is propagated from three estimated neighbouring disparities. Since the search range is obtained from the previous iteration, errors may occur when the propagated search range is not sufficient. Therefore, a correlation maxima verification is performed to rectify this issue, and the subpixel resolution is achieved by conducting a parabola interpolation enhancement. Furthermore, a novel disparity global refinement approach developed from the Markov Random Fields and Fast Bilateral Stereo is introduced to further improve the accuracy of the estimated disparity map, where disparities are updated iteratively by minimising the energy function that is related to their interpolated correlation polynomials. The algorithm is implemented in C language with a near real-time performance. The experimental results illustrate that the absolute error of the reconstruction varies from 0.1 mm to 3 mm.Comment: 11 pages, 16 figures, IEEE Transactions on Image Processin

    Learning to Generate and Refine Object Proposals

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    Visual object recognition is a fundamental and challenging problem in computer vision. To build a practical recognition system, one is first confronted with high computation complexity due to an enormous search space from an image, which is caused by large variations in object appearance, pose and mutual occlusion, as well as other environmental factors. To reduce the search complexity, a moderate set of image regions that are likely to contain an object, regardless of its category, are usually first generated in modern object recognition subsystems. These possible object regions are called object proposals, object hypotheses or object candidates, which can be used for down-stream classification or global reasoning in many different vision tasks like object detection, segmentation and tracking, etc. This thesis addresses the problem of object proposal generation, including bounding box and segment proposal generation, in real-world scenarios. In particular, we investigate the representation learning in object proposal generation with 3D cues and contextual information, aiming to propose higher-quality object candidates which have higher object recall, better boundary coverage and lower number. We focus on three main issues: 1) how can we incorporate additional geometric and high-level semantic context information into the proposal generation for stereo images? 2) how do we generate object segment proposals for stereo images with learning representations and learning grouping process? and 3) how can we learn a context-driven representation to refine segment proposals efficiently? In this thesis, we propose a series of solutions to address each of the raised problems. We first propose a semantic context and depth-aware object proposal generation method. We design a set of new cues to encode the objectness, and then train an efficient random forest classifier to re-rank the initial proposals and linear regressors to fine-tune their locations. Next, we extend the task to the segment proposal generation in the same setting and develop a learning-based segment proposal generation method for stereo images. Our method makes use of learned deep features and designed geometric features to represent a region and learns a similarity network to guide the superpixel grouping process. We also learn a ranking network to predict the objectness score for each segment proposal. To address the third problem, we take a transformation-based approach to improve the quality of a given segment candidate pool based on context information. We propose an efficient deep network that learns affine transformations to warp an initial object mask towards nearby object region, based on a novel feature pooling strategy. Finally, we extend our affine warping approach to address the object-mask alignment problem and particularly the problem of refining a set of segment proposals. We design an end-to-end deep spatial transformer network that learns free-form deformations (FFDs) to non-rigidly warp the shape mask towards the ground truth, based on a multi-level dual mask feature pooling strategy. We evaluate all our approaches on several publicly available object recognition datasets and show superior performance