7 research outputs found

    Fuzzy ontology representation using OWL 2

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    AbstractThe need to deal with vague information in Semantic Web languages is rising in importance and, thus, calls for a standard way to represent such information. We may address this issue by either extending current Semantic Web languages to cope with vagueness, or by providing a procedure to represent such information within current standard languages and tools. In this work, we follow the latter approach, by identifying the syntactic differences that a fuzzy ontology language has to cope with, and by proposing a concrete methodology to represent fuzzy ontologies using OWL 2 annotation properties. We also report on some prototypical implementations: a plug-in to edit fuzzy ontologies using OWL 2 annotations and some parsers that translate fuzzy ontologies represented using our methodology into the languages supported by some reasoners

    Expressive reasoning with horn rules and fuzzy description logics

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    Expressive Reasoning with Horn Rules and Fuzzy Description Logics

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    Abstract. This essay describes fuzzy CARIN, a knowledge representation language combining fuzzy description logics with Horn rules. Fuzzy CARIN integrates the management of fuzzy logic into the non-recursive CARIN system. It provides a sound and complete algorithm for representing and reasoning about fuzzy ALCN R extended with non-recursive Horn rules. Such an extension is most useful in realistic applications dealing with uncertainty and imprecision, such as multimedia processing and medical applications. Additionally, it provides the ability of answering to union of conjunctive queries, which is a novelty not previously addressed by fuzzy DL systems.