6 research outputs found

    On (n,σ)(n,\sigma)-equivalence relation between skew constacyclic codes

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    In this paper we generalize the notion of nn-equivalence relation introduced by Chen et al. in \cite{Chen2014} to classify constacyclic codes of length nn over a finite field Fq\mathbb{F}_q, where q=prq=p^r is a prime power, to the case of skew constacyclic codes without derivation. We call this relation (n,σ)(n,\sigma)-equivalence relation, where nn is the length of the code and σ \sigma is an automorphism of the finite field. We compute the number of (n,σ)(n,\sigma)-equivalence classes, and we give conditions on λ \lambda and μ\mu for which (σ,λ)(\sigma, \lambda)-constacyclic codes and (σ,λ)(\sigma, \lambda)-constacyclic codes are equivalent with respect to our (n,σ)(n,\sigma)-equivalence relation. Under some conditions on nn and qq we prove that skew constacyclic codes are equivalent to cyclic codes. We also prove that when qq is even and σ\sigma is the Frobenius autmorphism, skew constacyclic codes of length nn are equivalent to cyclic codes when gcd(n,r)=1\gcd(n,r)=1. Finally we give some examples as applications of the theory developed here.Comment: 16 page

    On some extensions of strongly unit nil-clean rings

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    An element xRx \in R is considered (strongly) nil-clean if it can be expressed as the sum of an idempotent eRe \in R and a nilpotent bRb \in R (where eb=beeb = be). If for any xRx \in R, there exists a unit uRu \in R such that uxux is (strongly) nil-clean, then RR is called a (strongly) unit nil-clean ring. It is worth noting that any unit-regular ring is strongly unit nil-clean. In this note, we provide a characterization of the unit regularity of a group ring, along with an additional condition. We also fully characterize the unit-regularity of the group ring ZnG\mathbb{Z}_nG for every n>1n > 1. Additionally, we discuss strongly unit nil-cleanness in the context of Morita contexts, matrix rings, and group rings.Comment: 12 Pages, to appear i

    NonCommutative Rings and their Applications, IV ABSTRACTS Checkable Codes from Group Algebras to Group Rings

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    Abstract A code over a group ring is defined to be a submodule of that group ring. For a code C over a group ring RG, C is said to be checkable if there is v ∈ RG such that C = {x ∈ RG : xv = 0}. In [1], Jitman et al. introduced the notion of code-checkable group ring. We say that a group ring RG is code-checkable if every ideal in RG is a checkable code. In their paper, Jitman et al. gave a necessary and sufficient condition for the group ring FG, when F is a finite field and G is a finite abelian group, to be codecheckable. In this paper, we generalize this result for RG, when R is a finite commutative semisimple ring and G is any finite group. Our main result states that: Given a finite commutative semisimple ring R and a finite group G, the group ring RG is code-checkable if and only if G is π -by-cyclic π; where π is the set of noninvertible primes in R

    Exponents of skew polynomials

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