1,132 research outputs found

    Semi-Global Exponential Stability of Augmented Primal-Dual Gradient Dynamics for Constrained Convex Optimization

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    Primal-dual gradient dynamics that find saddle points of a Lagrangian have been widely employed for handling constrained optimization problems. Building on existing methods, we extend the augmented primal-dual gradient dynamics (Aug-PDGD) to incorporate general convex and nonlinear inequality constraints, and we establish its semi-global exponential stability when the objective function is strongly convex. We also provide an example of a strongly convex quadratic program of which the Aug-PDGD fails to achieve global exponential stability. Numerical simulation also suggests that the exponential convergence rate could depend on the initial distance to the KKT point

    Linear Convergence of Primal-Dual Gradient Methods and their Performance in Distributed Optimization

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    In this work, we revisit a classical incremental implementation of the primal-descent dual-ascent gradient method used for the solution of equality constrained optimization problems. We provide a short proof that establishes the linear (exponential) convergence of the algorithm for smooth strongly-convex cost functions and study its relation to the non-incremental implementation. We also study the effect of the augmented Lagrangian penalty term on the performance of distributed optimization algorithms for the minimization of aggregate cost functions over multi-agent networks

    Transformed Primal-Dual Methods For Nonlinear Saddle Point Systems

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    A transformed primal-dual (TPD) flow is developed for a class of nonlinear smooth saddle point system. The flow for the dual variable contains a Schur complement which is strongly convex. Exponential stability of the saddle point is obtained by showing the strong Lyapunov property. Several TPD iterations are derived by implicit Euler, explicit Euler, and implicit-explicit methods of the TPD flow. Generalized to the symmetric TPD iterations, linear convergence rate is preserved for convex-concave saddle point systems under assumptions that the regularized functions are strongly convex. The effectiveness of augmented Lagrangian methods can be explained as a regularization of the non-strongly convexity and a preconditioning for the Schur complement. The algorithm and convergence analysis depends crucially on appropriate inner products of the spaces for the primal variable and dual variable. A clear convergence analysis with nonlinear inexact inner solvers is also developed
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