2,660 research outputs found

    An Evaluation of Popular Copy-Move Forgery Detection Approaches

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    A copy-move forgery is created by copying and pasting content within the same image, and potentially post-processing it. In recent years, the detection of copy-move forgeries has become one of the most actively researched topics in blind image forensics. A considerable number of different algorithms have been proposed focusing on different types of postprocessed copies. In this paper, we aim to answer which copy-move forgery detection algorithms and processing steps (e.g., matching, filtering, outlier detection, affine transformation estimation) perform best in various postprocessing scenarios. The focus of our analysis is to evaluate the performance of previously proposed feature sets. We achieve this by casting existing algorithms in a common pipeline. In this paper, we examined the 15 most prominent feature sets. We analyzed the detection performance on a per-image basis and on a per-pixel basis. We created a challenging real-world copy-move dataset, and a software framework for systematic image manipulation. Experiments show, that the keypoint-based features SIFT and SURF, as well as the block-based DCT, DWT, KPCA, PCA and Zernike features perform very well. These feature sets exhibit the best robustness against various noise sources and downsampling, while reliably identifying the copied regions.Comment: Main paper: 14 pages, supplemental material: 12 pages, main paper appeared in IEEE Transaction on Information Forensics and Securit

    Coherence Filtering to Enhance the Mandibular Canal in Cone-Beam CT data

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    Segmenting the mandibular canal from cone beam CT data, is difficult due to low edge contrast and high image noise. We introduce 3D coherence filtering as a method to close the interrupted edges and denoise the structure of the mandibular canal. Coherence Filtering is an anisotropic non-linear tensor based diffusion algorithm for edge enhancing image filtering. We test different numerical schemes of the tensor diffusion equation, non-negative, standard discretization and also a rotation invariant scheme of Weickert [1]. Only the\ud scheme of Weickert did not blur the high spherical images frequencies on the image diagonals of our test volume. Thus this scheme is chosen to enhance the small curved mandibular canal structure. The best choice of the diffusion equation parameters c1 and c2, depends on the image noise. Coherence filtering on the CBCT-scan works well, the noise in the mandibular canal is gone and the edges are connected. Because the algorithm is tensor based it cannot deal with edge joints or splits, thus is less fit for more complex image structures

    Extracting geometric information from images with the novel Self Affine Feature Transform

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    Based on our research, the Self Affine Feature Transform (SAFT) was introduced as it extracts quantities which hold information of the edges in the investigated image region. This paper gives details on algorithms which extract various geometric information from the SAFT matrix. As different image types should be analysed differently, a classification procedure must be performed first. The main contribution of this paper is to describe this classification in details. Information extraction is applied for solving different 2-dimensional image processing tasks, amongst them the detection of con­ver­gent lines, circles, ellipses, parabolae and hiperbolae or localizing corners of calibration grids in a robust and accurate manner

    Convolutional Color Constancy

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    Color constancy is the problem of inferring the color of the light that illuminated a scene, usually so that the illumination color can be removed. Because this problem is underconstrained, it is often solved by modeling the statistical regularities of the colors of natural objects and illumination. In contrast, in this paper we reformulate the problem of color constancy as a 2D spatial localization task in a log-chrominance space, thereby allowing us to apply techniques from object detection and structured prediction to the color constancy problem. By directly learning how to discriminate between correctly white-balanced images and poorly white-balanced images, our model is able to improve performance on standard benchmarks by nearly 40%

    Spatial frequency based video stream analysis for object classification and recognition in clouds

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    The recent rise in multimedia technology has made it easier to perform a number of tasks. One of these tasks is monitoring where cheap cameras are producing large amount of video data. This video data is then processed for object classification to extract useful information. However, the video data obtained by these cheap cameras is often of low quality and results in blur video content. Moreover, various illumination effects caused by lightning conditions also degrade the video quality. These effects present severe challenges for object classification. We present a cloud-based blur and illumination invariant approach for object classification from images and video data. The bi-dimensional empirical mode decomposition (BEMD) has been adopted to decompose a video frame into intrinsic mode functions (IMFs). These IMFs further undergo to first order Reisz transform to generate monogenic video frames. The analysis of each IMF has been carried out by observing its local properties (amplitude, phase and orientation) generated from each monogenic video frame. We propose a stack based hierarchy of local pattern features generated from the amplitudes of each IMF which results in blur and illumination invariant object classification. The extensive experimentation on video streams as well as publically available image datasets reveals that our system achieves high accuracy from 0.97 to 0.91 for increasing Gaussian blur ranging from 0.5 to 5 and outperforms state of the art techniques under uncontrolled conditions. The system also proved to be scalable with high throughput when tested on a number of video streams using cloud infrastructure

    Maps of Bounded Rationality

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    The work cited by the Nobel committee was done jointly with the late Amos Tversky (1937-1996) during a long and unusually close collaboration. Together, we explored the psychology of intuitive beliefs and choices and examined their bounded rationality. This essay presents a current perspective on the three major topics of our joint work: heuristics of judgment, risky choice, and framing effects. In all three domains we studied intuitions - thoughts and preferences that come to mind quickly and without much reflection. I review the older research and some recent developments in light of two ideas that have become central to social-cognitive psychology in the intervening decades: the notion that thoughts differ in a dimension of accessibility - some come to mind much more easily than others - and the distinction between intuitive and deliberate thought processes.behavioral economics; experimental economics

    Stereo Correspondence with Local Descriptors for Object Recognition

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