1 research outputs found

    Exponential Condition Number of Solutions of the Discrete Lyapunov Equation

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    The condition number of the nΒ xΒ nn\ x\ n matrix PP is examined, where PP solves %the discete Lyapunov equation, Pβˆ’APAβˆ—=BBβˆ—P - A P A^* = BB^*, and BB is a $n\ x\ dmatrix.Lowerboundsontheconditionnumber, matrix. Lower bounds on the condition number, \kappa,of, of Paregivenwhen are given when Aisnormal,asingleJordanblockorinFrobeniusform.Theboundsshowthattheillβˆ’conditioningof is normal, a single Jordan block or in Frobenius form. The bounds show that the ill-conditioning of Pgrowsas grows as \exp(n/d) >> 1.Theseboundsarerelatedtotheconditionnumberofthetransformationthattakes. These bounds are related to the condition number of the transformation that takes Atoinputnormalform.Asimulationshowsthat to input normal form. A simulation shows that Pistypicallyillβˆ’conditionedinthecaseof is typically ill-conditioned in the case of n>>1and and d=1.When. When A_{ij}hasanindependentGaussiandistribution(subjecttorestrictions),weobservethat has an independent Gaussian distribution (subject to restrictions), we observe that \kappa(P)^{1/n} ~= 3.3$. The effect of auto-correlated forcing on the conditioning on state space systems is examine