2 research outputs found

    Fractional refinements of integral theorems

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    The focus of this thesis is to take theorems which deal with ``integral" objects in graph theory and consider fractional refinements of them to gain additional structure. A classic theorem of Hakimi says that for an integer kk, a graph has maximum average degree at most 2k2k if and only if the graph decomposes into kk pseudoforests. To find a fractional refinement of this theorem, one simply needs to consider the instances where the maximum average degree is fractional. We prove that for any positive integers kk and dd, if GG has maximum average degree at most 2k+2dk+d+12k + \frac{2d}{k+d+1}, then GG decomposes into k+1k+1 pseudoforests, where one of pseudoforests has every connected component containing at most dd edges, and further this pseudoforest is acyclic. The maximum average degree bound is best possible for every choice of kk and dd. Similar to Hakimi's Theorem, a classical theorem of Nash-Williams says that a graph has fractional arborcity at most kk if and only if GG decomposes into kk forests. The Nine Dragon Tree Theorem, proven by Jiang and Yang, provides a fractional refinement of Nash-Williams Theorem. It says, for any positive integers kk and dd, if a graph GG has fractional arboricity at most k+dk+d+1k + \frac{d}{k+d+1}, then GG decomposes into k+1k+1 forests, where one of the forests has maximum degree dd. We prove a strengthening of the Nine Dragon Tree Theorem in certain cases. Let k=1k=1 and d∈{3,4}d \in \{3,4\}. Every graph with fractional arboricity at most 1+dd+21 + \frac{d}{d+2} decomposes into two forests TT and FF where FF has maximum degree dd, every component of FF contains at most one vertex of degree dd, and if d=4d= 4, then every component of FF contains at most 88 edges e=xye=xy such that both deg⁑(x)β‰₯3\deg(x) \geq 3 and deg⁑(y)β‰₯3\deg(y) \geq 3. In fact, when k=1k = 1 and d=3d=3, we prove that every graph with fractional arboricity 1+351 + \frac{3}{5} decomposes into two forests T,FT,F such that FF has maximum degree 33, every component of FF has at most one vertex of degree 33, further if a component of FF has a vertex of degree 33 then it has at most 1414 edges, and otherwise a component of FF has at most 1313 edges. Shifting focus to problems which partition the vertex set, circular colouring provides a way to fractionally refine colouring problems. A classic theorem of Tuza says that every graph with no cycles of length 1β€Šmodβ€Šk1 \bmod k is kk-colourable. Generalizing this to circular colouring, we get the following: Let kk and dd be relatively prime, with k>2dk>2d, and let ss be the element of Zk\mathbb{Z}_k such that sd≑1mod  ksd \equiv 1\mod k. Let xyxy be an edge in a graph GG. If Gβˆ’xyG-xy is (k,d)(k,d)-circular-colorable and GG is not, then xyxy lies in at least one cycle in GG of length congruent to ismod  kis \mod k for some ii in {1,…,d}\{1,\ldots,d\}. If this does not occur with i∈{1,…,dβˆ’1}i \in\{1,\ldots,d-1\}, then xyxy lies in at least two cycles of length 1mod  k1 \mod k and Gβˆ’xyG-xy contains a cycle of length 0mod  k0 \mod k. This theorem is best possible with regards to the number of congruence classes when k=2d+1k = 2d+1. A classic theorem of Gr\"{o}tzsch says that triangle free planar graphs are 33-colourable. There are many generalizations of this result, however fitting the theme of fractional refinements, Jaeger conjectured that every planar graph of girth 4k4k admits a homomorphism to C2k+1C_{2k+1}. While we make no progress on this conjecture directly, one way to approach the conjecture is to prove critical graphs have large average degree. On this front, we prove: Every 44-critical graph which does not have a (7,2)(7,2)-colouring and is not K4K_{4} or W5W_{5} satisfies e(G)β‰₯17v(G)10e(G) \geq \frac{17v(G)}{10}, and every triangle free 44-critical graph satisfies e(G)β‰₯5v(G)+23e(G) \geq \frac{5v(G)+2}{3}. In the case of the second theorem, a result of Davies shows there exists infinitely many triangle free 44-critical graphs satisfying e(G)=5v(G)+43e(G) = \frac{5v(G) +4}{3}, and hence the second theorem is close to being tight. It also generalizes results of Thomas and Walls, and also Thomassen, that girth 55 graphs embeddable on the torus, projective plane, or Klein bottle are 33-colourable. Lastly, a theorem of Cereceda, Johnson, and van den Heuvel, says that given a 22-connected bipartite planar graph GG with no separating four-cycles and a 33-colouring ff, then one can obtain all 33-colourings from ff by changing one vertices' colour at a time if and only if GG has at most one face of size 66. We give the natural generalization of this to circular colourings when pq<4\frac{p}{q} < 4