3 research outputs found

    Exponential Strong Converse for Successive Refinement with Causal Decoder Side Information

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    We consider the kk-user successive refinement problem with causal decoder side information and derive an exponential strong converse theorem. The rate-distortion region for the problem can be derived as a straightforward extension of the two-user case by Maor and Merhav (2008). We show that for any rate-distortion tuple outside the rate-distortion region of the kk-user successive refinement problem with causal decoder side information, the joint excess-distortion probability approaches one exponentially fast. Our proof follows by judiciously adapting the recently proposed strong converse technique by Oohama using the information spectrum method, the variational form of the rate-distortion region and H\"older's inequality. The lossy source coding problem with causal decoder side information considered by El Gamal and Weissman is a special case (k=1k=1) of the current problem. Therefore, the exponential strong converse theorem for the El Gamal and Weissman problem follows as a corollary of our result

    Exponential Strong Converse for Source Coding with Side Information at the Decoder

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    We consider the rate distortion problem with side information at the decoder posed and investigated by Wyner and Ziv. Using side information and encoded original data, the decoder must reconstruct the original data with an arbitrary prescribed distortion level. The rate distortion region indicating the trade-off between a data compression rate R and a prescribed distortion level Δ was determined by Wyner and Ziv. In this paper, we study the error probability of decoding for pairs of ( R , Δ ) outside the rate distortion region. We evaluate the probability of decoding such that the estimation of source outputs by the decoder has a distortion not exceeding a prescribed distortion level Δ . We prove that, when ( R , Δ ) is outside the rate distortion region, this probability goes to zero exponentially and derive an explicit lower bound of this exponent function. On the Wyner–Ziv source coding problem the strong converse coding theorem has not been established yet. We prove this as a simple corollary of our result