4 research outputs found

    Extended corona product as an exactly tractable model for weighted heterogeneous networks

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    Various graph products and operations have been widely used to construct complex networks with common properties of real-life systems. However, current works mainly focus on designing models of binary networks, in spite of the fact that many real networks can be better mimicked by heterogeneous weighted networks. In this paper, we develop a corona product of two weighted graphs, based on which and an observed updating mechanism of edge weight in real networks, we propose a minimal generative model for inhomogeneous weighted networks. We derive analytically relevant properties of the weighted network model, including strength, weight and degree distributions, clustering coefficient, degree correlations and diameter. These properties are in good agreement with those observed in diverse real-world weighted networks. We then determine all the eigenvalues and their corresponding multiplicities of the transition probability matrix for random walks on the weighted networks. Finally, we apply the obtained spectra to derive explicit expressions for mean hitting time of random walks and weighted counting of spanning trees on the weighted networks. Our model is an exactly solvable one, allowing to analytically treat its structural and dynamical properties, which is thus a good test-bed and an ideal substrate network for studying different dynamical processes, in order to explore the impacts of heterogeneous weight distribution on these processes

    Hitting times and resistance distances of qq-triangulation graphs: Accurate results and applications

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    Graph operations or products, such as triangulation and Kronecker product have been extensively applied to model complex networks with striking properties observed in real-world complex systems. In this paper, we study hitting times and resistance distances of qq-triangulation graphs. For a simple connected graph GG, its qq-triangulation graph Rq(G)R_q(G) is obtained from GG by performing the qq-triangulation operation on GG. That is, for every edge uvuv in GG, we add qq disjoint paths of length 22, each having uu and vv as its ends. We first derive the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of normalized adjacency matrix of Rq(G)R_q(G), expressing them in terms of those associated with GG. Based on these results, we further obtain some interesting quantities about random walks and resistance distances for Rq(G)R_q(G), including two-node hitting time, Kemeny's constant, two-node resistance distance, Kirchhoff index, additive degree-Kirchhoff index, and multiplicative degree-Kirchhoff index. Finally, we provide exact formulas for the aforementioned quantities of iterated qq-triangulation graphs, using which we provide closed-form expressions for those quantities corresponding to a class of scale-free small-world graphs, which has been applied to mimic complex networks.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1808.0037

    Spectra, hitting times, and resistance distances of qq-subdivision graphs

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    Graph operations or products play an important role in complex networks. In this paper, we study the properties of qq-subdivision graphs, which have been applied to model complex networks. For a simple connected graph GG, its qq-subdivision graph Sq(G)S_q(G) is obtained from GG through replacing every edge uvuv in GG by qq disjoint paths of length 2, with each path having uu and vv as its ends. We derive explicit formulas for many quantities of Sq(G)S_q(G) in terms of those corresponding to GG, including the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of normalized adjacency matrix, two-node hitting time, Kemeny constant, two-node resistance distance, Kirchhoff index, additive degree-Kirchhoff index, and multiplicative degree-Kirchhoff index. We also study the properties of the iterated qq-subdivision graphs, based on which we obtain the closed-form expressions for a family of hierarchical lattices, which has been used to describe scale-free fractal networks

    Edge corona product as an approach to modeling complex simplical networks

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    Many graph products have been applied to generate complex networks with striking properties observed in real-world systems. In this paper, we propose a simple generative model for simplicial networks by iteratively using edge corona product. We present a comprehensive analysis of the structural properties of the network model, including degree distribution, diameter, clustering coefficient, as well as distribution of clique sizes, obtaining explicit expressions for these relevant quantities, which agree with the behaviors found in diverse real networks. Moreover, we obtain exact expressions for all the eigenvalues and their associated multiplicities of the normalized Laplacian matrix, based on which we derive explicit formulas for mixing time, mean hitting time and the number of spanning trees. Thus, as previous models generated by other graph products, our model is also an exactly solvable one, whose structural properties can be analytically treated. More interestingly, the expressions for the spectra of our model are also exactly determined, which is sharp contrast to previous models whose spectra can only be given recursively at most. This advantage makes our model a good test-bed and an ideal substrate network for studying dynamical processes, especially those closely related to the spectra of normalized Laplacian matrix, in order to uncover the influences of simplicial structure on these processes.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figure