2 research outputs found

    Fornøyd med litt men ønsker seg likevel mer : gir nye versjoner av EPJ-system i helse- og omsorgssektoren i kommunene kontinuerlig forbedring?

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    Masteroppgave i helse- og sosialinformatikk- Universitetet i Agder, 2016Continuous development in health- and care services leads to the electronic patient record (EPR) systems to become more complex. It is important for municipalities to have systems that work, and acts as a support for workflows of everyday life, so that information regarding the patients are easily accessible and accurate. It is therefore important that new versions of EPR systems are delivered with good quality. This study focuses on municipalities' challenges with developing, testing and implementing new versions of old EPR system in health- and caregiving services. A qualitative study is conductet, with interviews of ten administrators in municipalities as well as interviews with the three providers of EPR systems for the healthcare sector. Results shows that the interviewees from municipalities are satisfied with their EPR systems but want more development. Which method system providers uses when developing systems could have consequences for municipalities on implementation. The study also shows that the degree of cooperation with the supplier may have consequences for what functionality that is being developed. Informants from municipalities saw that there were some errors in new versions of the systems so they postponed their upgrading until those errors were uncovered in other municipalities. The study shows that there are some challenges in the development, test and upgrading of EPR system that has consequences for municipalities. By illuminating these challenges, the results of the study can be used to work for better deliveries and implementation of new versions of EPR systems. Keywords: Electronic Pasient Records (EPR), development, test, upgrade, erro

    Exposure model for prediction of number of customer reported defects

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