6 research outputs found

    Exponential Domination in Subcubic Graphs

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    As a natural variant of domination in graphs, Dankelmann et al. [Domination with exponential decay, Discrete Math. 309 (2009) 5877-5883] introduce exponential domination, where vertices are considered to have some dominating power that decreases exponentially with the distance, and the dominated vertices have to accumulate a sufficient amount of this power emanating from the dominating vertices. More precisely, if SS is a set of vertices of a graph GG, then SS is an exponential dominating set of GG if vS(12)dist(G,S)(u,v)11\sum\limits_{v\in S}\left(\frac{1}{2}\right)^{{\rm dist}_{(G,S)}(u,v)-1}\geq 1 for every vertex uu in V(G)SV(G)\setminus S, where dist(G,S)(u,v){\rm dist}_{(G,S)}(u,v) is the distance between uV(G)Su\in V(G)\setminus S and vSv\in S in the graph G(S{v})G-(S\setminus \{ v\}). The exponential domination number γe(G)\gamma_e(G) of GG is the minimum order of an exponential dominating set of GG. In the present paper we study exponential domination in subcubic graphs. Our results are as follows: If GG is a connected subcubic graph of order n(G)n(G), then n(G)6log2(n(G)+2)+4γe(G)13(n(G)+2).\frac{n(G)}{6\log_2(n(G)+2)+4}\leq \gamma_e(G)\leq \frac{1}{3}(n(G)+2). For every ϵ>0\epsilon>0, there is some gg such that γe(G)ϵn(G)\gamma_e(G)\leq \epsilon n(G) for every cubic graph GG of girth at least gg. For every 0<α<23ln(2)0<\alpha<\frac{2}{3\ln(2)}, there are infinitely many cubic graphs GG with γe(G)3n(G)ln(n(G))α\gamma_e(G)\leq \frac{3n(G)}{\ln(n(G))^{\alpha}}. If TT is a subcubic tree, then γe(T)16(n(T)+2).\gamma_e(T)\geq \frac{1}{6}(n(T)+2). For a given subcubic tree, γe(T)\gamma_e(T) can be determined in polynomial time. The minimum exponential dominating set problem is APX-hard for subcubic graphs

    On exponential domination of graphs

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    Exponential domination in graphs evaluates the influence that a particular vertex exerts on the remaining vertices within a graph. The amount of influence a vertex exerts is measured through an exponential decay formula with a growth factor of one-half. An exponential dominating set consists of vertices who have significant influence on other vertices. In non-porous exponential domination, vertices in an exponential domination set block the influence of each other. Whereas in porous exponential domination, the influence of exponential dominating vertices are not blocked. For a graph G,G, the non-porous and porous exponential domination numbers, denoted γe(G)\gamma_e(G) and γe(G),\gamma_e^*(G), are defined to be the cardinality of the minimum non-porous exponential dominating set and cardinality of the minimum porous exponential dominating set, respectively. This dissertation focuses on determining lower and upper bounds of the non-porous and porous exponential domination number of the King grid Kn,\mathcal{K}_n, Slant grid Sn,\mathcal{S}_n, nn-dimensional hypercube Qn,Q_n, and the general consecutive circulant graph Cn,[].C_{n,[\ell]}. A method to determine the lower bound of the non-porous exponential domination number for any graph is derived. In particular, a lower bound for γe(Qn)\gamma_e^*(Q_n) is found. An upper bound for γe(Qn)\gamma_e^*(Q_n) is established through exploiting distance properties of Qn.Q_n. For any grid graph G,G, linear programming can be incorporated with the lower bound method to determine a general lower bound for γe(G).\gamma_e^*(G). Applying this technique to the grid graphs Kn\mathcal{K}_n and Sn\mathcal{S}_n yields lower bounds for γe(Kn)\gamma_e^*(\mathcal{K}_n) and γe(Sn).\gamma_e^*(\mathcal{S}_n). Upper bound constructions for γe(Kn)\gamma_e^*(\mathcal{K}_n) and γe(Sn)\gamma_e^*(\mathcal{S}_n) are also derived. Finally, it is shown that $\gamma_e(C_{n,[\ell]}) = \gamma_e^*(C_{n,[\ell]}).

    Exponential Independence in Subcubic Graphs

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    A set SS of vertices of a graph GG is exponentially independent if, for every vertex uu in SS, vS{u}(12)dist(G,S)(u,v)1<1,\sum\limits_{v\in S\setminus \{ u\}}\left(\frac{1}{2}\right)^{{\rm dist}_{(G,S)}(u,v)-1}<1, where dist(G,S)(u,v){\rm dist}_{(G,S)}(u,v) is the distance between uu and vv in the graph G(S{u,v})G-(S\setminus \{ u,v\}). The exponential independence number αe(G)\alpha_e(G) of GG is the maximum order of an exponentially independent set in GG. In the present paper we present several bounds on this parameter and highlight some of the many related open problems. In particular, we prove that subcubic graphs of order nn have exponentially independent sets of order Ω(n/log2(n))\Omega(n/\log^2(n)), that the infinite cubic tree has no exponentially independent set of positive density, and that subcubic trees of order nn have exponentially independent sets of order (n+3)/4(n+3)/4