1,456 research outputs found

    Supertagged phrase-based statistical machine translation

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    Until quite recently, extending Phrase-based Statistical Machine Translation (PBSMT) with syntactic structure caused system performance to deteriorate. In this work we show that incorporating lexical syntactic descriptions in the form of supertags can yield significantly better PBSMT systems. We describe a novel PBSMT model that integrates supertags into the target language model and the target side of the translation model. Two kinds of supertags are employed: those from Lexicalized Tree-Adjoining Grammar and Combinatory Categorial Grammar. Despite the differences between these two approaches, the supertaggers give similar improvements. In addition to supertagging, we also explore the utility of a surface global grammaticality measure based on combinatory operators. We perform various experiments on the Arabic to English NIST 2005 test set addressing issues such as sparseness, scalability and the utility of system subcomponents. Our best result (0.4688 BLEU) improves by 6.1% relative to a state-of-theart PBSMT model, which compares very favourably with the leading systems on the NIST 2005 task

    Linguistically Motivated Vocabulary Reduction for Neural Machine Translation from Turkish to English

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    The necessity of using a fixed-size word vocabulary in order to control the model complexity in state-of-the-art neural machine translation (NMT) systems is an important bottleneck on performance, especially for morphologically rich languages. Conventional methods that aim to overcome this problem by using sub-word or character-level representations solely rely on statistics and disregard the linguistic properties of words, which leads to interruptions in the word structure and causes semantic and syntactic losses. In this paper, we propose a new vocabulary reduction method for NMT, which can reduce the vocabulary of a given input corpus at any rate while also considering the morphological properties of the language. Our method is based on unsupervised morphology learning and can be, in principle, used for pre-processing any language pair. We also present an alternative word segmentation method based on supervised morphological analysis, which aids us in measuring the accuracy of our model. We evaluate our method in Turkish-to-English NMT task where the input language is morphologically rich and agglutinative. We analyze different representation methods in terms of translation accuracy as well as the semantic and syntactic properties of the generated output. Our method obtains a significant improvement of 2.3 BLEU points over the conventional vocabulary reduction technique, showing that it can provide better accuracy in open vocabulary translation of morphologically rich languages.Comment: The 20th Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation (EAMT), Research Paper, 12 page

    Robust large-scale EBMT with marker-based segmentation

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    Previous work on marker-based EBMT [Gough & Way, 2003, Way & Gough, 2004] suffered from problems such as data-sparseness and disparity between the training and test data. We have developed a large-scale robust EBMT system. In a comparison with the systems listed in [Somers, 2003], ours is the third largest EBMT system and certainly the largest English-French EBMT system. Previous work used the on-line MT system Logomedia to translate source language material as a means of populating the system’s database where bitexts were unavailable. We derive our sententially aligned strings from a Sun Translation Memory (TM) and limit the integration of Logomedia to the derivation of our word-level lexicon. We also use Logomedia to provide a baseline comparison for our system and observe that we outperform Logomedia and previous marker-based EBMT systems in a number of tests

    What is the Role of Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) in an Image Caption Generator?

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    In neural image captioning systems, a recurrent neural network (RNN) is typically viewed as the primary `generation' component. This view suggests that the image features should be `injected' into the RNN. This is in fact the dominant view in the literature. Alternatively, the RNN can instead be viewed as only encoding the previously generated words. This view suggests that the RNN should only be used to encode linguistic features and that only the final representation should be `merged' with the image features at a later stage. This paper compares these two architectures. We find that, in general, late merging outperforms injection, suggesting that RNNs are better viewed as encoders, rather than generators.Comment: Appears in: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Natural Language Generation (INLG'17

    Discourse Structure in Machine Translation Evaluation

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    In this article, we explore the potential of using sentence-level discourse structure for machine translation evaluation. We first design discourse-aware similarity measures, which use all-subtree kernels to compare discourse parse trees in accordance with the Rhetorical Structure Theory (RST). Then, we show that a simple linear combination with these measures can help improve various existing machine translation evaluation metrics regarding correlation with human judgments both at the segment- and at the system-level. This suggests that discourse information is complementary to the information used by many of the existing evaluation metrics, and thus it could be taken into account when developing richer evaluation metrics, such as the WMT-14 winning combined metric DiscoTKparty. We also provide a detailed analysis of the relevance of various discourse elements and relations from the RST parse trees for machine translation evaluation. In particular we show that: (i) all aspects of the RST tree are relevant, (ii) nuclearity is more useful than relation type, and (iii) the similarity of the translation RST tree to the reference tree is positively correlated with translation quality.Comment: machine translation, machine translation evaluation, discourse analysis. Computational Linguistics, 201

    Towards Bidirectional Hierarchical Representations for Attention-Based Neural Machine Translation

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    This paper proposes a hierarchical attentional neural translation model which focuses on enhancing source-side hierarchical representations by covering both local and global semantic information using a bidirectional tree-based encoder. To maximize the predictive likelihood of target words, a weighted variant of an attention mechanism is used to balance the attentive information between lexical and phrase vectors. Using a tree-based rare word encoding, the proposed model is extended to sub-word level to alleviate the out-of-vocabulary (OOV) problem. Empirical results reveal that the proposed model significantly outperforms sequence-to-sequence attention-based and tree-based neural translation models in English-Chinese translation tasks.Comment: Accepted for publication at EMNLP 201
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